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<br />ORDINANCE NO.. 587 <br />'IJ~CtTY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />,). ' dOUN'TV OF RAMSEY.. <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA. <br />~ ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1100 <br />: OF THE MOUNDS VlEVli'ZONING CODE <br />(fj'BY APDING A NEW CHAPTER 1128 <br />ESTASJ.lSHING A 180 DAY MORATORIUM <br />. 'ON NEW USE, DEVELOPMENT OR <br />CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL <br />- WfFU!LESS TELECOMMUNICATION <br />SER,VlCES WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />. . MOUNDS VIEW <br />THE City OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. litle 1100 of the Mounds View <br />2;Qning, COde. Is all1endedby adding a new <br />Chapter 1126 to read: . <br />'Subd. 1.'AUTHORITY This Section is <br />~pted Dursuantto the authoritY aranted to <br />the City in Minnesota Statutes. Section <br />'462.335. Subdivision 4. entitled -Interim <br />Ordinance." <br />Subd ? PURPOSE .'1:he City of. MOl/nlls <br /> <br />~~~C:~~~~~:~~d~~;~r~~: <br /> <br />thmu9hits Zonln9 Code The Mounds View <br /> <br />~~:'e~i~o Ct~~~~~~~~rii~~~ ~~~I~~~~~~h~ <br /> <br />~tablishmertt of new use. develooment or <br /> <br />l;r~~i~:t~~!~:~:~i~~J~~~:~:;~ <br /> <br />al)d Antllnnas for cellularoersonal <br />qgmmunication services IPCS) silecialized <br /> <br />~~:::~: ~~~I~ 1~~~Rf."=i~ :=~~:= <br /> <br />services marketed to the Dublic within the <br />CiW Market demand raoidadvances in <br />t~hl1oloQY' and exosndino federal licensure <br />ot'radio freouencies has resultec;l in the <br />inereasedreouests to locate Tower and <br />~ennas within the City: and that trend can <br />Ill! exoected to accelerate in the reasonably. <br />f6118seeable future The City Council is <br />cgOcerned that there is a I~ck. of controls ~ <br /> <br />~~i~g '~~J~:~~ea~a:~~~~4e:~~t~~" <br /> <br />alldress issues related to these Towers and <br /> <br />Antennas such as the anprooriate locations <br />for the Towers and Antennas and the <br />conditions under which they m~ be allowed <br />within the City Includlna structural and <br />construction reouirements. co-location. <br />setbacks and heiQht limitations. The City has <br />received inouiries from comoanies desirino to <br />construct Towers and Antennas and other <br />facilities In the City. The City COuncil finds <br />that it is necessarY to conduct studies to <br />determine If there is a need to anlend the <br />CitY's Zonino Code or its comDrehensive olan <br />relatino to Towers and Antennas and if so to <br />adoot the aoorooriate amendments The City <br />Council finds that there's a need to adopt <br />Interim measures for the ouroose of <br />establishinll an orderlv olannino Drocess and <br />'dr'dtel:tlrfa the health safety and welfare of its <br />citizens reaardino such matters <br />~ MORATORIUM. A moratorium on <br />the nilw use develooment or conwuction of <br />Towers and Antennas within the Qity is <br />established. Durino the term of the <br />moratorium no aODlication for final site and <br />buildino plan aooroval buildin9 oermits and <br />other oermits and anorovals related to such <br />towers shall be 8CCeDted by the Cltv Neither <br />the PlanninoCommission nor the CiW <br />Council shall consider or orant aooroval 9f <br />any aoollcatiori of such work No buildino <br />Dermits fur such work s~all be issued fur the. <br />develoonient or construction of Towers and <br />Antennas within the City For the DUmoseS of <br />the moratorium the term Towers and" <br />Antennas shall include any Dole. .soire. <br />structure or combinatioQ thereof inrnlidinll <br />sLillQilrtJno lines ~bles wires . braces. and. <br />masts intEinded Drimarilll fof the OUrrlOse of <br />mountino Towers'and Antennas or similar <br />aooaratus above grade for the Duroose of <br />orovidinll commereial wireless telecommun- <br />ication services to the public' The mora~ori\!Q1 <br />shall not aooly to la) the VllI? of existjpQ'water <br />towers in the city DrIb). TO)Ners and <br />Antennas work that ~as recelVlild . all <br />nBcessarv permits and aDorqval tram the CItv. <br />oriorto the effective date of this ordinance. <br />~ EXPIRATION. Unless earlier <br />re.pealed or modified by the City Council. this <br />ordinance shall remain in effect for one <br />hundred eiohtv (180). days from effective <br />lImi. ". <br />SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. Ib.ii <br />ordinance Is effective 30 days after its <br />publication <br />Read by the City Council of the City of <br />MOlinqs View on .!llbL2i..1l'196. <br />Read ilnd passed by the City Council of .the <br />City of Mounds View this 12111 day of ~ <br />1996. <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />/at Jerome W. Unke <br />Mayor <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />/at Chuck Whiting <br />CItyClerk-AcImlnlstretor <br />(Bulletin: Aug. 21, 1996) <br /> <br />. <br />