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<br />ORDINANCE NO. 582 <br />,CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />" ,CO~NJYOF RAMl;E,Y <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA' '., '," <br />AN OAIJINANCE.f!ELATINGTO <br />,INTOXIOATINGLIQUORLICENSES AND <br />'C A'MENDINO.CHAPTER,502.SECTlON <br />502.04; .SUBQIViSION2 OF THE' MOUN,DS <br />, VIEW MUNicIPAL CODE ' <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTIO,,!, 1. Section 502.04, Subdivision 2, <br />of the Mounds View Municipal Code is <br />amended to read: ' <br />Subd. 2, Plac\!!s Ineligible for License: <br />a. No license shall be issued to a drugstore <br />until it has operated continuously for two (2) <br />years prior to the application. <br />b, No license shall be granted for operation <br />on any premises, on which taxes, <br />assessments, utility bills or other financial <br />claims of the municipality are delinquent or <br />unpaid. <br />c, Nolioense shall be granted for any <br />premises within five hundred feet (500') of <br />the property line of any school or church in <br />Mounds View except that the 500' restriction <br />shall not apply and a license may be granted <br />fQr aRY pre~i68.8 _v'ltllliA f_itij', f8st (BO') 81'tl=l8 <br />prspeFty liAS sf i:lAY89R881 sr 9RwrsR "if tRS <br />f.iFSpeltf liRe 9ftR~ 1l9BRB8&r prSFAiS98 awls <br />I-Ilflt:lu'ay 1Q BellA'BaA beRg baits Retia aAB <br />iW'8r~BIt8' Jit8S&t,"::l.tAIFl t~9 .tl:le ~itY8f <br />tAillR86 "li'\1 any licensed oremises that <br />reoeiV$s'at" least sixty peroent (60%) 'of its <br />annual aross sales revenue from the sale of <br />food. The licensee must provide evidence to <br />the City on an annual Qasis liS P<lrt of the <br />license (\!!!1ewal process that the I!censee has <br />oomplied With' t~e mli1imum sixty percent <br />(60%lfood lilalfilsreauireltlent oUhis section. <br />,Failure tl;i cOl)1piy with' the minimum sl~ty <br />perceht {60%\ foo(1 sales requirement of this <br />secHon shall because for susoension. <br />revoc~tiQn 9r d'ilnial of. renewal of this <br />'~ ' <br />d.'N6Iicense shaH be issued for any <br />premises ow,nedby a Person to whom a <br />.Iloense may not be granted under this <br />Chapter of an owner who isa mlnor,'alien or <br />a person who has been convicted of a crime <br />other thana NiolatioYl of the Minnesota <br />Statutes 34Q.Ot,to 340.40. " <br />e. No liceh.seshall be granted fOr any <br />place, except an exclusive liquor store, ,for <br />which a license of~nother class has bee.n <br />granted under thill Chapter (1988 Coclp <br />10Q.07). ' " ,',,' 'v <br />Read by the City Council of the City of <br />Mounds View this 13th day of May, 1996. <br />Read and, passlild by the yity .council of <br />Mounds View this 28th day of May, 1996, <br />(SEAL) - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. (ATTESn <br /> <br />Isf J,erome W. Linke <br />. 'Mayor <br /> <br />Isl Chuck Whiting <br />City Administrator <br /> <br />(Bulletin: June 5, 1996) <br /> <br />. <br />