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<br /> <br />__~_1..___.... <br /> <br />'~'-Jl"<b.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3 9 .14"" . - ' - <br />, ',.:w~;l <br /> <br />~J) tJu ~i~Jn ct't.!cLc<! before 'the passage of. this,part shall:,.M~ <br />'-,'hli Il, ~i! I<'I-,_'d, UI' removed to a new 10cat1.on wJ.thoutb~~,:.,<?\~ <br />hi l,)Ilqht intCl ('''mpl l:1!iCI; ~'.i.Lh the requirements of thispart~::"Yf:~ <br /> <br />. .. i)l' <br /> <br />11l<J <br /> <br />(.1) :~\.i :.Willl.lill'l :;1'.111 :;110'111 herc~lftcr 1)1..: erected or hung <br />"ll ur :1I.ldt'i101! tCl .IllY l.ui.ldinq wjthin ti;e MuniciFality, and <br />;,....:vc:: 'i :';llch :-;i'lll ~;L, l'n'ct','d, hllrllJ, or attilc!1(-ul !'rio:- to the, <br />.!'d';:;.I,!,' ~.! !'!.: : :~.II ~ WlllCil lS dcemcd lIn~;af,:.! by the ehi:efbuildinq" <br />:,J n:;pe,;l/_n :';;1,11 1 he imlr.cdL.l.LL:Y r-emoved by the owner thereof; or,:>?" <br />.:hdilljl..:..l Ll) ';lJl1fl)111l wi UI U'll~ n:ljuil-I..:Jrlcnts 01 this part when so ''-:_:~.~-,~: <br />'-'n-d(::-,...:d by till' buildillcJ iIlSpl.'ctOl'. ,', <br /> <br />.' ~'.~. <br />: .,~ <br /> <br />;:~ ~ <br /> <br />.:- <br /> <br />~rc subject to different <br />meet ,tile l-equirements of its"",.,: <br />'-" '. ,', ,<~, );; :~i;ii~l <br /> <br />" ... (6) Each" i gn rO"lI i r ~ng .' permi t sh, 11 havean"iil",;,t:if}i"~~~~ <br />humoer to Le prov 1.ded by the ~nspector, number shal.1 be ",~',:~:_~ <br />;posted on the exterior surface of the sign structu::e in a loca"';\~;':'I' <br />'tion w_herc such infon~.1ti.0n will be readily visible after the;.' - ,(;:S~I <br />';, ~.l Y II 1..s COilS l nJC tcd ..._'......', .',:,) <br />." .,":. <br /> <br />_:," (7) All signs and s 19n structures shall be maintained in ",";,J_,'. <br />.:1_[8 c.;ondition and il~ .:l .st.:lte C'~ gooll repair at all times. <br />N n shall di~play matter that has been deemed obscene ,by a "''''~ <br />. .~: oJ..' competcnt juri~;dic.;tiOIl." , ",_ ;,::..)~:~<;,!; <br /> <br />- (S) \oJher~ [lo:-tiun:; of a ~ign <br />~laS::ilti.::~\-"icln, 0LlCh por"tion shall <br />CL1S.sific\ltioll. <br /> <br />(8) I:;<:IL"II~i(Jn sl1<.111 be <br />\:Inncr p~'n:lil:tl..'d and -';\I!,'j(:ct <br />,unt. Lhe iJI':Cil;tl l;'ICI-l'f('r was <br /> <br />lI~ed .:Ind m.._\ in LI "in the <br />Lu Ljl'~ ~:olld i l ion!j imposed it t the <br /> <br />lJ l'an Led. <br /> <br />~UhdiYt~~-n-~~--"GrOnnd-~~qn~~--N~-9rOcnd-~%gn7_~i9nboard7- '_. <br />I" '- b:t 1- 1: hl..,ttrd - ~ hit l:l: - ~~xee-;'-cF--~'':~e'f.--:t tl- he igMt:. - ~bove- t:.he-avera9'e <br />'round-:l:~v~~-of-t:.h~t:.-PMrt-of-th~-~tr~et-toword_whieh_it:.-faees7 <br />'-or-2M~:I::I:-~tleh-~t:.rtle~tlr~-eXeeed-65-f~e~_in_ien9~h_iineitl~i~~ " <br />he-b~~~-~hereeft-tlni~~~--"-~r~~iDi-pcrmit_~heref~re_hos-be~ri <br />. l"IJ n t'etl-" ~ - h~ r~ i Mtl f tel'"' C" l"tw-t-ded ~ - - t-:vcry-., r.ot1nd- ~ i9n,- 5i9nboard. <br />l" - bi:l::i: hen rd-e :-:ee r~- ~ell\rm rM l"'l' -(, rOllhd - :1itjn~- ~ htt:l: 1: - ho ve'.a-s!,oee <br />f-d~-ieft~t-~-feet-betw"en-~he-+~wer-~dge_thereOf_anci_~he-9ro~nd7 <br />\ 1- e h -:1 lH1ee -:1 hrl 1: 1, - nnt - ~,.- - t.' 1-/:' :1'~ ~l- 1-,,- it r,y- m~ "fie r 0;- <br /> <br /> <br />S\lbd:i- "':t,!i :tIHI-:3 -;---!:ir,eei:rl t- PI! 1:'1tI-t" "'1-;- - -Cf'he-t_'I'ltlh~*1-ltIaY-9~an4:!-a <br />I~e:!: ct :t - rlt~ rIM-t t - fa t' -- d - ;'-t'h'1tii:r..:;-:;-;, ",--= ;-;tf M },")f1l."d 7 - e l." - bi ~ 1 bea~d _ e)(- <br />'ed :t:tl'J -- b ~ - fe~t:: -:i H- :I:l~tl'J to h7 - htl ~ -eM:i:Y-:t t - i~- f tHtl~- eRae- sueh <br />~Hett1re-i~t-wi:l::I:-Mu~-~e-+i~h~~d-~r--ti:l::HltltMR~e~_in_sueh-a-manfte~ <br />- to-e rea b- -a -t"tlbl i:e - Mtlt Br1Mee 7' - of ~ t -wi::t 1: - be., ::teea t!ed-eH-ee1l\1fte~e:i:a~ <br />- i nd t1:-:t t: r i (\.;. - C"l'"ore rt y - t\Nrl-1I t. - 1- ~t1 ~ t:- ~ -I A- fee t: - f l."e~- the _ s ~!:'eet: <br />-h:ttj HWCt y --wh i:eh - i: !j- t II t!~. "'I f - -i ~ } - W t t + - ht-. to: - hF! - fftet~Id-t:ewa rtl-aRY-l'ee- <br />::" /'H;~ ~ -0 r-- I'"t" ~:i dt~r1 ~ in:1 - fl"(~~~ rt y -IHIr! - Wt ! 1- -tt"t - he - wi to M i n- ~ 00- feet: <br />- IH, Y - f' ~ :1 t d e t\ C i f1 1, - r t" tl !' t" I'" tie ~ 7 .. -f .. t - W 1: t 1- - " " t - tI ,., d t1 ~ Y _ 0 b tt t:. r tI e e <br />1.- . ''t: t: Y-t")f -ne i'lhhor' t/'Hl- rH'Ot\~ l"t:.:t t::17' - of ~t -wi t t -n~t:-6dver5eiy <br />: ~ M~ - VI1 +. t1~~ - ~f -any - I1d:; Ile~n C - !"rtl!,~ l" t: yo;- <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />