<br />
<br />;subdivision 4. In the event of a p~rmanent transfer to,the
<br />fund" balance of the General Fund the authori2: ing resolution shall
<br />state the amc'wt of t.h~ tra:1sf~r ann shall indicate whether said
<br />transfer is designated for the cash flow reserve or the 'reserve
<br />.r contingencies.
<br />
<br />, , " 27.05 A"l\me~dmen t 0i- p-cpr.a 1
<br />
<br />
<br />.. coun;~lo~h i~e ~~~~~~ ~~~~; y a .;e:~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~e~~e~:e~~t ~~: ;ev"rit::;'>"~;~;;''{~
<br />
<br />of repeal, monips accumulat~d in the Fund shall be depo~ited in
<br />the ~Gene;:-nl Fund with the resolution authorizing repeal speci-'
<br />fyirlg lhe purpose(s) for ~hich th~ fundc ~uuld be expended.
<br />
<br />21.04 ~of Funds
<br />
<br />"e Subdivision 1. Upon tho adoption of a resolution by 4/5 of
<br />entire council, monie9 of the fund may be used for the
<br />,~ po~es slated in Section II above. In the event of an irtterest
<br />beariog loan the resolution authorizing said lo~n shall~tate the
<br />__amount of the loan, its purpose, term, interest rat~, and method
<br />of repayment.
<br />
<br />Subdivision 2. In the event of the purchas~ of oqulpmantor
<br />th~ financing of ~apital improvement projects, the authorizing
<br />resolution shall state the amount of the purchase o~ financing,
<br />~h=ll; ~')nl:~in a description of the equipment or project, ,and
<br />shall' designate the fund tG ,.;hid'l thp monies arE' to be
<br />t rans:fered.
<br />
<br />Subdivision 3. In the event of emergency repairs the
<br />authorizing r~301~tinn shall state the nature of the repairs, the
<br />amount needed for said repairs a:1d shall designate the fund to
<br />which the monie~ are to be lransfe~r~rl. The authorizing
<br />~esoIution shall also ~tate that monin3 for said emerg~"cy
<br />repairs had not previously been burlgeted and that sufficient
<br />monies are not available from other sources to finance saiG
<br />", emergency r~pa i rs
<br />
<br />'~.:,~.. . ,
<br />".~~~~.
<br />
<br />-f:~Read by the council of the City of Mounds view on the 23rd
<br />..day_!of,;January, 1984. --
<br />
<br />Read and passed by the council of the city of Mound~View
<br />t:his'13th day of :February , 1984.
<br />
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