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Ordinance 592
City Council
0500-0599 (1992)
Ordinance 592
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<br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 592 struct\jre not affixed to or part of real estate. <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW I;! !mJjsoortable In one or more sections. which relociltin9 the manufactured h9fT1e to another. <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY .;'1 In ~e travelill9 mode Is 8 body feet or more manufactured home Dark located within a 25 <br />S.... 'a"'EOF M'IN.NES.O' t'A "','.1 In ~idth 6r 40 body fe~ or more in len9th 'or mile radius of the r;>ark that is bein"" closed. <br />'^' w1ien;erect on site. is 320 or more souare feet converted to another use or ceasing <br />A ORDINANCE REJ.,ATINGTO , 'i an'dwhich is built on a Dermanent chassis and oDeratlon. Reasonable relocation costs shall <br />MANUFACTURED HOME PARK CLOSINGS . designed to be used as a dwelling with or ~ <br />ANQ AMENDING TITLE 1000 BY ADDING A without' e' Dermanent foundation when a The actual eXDenses incurred in movin9 <br />NEW CHAPTER 1011 OF THE MOUNDS connected to thereouired utilities and the disDlaced resident's manufactured home <br />VIEW MUNICIPAL CODE' includes the plumbin9 heating and electrical and Dersonal proDerty. including the <br />The City of Mounds Vie)N Ordains: svstem contained in It. reasonable cost of dissembling movin9' and <br />Section 1. Title 1000 of the Mounds View Subd. 5. MANUFACTURED HOME PARK' reassembling anv attaohed aDDurtenances. <br />Municipal Code is amended by adding a new any site lot. field or tract of land upon which such as porches. decks skirting and <br />Chapter 1011 entitled "Manufactured Home . two or more oCcuDied manufactu~ed homes awnings whicl:1 were acouired before or after <br />Park Closings" to read: are located either free of charge or for notice of closure or conversion of the Dark <br />101101' PURPOSE' In viell\( of the Deculiar compensation and includes any buildinQ. and utility "hook-UD" ch~ <br />nature and problems presented by the closure structure tent vehicle. Qr home Dark This b The cost of insurance for the <br />or conversion of manufactyred home Darks.. definition does not include facilities which are reDlacement-value of the orooertv being <br />the City Council finds that the oublic health ooen only durinQ three or fewer seasons of ~ <br />safety and general welf;ire will be Dromoted' ~ c. The cost of reoairs or modifications that <br />bv reQuiring comDensation to disolaced Subd 8. PARK OWNER: the owner of a are reQuired in order to move the <br />residents of such Darks The ourpqS9 of this manufactured home Dark and any Derson manufactured home . <br />Chaoter is to require Dark owners to Day acting onbehalf ofthe owner in the ooeration. 1011 07 PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL <br />disolaced residents reasonable relocation manaQement or legal control of a Dark COMPENSATION <br />costs and additional comoensation oursuant SuM 7. PERSON' any individual Subd 1 If a disDlaced resident cannot <br />to the authority granted under Minnesota' corooration. firril. Dartnershio. incoroerated relocate the man\lfactured home within a 25 <br />Statutes. Section 327C.095 and unincOroorated association. or ami other mile radius of the Dark that is being closed or <br />101102' DEFINITIONS: The followinQ leaalorcommercialentlty some other aQreed uDondistance the <br />words and terms when used In this ChaDter C . OF C OSING If disolaced resident is entitled to additional <br />sh all have the follow' In g' mean' In g unless the i, 1011 .03. N OTl E L . a . <br />-- .. -- --- - "---- ----.-- ------ - f d h k. t bid comDensation to be oaid by the Dark owner. in <br />context clearlv indicates otherwise' manu aature ome oar IS 0 e c ose. d . . h d fi . I .' ct <br />--- _.__Jo .------ ---.