<br />
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<br />.
<br />
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<br />
<br />ORDINANCE )92
<br />P r\G E '1'\-:0,
<br />
<br />desiqnation or. the official books ilnd rpcords of th~ City and
<br />shall i\nnually adjugt: this uesiqnation so that it equals one-
<br />i1.l1f ot the sum :)f t!w ensuinq Yl'.lrfi' budo(,.ted General Fund
<br />"rol"_~rty tel=< l(,oJY, .lnd anticIpated local ClOV0rnmlC'nt aids.
<br />
<br />SubdivU;iolO 2. There jis hereby dcsiqnated for Contin-
<br /><Jt'llcies :;:7<),1) 3D of the FUl"\d Balance of the Gt'neral Fund. The
<br />Clerk-AdmInistrator ilnd Finance Dir~ctor-Treasurer shall main-
<br />tdin t:1i~ GC'si1jnatiG:: C:-. t.hc cffiC"ial t.oo~~s arlJ rct:ords of thl:
<br />City and Shilll annually adjust this designation so that,it
<br />equals 10, perccr.t of thL~ sum of the-ensuing years' General,
<br />Fund Expendi~ur(' BudG~t.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />St:LdL.,;.i::;i.::m ,i. ':':ll'I".': ,is h':'l'-:.:by designatl~d for Compensated
<br />Absences S72,8H3 of t_h'~ j'und relIance of t.;IC Groneral F..lIld. The
<br />Clerk-Administrator and Finance uirec!"or-Treasurer shall
<br />Ti'ldintain this c.h'siql1.lt"lon 0:1 !:he offic:al books <lnd records
<br />of th(-" (~it:p .~!nd. sh-:l1 ~1=lnua'~':J" .Jdjust this design.3tion '";0 t]..at
<br />:..t eql1111s tl1C sum of the. a::cumulated vacation leave of all
<br />t.:mployt:"e~~ ('~rh nccemb"r 31 st and the sum of the accumulated
<br />sick le~ve of ~ffi~]oyecs en~i~led to such for severance pay,
<br />f,ursuant tv provisions of Chapter 6 of the r-:l1ni~ipai Code,
<br />upon termi n<1 t ion f) f thl"':, r employment calc~ I ated each December
<br />31st. ~
<br />
<br />'.'- ,
<br />
<br />SulJdi v is ion 4. There is hereby designated for Committed'"
<br />COntl"clcts S13,957 of the Fund Balance oftheG(meral'Fund~, , ",
<br />"'The Clerk,-Adnd n istra tor and Pi ;l.lnCe Dir,'~ctor..,Treasurer"shall>'::'>'::
<br />,maint.::.in this desiqnationor. the officiill. bookfi," and records,,:'",',,'''''
<br />":of the City and sha 11 an:lUa ll.y':ddjust thi~ designation:so": t:hati\ , '
<br />l.t equals the sum of the r,cYl..:'r31 Fur-d's Committed Contra,cts':,'
<br />~s of ncc~mbcr 31st.
<br />
<br />, I
<br />~ 8 . 0 j ~~~~~~_?, f_!~~_~_~ :; :1<1 t i 0 !:,,~
<br />
<br />Subdivision 1. In the event that s~ffici~nt undesign~ted
<br />Fund B~lance docs not exist!to permit the designation per
<br />S('ction 7.8.02 above, d(':~iq;I,hti0ns shiil1 f:.(' rna-ie in the follow-
<br />1 n q n r d c\ r. tot r H ' C x t L~ n t. r ~ ~ ~ i 1) 1 c .
<br />
<br />;k'~.ilJllcltt'd for Committi:'d C0ntrac':s
<br />nf." S . 'J n :'~ '': ed f (' r (~'t)!~p~..:' r~ ~:: ~~ t. cd ^l):-: C;"'i,';'~::-,
<br />[) ('~, i q tl il t e d :- c: , CIS h F 1.1:>.....
<br />[J,",,;j'Jn:ltcd fe,r C()nt.inqclli"i~'~
<br />
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<br />