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<br />it Jll'(ljt'~:1. iJc'/IJnd 1I1(! I'd,!(' of sdid roof HI 'Iny direction, For
<br />L1w IlllJ.ll(.)~;l!S III U:i:; :;u~)divil;ioll, lirjhts allucood to thc,sign
<br />:;1111("1111'.,' d:ld li'iliL~; .a I. IdCh<:r.l I'() lhl~ i)\1i ldi.ng and beamed'
<br />luwilnl th,~ sitjll :;L/'I.1<:1 IH-C' ~h.:lll l.Je considered part of the sign
<br />
<br />I-'t"
<br />
<br />~;( J"lwllll"t'.
<br />
<br />~
<br />-
<br />
<br />"'!~~'''...
<br />
<br />(.1) T!le il1.1 i J d 1l1q OJ S Ln;ctui-0. UpO/1 which such sign is
<br />plac(::Li, .1/1(~ <ll J i1 L Lachlnen ts (J 1- fastening s mus t be so construct'ed
<br />.:\~ to ~dJt'ly le:~j:;L LjlL' dead l.J':lU and the wind load added by the
<br />attached ::..ign, ':Hi l ~;i :~uch u m.-HIn0 J,- as not to cause damage' to '
<br />the }JU1IJin<J Or st.rlicllll-t' on which ~uch sign is placed.
<br />
<br />~l
<br />
<br />J
<br />(2) EVl!l'Y Such f;j~J/) ~;h.:1l1 be Oil 1;(>)" rn'>t~l, :::::::..1 C.LQU, '/:"
<br />i n'~'(-':::l ',:~;:" i:Jlo..:, lJI '<..:/1 \-11 l.'(' 01,- l,;,,~n me tal E;i<jn, except tha t such
<br />"i,)'l 10" l' have J e tt ers, [i ,,'nO" , characters, or borders 0:: wood . I!'"
<br />if s ,'c h bot <J",." de "" l .' xcce" f ou r i nc hcs i n wid th, and such ,
<br />'.. t;
<br />wOuuen letter~i, fi9un~s or characters do not COver more than. >,
<br />25'~ '-)[ the ar<.:.:..a of ~u<.::h !; i.<)n, provic.::ed that in place of sheet }
<br />motal, substituti.on m.-I)' Ix: !~.1dc of Lite following materials; I
<br />lClnPore<J presse<J woo<J 0,' Olher simiJar materials approved by, . .!~
<br />
<br />
<br />~~;e b;:fU'~:: s ::::0:::: ;.,~~~:; ~:,> e~:":l~'::'~o:: i:: ::e::ri: t::::th "';',1, .~,~,:~,
<br />
<br />passage of person from ,lIe part of tho roof to another'. r~
<br />, }'j;
<br />(f
<br />. t~;:~
<br />
<br />.r~
<br />
<br />,-'
<br />
<br />(~i) ,hl 1"('..)J :;:qll ;;jj,dl be Ill<)lc thall 65 feet in lengthilor
<br />: .:.-I! J. j l t;:;.;tL';,d J:iUj\~ I lid!! 25 f<.:ct:rl)()VC tlle: sllrface of the roof
<br />Ul t:!;c., !)lJi Idiny un \vh.l(:il it is IIJCdt('d. No roof sign shall
<br />":,;Lt'Jld : 'I,' til.l:: ,I') :"'('1. .-11)( ve till~ .J'v'cr'-lljt; Yl'ound level of that
<br />IX.lI,:l ",' tJlt' :,;I/""l. l.IIW,II"d which it face:;.
<br />
<br />.:;'
<br />
<br />~;,.1bdj.~-t:1:ten-::i:.;-;- ;>IIJuiv ision, -,.
<br />~_I"lll! J;~~_:; ;i.:.,i /~_' Tj If' f n 1.1 O-,.:;;i,j;(J-.s-L~':ll:-ds
<br />al J. \-I;il.1 ,~ i.gn" :
<br />
<br />Wall Si9n~; Construction
<br />shalf"be liiaintained for
<br />
<br />'.. ;.
<br />
<br />(1) l'JO \....:1] ::j '-i;1 :;!J.Il] hdv(.' .1 ~~":ujl~cL ion over u private
<br />sidewalk or ~In e~;:"dl;llShcd bu~ldinlJ j,ine of l/lore than ,j,,2 inches.
<br />
<br />...!~
<br />;
<br />
<br />L') TllQ r::dtC'l"l.:tL;, ':UIl~;t.lucL1."I'. anu <ltl.:..achmcnt of any
<br />:,;u'~h ~~<Jll S:ldi.1 1Il,!t.'l Lll\~ ~.~llIlC stund':trd:; und requirements as
<br />roof ~i(Jn:;"
<br />
<br />",
<br />
<br />~;:I:-'dtV!:--"("n__j~.;- :;Ill~~!_~_:~:..i._~~i~!~~ !':"'~~~:::E.~__':~~_ 'l'emporarl,
<br />Si~ln~;. Till' followi.n'J :;l':ln.:]i1nl~ sllttlllJc maintained for all
<br />i);I"/:':-l:i-~; .:..and lL';II!'OI-dry Si~"IS:
<br />
<br />-
<br />
<br />..-: .
<br />
<br />(1) 'l\''''il'-J!'dlY ~;:'''I:; ,Ind Ldnrl<'r:; dLLuched lo any building
<br />dlld ~:":l:;tnjl:l<'d '..'! C.,ti"JoI:;, pJdSt.1C: mlltericll, cloth or other
<br />,:OIlIl11I:;tliJh' I:;.:! 1'11.11 Witil ()I- \-li~,huut fl.-dllll:Wurk, shall be strongly'
<br />CUll:,!: I"llcL,'d .Ind :;/id I.l Ill' :;C{:lll"cly ,1Lldched to their sUPPorts.
<br />'J'/Il'y' ::lldl.l DC: J"(';:IO'Jt.'ll (llll:lUc.lln'J <11.1 Ir'-'I:ICwork and Supports) as
<br />:~"I)II ..:; '1.1!lI.'I<I.',j tJ/" I {)I'II 0111" I n 11~, Col~;(' 1.-11..'1' L;I.:l1l :jO da:/s ufter
<br />.! 1'ec I. I I,ll I .
<br />
<br />, '.
<br />. .. ~
<br />
<br />":;..
<br />
<br />.,.j
<br />