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<br />ORDINANCE NO. 587 <br /> <br />q: CITY OF MOUNDS VIEw <br /> <br />-oJ COUNTY OF RAMSEY ' <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />4N ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1100 <br />'OF THE MOUNDS VIEW ZONING CODE <br />i:J BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 1128 <br />E$TABUSHING A 180 DAY MORATORIUM <br />' ON NEW USE, DEVELOPMENT OR <br />CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL <br />-- WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION <br />,SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />'MOUNDS VIEW <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. Title 1100 of the Mounds View <br />~ning Code is amended by adding a new <br />drlapter 1 JaG to read: <br />'Subd ' 1 'AUTHORITY T~i~ ~:~~ i: <br />arjpoted ol!r!luant to the auth ri . . t <br />the City in Minne!!ota Stat-;;:~~- ~~~~i~ <br />462.335 Subdivi!!ion 4 eniiL_ :'__e"':_ <br />' Ordinance. '_ "- <br />' Subd 2 PURPOSE .'The Gity of'Molln: <br /> <br />if~~~~~~~~:~~~da~::~f~~~~ <br /> <br />thlOuoh it!! Zonino Code The " <br />PI~~ni~o commission i.~ I~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ <br />revlewmo the aooroorL t_ i_ . .h~ <br />eStabli!!hment of new u!!e d~~~I~~:;~~ ~. <br />c~"\)!!truction of commercial wirel;__ I. <br /> <br />?jt::r~~,~~t~~:n~:~~iC~~~~~i~~e~~~f; <br />aM Antennas for celi____ er <br /> <br />~~unicati~n tervi~es n(PCSI :;~I~E <br />=:Ii;: :~~ ~~~R~ =;: __.. ~ <br />s~rvices marketed to the o.db~~:~~~ t~~ <br />Clt.Y. Market demand ra~ s _ <br />t~hnO!oav and ex~andino f=~!:~~~~~ <br />of."radlo freouencle!l has _____._!:I__ _ <br />im:reased reouests to locat~~~:~~ :~ <br />~~nnaswithin the City. ~nd _ ~ <br />b~'exoectAd to accelerate i~~: ~~~~f~' <br />folteseeable future The _:__ _ I <br />~c.erned that there is a I~C~~~~ ~,. <br />~~~i~~ '~~~~':;~e a~a~~:f=-~----=' <br />atldress issues related to these fo;';e;;;~~ <br /> <br />Antennas such as the aooroori:~e ~~~~s <br />for the Towers and Antenn e <br />conditions limier which they m~ be ~llo';~ <br />within the Citv. includln<<;! atructuraf and <br />constrllction reQuirements. CO-IOC~I~:~ <br />setbac~s and heiaht limitations. The Ci <br />received InQuiries from comoanies desiring to <br />construct Towers and Antenn~~~nc~ ~~~~ <br />facilities In the City The City n .1 I s <br />that It is necessary to conducts~~~~~ ~~ <br />determine if there is a need to a e t <br />Cilv's Zonino COde or its comorehe;;~i~~ ol~n <br />relatino to Towers .and Antennas an~:~; <br />adopt ~e aooroonate am~dm:. ~ ~~Pi <br />CounCil finds that there IS ant d <br />interim measures for the ouroose of <br />establishino an orderlv olannino ~~~~ i~ <br />lirbtectirio the health safety and e 0 I <br />citizens reaardino such matters <br />~ MORATORIUM. A moratorium on <br />the new use develooment or con~on ~f <br />Towers and Antennas within tt;; CitY ~ <br />e!ltablished. Durino the term of th <br />moratorium no aooiication for final site and <br />buildino alan aooroval. buildina oerm:: ~~~ <br />other permits aM aoorovals related s <br />towers shall be acceDted by the City. Nelth~( <br />the Plan nino Co~mission nor ~~: ~i~ <br />Council shall conslde~ or Qrant ap v <br />, an\( apDlication of such work No bUild~~ <br />Dermits for such work shall be issued for , <br />~evl1110oI'l19nt or construction of TO=~::d <br />Antennas within the City For the pu ,f <br />the moratorium the term Towers an~" <br />Antennas shall include any Dole. 'Solf; <br />structure or combination thereaf Inclu 'ng <br />suoporilnaUnes cables wires braces. an~. <br />masls intllQded orimarilv for the oUrDOse qf <br />mountino Towenfand Antennas or similar <br />aooaratus abcive orade for the ouroose of <br />DrQvidino commercial wireless telecommun- <br />ication servic~ to the Dublic The morat:~: <br />shall not aooly to lal the use of existinr;, r <br />towers in the city Or' (bl. To~~r: .a~~ <br />Antennas work that has rec v d <br />necessary Dermlts and aooroval from the City <br />DrIorto the effecttvA date of this ordinance. <br />~ EXPIRATION. Unless earlier, <br />reaealed or modified by the City Council this <br />ordinance shall remain in effect ~; i~: <br />hundred eiohty (1801 days from eel. <br />~ <br />SI:CTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. Ihi.i <br />ordinance is effective 30 days after its <br />oubiication. , <br />, Read by the City.Council of the City ofl <br />Mounds View on ~ 1~. <br />, Read and passed by the' City Council of the <br />City of Mounds View this .121lJ. day of Al.lm& <br />1996. ' <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />/8/ Jerome W. Unke <br />Mayor <br /> <br />/8/ Chuck WhitIng <br />City Clerk-AdmInistrator <br />(Bulletin: Aug. 21, 1996) <br /> <br />e <br />