<br />•
<br />A~ ~
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<br />i-ec~ncy `v V' Licpnnir.~ ±~t7d 17e~lnt itf~ ~e:ce il'arkR, pro-
<br />hibitia}~ tre C"~6r~.ti~,T, of'•dPC~ Tr~Ckfi ~'ri!+as s+ Lieerae
<br />3f: _ ?een Pro»ured t:=er-~xar: ~;atet3iah#r.~ ic'Qre for th4
<br />i.^~t'1tt,AC@ of :Sni, Li~ea$Pe~
<br />... ~... l-.k.
<br />• i fw '
<br />,r,: ~a~:t..: won. f.rnnfre ti~.4~- .:assn ~r'j R^C ~P-ii1F" t'$t"~`it ~ `~-~ iY` ~'.^riCltB t0!si
<br />.., _ '
<br />8ti'if'1E R•••i 7:~.:.^F'RS ,I.. i~A[!oT3~ t!~ .' ~ ~~-ct="O'',o11t^n firw~6 of tk'!°
<br />.._._; ~K~ ~ ~s: iii r...±p t.rrni~s attr^Ct l:t"."s:'e ..ru~D'•r8 ~' n.tltaC:G~iiC'~ la;j.Z r: p;Tcn~r
<br />ny.;~ber o:' ~eopla, an•i ttz~-re'c,• cre~.te ~ bur3er. »non thA trafSie
<br />in LhP iw-:c~ipte x: ea i.n w?~ich ss~i3 race tr>~ck is loc~tei, auk
<br />':~~t :A~. beca~a:;e of the ~ trerin~ o: lr~rre ~oupa of people nt these rice
<br />tracks it ie Advisr~bleY e.nd ne.cer~sary that c~rtRi.n vrecautioae
<br />b~± tnken far t?:P sceR~ir.~- a` the puce, a.nd
<br />'rn:.ii:~r.S, it is 'g.ir-~-~~ t2•~t ;,;-.e :; .-,=.:.t'!on of sai:? rnc~ tr^cya in this
<br />township should bP re~;u' ate•', And cants~o? ? e3,
<br />'r0'4, :.?i~FflF~, B" :T ORDAI3zr'"~ b;: t~:e ~oMn :•~oerd of ~i~ervisor$ ^: the
<br />:awnshi~a of E=otuuis View. h?mosey Ca~:ni~, kin^daota:
<br />Section 1. Fran a.n;i. after the ~.og=ege oP Lis ordir~nce it shall be tui- ~:.~'
<br />lawful for any oersan, Firm, or c:.i•r~o:•°tion to ^.orstri~ct, inat>317., oaerRte :::.:;
<br />or r~airtpin a. snesdrrhy nr racetrack within the limits of this to~+nghi~~ ....-.
<br />witrout hPVirg first aPCUred :rom thr gor.•n ':~oar3 a license !o do so. A ~~ .''::
<br />speed~~+r.y or rAr..e track is 'r..::Eb,a ~~`ii:ed *_^ ~•e r:;y place or plot of ground
<br />~.~int=•i.^en !'or :ire or r.~~in ~'itri t?~-~ -:rinci*~~1 T~iYvose of providing cause-. ..,
<br />t' -"~bli tr. _~' .,c~ 4 1.` .al~iclee or •,riWa_ls of
<br />Went .:::' ~i.^:sio :; ::e c ro~~:.: r.
<br />•:_;; ty~,F orne~cription tarat2=Fr with fl?. st-rce an..d concession2s 1o~teA
<br />or Orerr~cin~° i,`i.~~:riti.
<br />S~setion A~anlicats.an rnr such: liceraP4 wnpii l+r. ~t+~iti to '.;:a Clerk oS t::e
<br />Town Ro+'rd, r.nd sRid arr,ylicption stt3ll b<- ~'e:rrrm ';:y the Clerk to thA
<br />.own Ho-.r~' nt ;'~~ ;:F~st reC--ulnr a:eetin. of t*,a toy+!Y bo's•~i, Tits To~~zi Ronrd
<br />22:r+?I. ~~t't~r ei:r}- i::ee~ti~:':.ion rrc~ re^rinF Rs !t :°-r;~ ~iee.,n r.+~cecsars, :
<br />~;ro~A or iiaan-±ruvo thr !a^5a.^.:r_r~ o. "~ 1lCr:~lsP-.
<br />Tf tr.p tom bo~rcl "~'Tn9PB s.!•p ie'u:•nra oi` t);r L;. ,..^e, •*~^ -~;+ticant
<br />Fi^r11 Fi?P '••i*_h ~r~ C1PrY n ~-:r~t;. ~-n^' F^ `'~~ r,~^t~nt of Sl,^~n, conditioned
<br />t,rnt trr rrca trACk ar apeed++rYyr ,.lit ~p ^~:n•i±:sled n~ rPqufred tv thy! levee
<br />o: t'r.r~ _>t~~~e of 3:i.•;r,r...:at~ r+r.~ pry -. tic*~btA or~lnr^.cc~~ ar rP°olutiont~ of i -~
<br />i
<br />:... .. .... ....... _._. .... ........... ....:.. ,. ........s ..... ,.,
<br />•~.
<br />1.
<br />