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<br />ORDINANCE NO. 585 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />I <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SIGN <br />VARIANCES AND AMENDING THE <br />MOUNDS VIEW MUNICIPAL CODE BY <br />ADDING ANEW SECTION 1008.11," <br />ENTITLED, "VARIANCES'~ AND ANEW <br />,. SECTION 1008.08 Subcl. 21. ENTITLED <br />"R.S MOBILE HOME DI~TRICT" <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: , <br />SECTION 1. TITLE 1008, of the Mounds! <br />View Municipal Code entitled "SIGNS AND <br />BillBOARDS" ~s amended by adding a new <br />Section 1008.11 to read: <br />~ Criteria for orantino'variances: <br />A variance to the orovisions of Section <br />1008 mav be issued by the Board of <br />Adiustment and Aooeals to orovide relief to ' <br />the landowner in those cases where the. <br />Code imposes undue hardshio or oractical ' <br />difficulties to the orooertv owner A variance <br />mav be oranted in the event the followinll <br />circumstances exist. <br />JL. Exceotional or extraordinarv circum- <br />stances aoolv to the orooertv which do not <br />aoolv oenerallv to other prooerties in the <br />same zone or vicinity and result from lot size <br />or shaoe tooooraohv or other circumstances <br />over which the owners of the orooertv since <br />the effective date hereof had no control. <br />b... The literal interoretation ofthe orovisions <br />of this Title would deorive the aoolicant of <br />riohts Commonlv enioved by other orooerties <br />in the same district under the terms of this <br />~ <br />Q,. That the soecial conditions or circum- <br />. stances do not result from the actions of the <br />~ <br />!l That qrantino the variance reouested will <br />, not confer on the aoolicant anv soecial <br />; "privilege that is denied bv this Title to owners <br />{ rind reo u. di . <br /> <br />': ....,,'..:-,~,'~f, <br /> <br />1."" ~ That the variance requested' is the <br />. minimum variance which would alleviate the <br />~ <br />t The variance would not be materially <br />detrimental to the ouroose of this litle or to <br />_ other prooerty in the same zone. <br />g.. Circumstances under which the literal <br />interoretation of the orovisions of this litle <br />create an undue hardshio on the aoolicant <br />Economic hardshio may be a circumstance <br />for issuance of a variance: <br />~ Variance reouests fees All <br />reouests shall be made in writino on the form <br />orovided bv the city and the reouest shall <br />include the fee soecified in the City's Fee <br />Charqes All information required when <br />aoolvino for a sion oermit as outlined in <br />'.' Section 1008.03 shall be reouired before the <br />" reouest for a variance is considered <br />"SECTION 2. -TITLE 1008. of the Mounds <br />:''"'iliew Municloal Code entitled "SIGNS AND <br />BillBOARDS" is amended by addinoa new <br />, Section 1008.08 Subd. 1. to read: <br />a. R-1, Single-Family Residential District: <br />(1) A name on residential property stating <br />only the name or address of the occupant not <br />. exceeding two (2) 'square feet in size. <br />(2) A si9n not exceeding ten, (1 0) square <br />feet ,in area' pertaining only to the sale, rental <br />or leasing of the premises upon which <br />displayed. _ n.___' _.. __.__~ . <br />',c..(3) A sign, as allowed in subdivision <br />w1106.03(3) of this Code, pertaining to home <br />",;occupations. . <br />(4) Signs as allowed in subdivision 11 of <br />": . this Section. <br />, b. R-2 Single- and Two-Family Residential <br />, , District signs as allowed in subdivision 2a <br />, 'hereof. <br />, c. R-3 Medium Density Residential District: <br />$igns as allowed in subdivision 2a hereof. <br />d. R-4 High Density Residential District: , <br />'(1) Signs as allowed in subdivision 2a <br />hereof. <br />(2) Direction signs for, office, fllodel, <br />'apartments, etc., locations not exceeding five <br />(5) square feet. <br />e., R-O Residential-Office District: Signs as <br />" allowed in subdivision 2d hereof. <br />f. B-1 Neighborhood Business District: <br />(1) Signs not exceeding one hundred (100) <br />"square feet total area combined. This <br />includes all types of permanent signs, as <br />defined in Section 1008.01 of this Chapter. <br />(2) Temporary signs, as allowed in <br />subdivision ge of this Section. <br />g. B-2 Limited Business District: <br />(1) Signs not exceeding one hundred (100) <br />, square feet per business occupant. This <br />,includes all types of permanent signs, as <br />.' defined in Section 1008.01 of this Chapter. <br />t (2) Temporary signs, as allowed in, <br />'I; subdivision ge of this Section. <br />~(, h. B-3 Highway Business District: Signs as <br />if; allowed in subdivision 2g hereof. , <br />5:'" i. B-4 Regional Business District: Signs as <br />:allOwedin subdivision 2g hereof. <br />, j. 1-1 Light Industrial District: Signs as <br />: allowed in subdivision 2ghereof. ' <br />k. Other Signs As Allowed in Certain <br />:.i-Districts: B-3 Highway Business District, B-4 <br />"Regional Business District and 1-1 Light <br />Industrial District may have, besides the one <br />UlUndred (100) square feet signage per <br />:':business occupant, one general pedestal <br />,;r"gn not e~ceeding three hundred forty (340) . <br /><square feet. Only one pedestal sign is <br />";,allowed per property. <br />,;. 'h R-5 Mobile Home District: Sions as <br />,'allowed in subdivision 2d hereof excludinll <br />,subd ' 2al21 of this Section relatin9 to <br />liallowable siona!1e. <br />lt~ This ordinance is effective thirty <br />'-~Ol davs after oublication <br />'. Read bv the Citv Council of the City of <br />. Mounds View this 24th dav of June 19911 <br />Read and oassed bv the City Council of <br />; Mounds VieW'this 15th dav of Julv. 1996. <br />:~ <br /> <br />;mur <br /> <br />/8/ Jerrv Linke <br />Milcm: <br /> <br />/8/ Chuck Whltln9 <br />, City Clerk.Admlnlstrator <br />(Bulletin: Aug. 14, 1996) , <br /> <br />~-. <br /> <br />./ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />. <br />