- rted" h I It to oth or er to mitigate tea verse nancla Imoa ' <br />'Subd. 1 CLQSURE STATEMENT: a conve In w oe or Da an er use or h 'd 'd <br />----. - ------- -------- - . ed' f th rh, th k of the Dark closing If t e displace reSI ent <br />statement DreDared bv' the, Dark owner clearlv. termlnat as a use 0 e orope. .,.. e par h . fa d h <br />- -- - -- --- - -- --- --- .__Jo II I i h. th tenders t e title to the manu cture ome. <br />statin!il that the Dark is closing addressing the owner sha . ~t east n ne mont s Dnor to e the additional comDensation shall be in an <br />availability location and Dotential costs of ." closure Drovlde a. CODY of a closure statement amount eQual to the estimated market value <br />adeQuate reDlacement housing within a 25 to a displaced resl~e~ of e~ch man~ct~red of the manufactured home as determined by <br />mile radius of th~ Dark that isclosin9 and the,,~.h1~rt~~ t~~tl~~~~la;~~elgo~~~~~. the Countv.Assessor and as reDorted on the <br />probable relocation cost of the maQufactured 'tTh 'PI . C., .'.. hll. b. .t th displaced resident's most recentoroperty tax <br />home located in the par.k. ", Ii .' annlnO ommlsslon s a SU~I e statement. The Dark owner shall Dav such.. <br />Subd 2 DISPLACED RESIDENT: a Dersoncl9-!'ure state.ment to.!he City. Council an.d compensation into an escrow account <br />with an ownership interest in a manufactufecl TeqU~t lhEl CI~ CounCil to, schedule a public established by the park. owner for distribution <br />home who rents a lot located in. a!'1~nng The. City shall mall ~ notice: at least UDon transfer of title to the home. Such <br />manufactured home Dark which is sulliect to t~n days DrlO~ to the Dubhc hearing to a compensation shall be paid to the displaced <br />the reauirements of this Chaater including the: dlSDla~ed reSident ~f each ~anufactured residents no later than thirty (30) d;;ws Drior to <br />members of the resident's household. as of. home In the Dark s~ting the time place and the closinQ of the Dark or its conversion to <br />the date the Dark owner submits a closure' DUrD?Se of th~ he~nnQ. !he Dark owner shall another use <br />statement to the City's Planning Commission orovlde the City With a list o.f the names, and <br />For DurDoses of this section, ownershio addresses of at least one d',SDlaced resident Subd 2 If a displaced resident cannot <br />--- -------- -- --.- -------. ------ -- f h anufactured home n the Dark at the relocate the manufactured home within a 25 <br />interest shall include a fee title contralllfor ~ eac m .. . I. mile radius of the. park which is being closed <br />deed vendee or a leasehold interest. time t~e Closure. ~tement IS submitted to the <br />Subd 3.. LOT: an 'area within a Planning Commission. . or some other agreed upon distance and the <br />---- -. ---. -- ---- ----.- 1011 05 PUBLIC HEARING' A nubile disolacedresident elects not to tender title to <br />manufacturv,~ home Dark d~signed or used .. . . . '. " . h d' I d <br />for the accommodation of a manufactured heann9 shall be held b~re.the City Council the manufactured home t e IliP ace <br />~ . - for the purpose of re~lewlng t~e closure resident is entitled to relocation costs based <br />Subd 4. MANUFACTUJlED HOME' a statement, and evaluatlnQ what lIT~oact the uoon an average of relocation costs awarded <br />. - park closlnQ may have on t~e dlSDlaced to other displaced residents in t~e{)ark . <br />residents and the Dark owner Subd 3 The !otal co!f1Densation to be oald <br />1011.08. PAYMENT OF RELOCATION to disDlaced residents bv the Dark owner shall <br />QQSIS. '. not exceed twenty (20) oercent of the <br /> <br />st~t:~~~t ~ft~~e s~~~~c~:~etrh:n~O:~~~ _o"reM~ jjit~ ~ ~~ <br /> <br />submlttal~y the displaced resident of a .~v Q;. <br />contract or 'Other verification of relocation 'h <br />eXDenses th~ Dark owner shall Dav to the . , I OO~ COSTS: e <br />displace~ reSident th, rea~?~~bl~,c.~~t.<!.f _ . <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />other verifieg cost estimates for relocatin!}' thEi., ,. <br />manufactured home to the Dark ownerfot;:.; <br />aooroval as a condition to. the park owner's <br />liability to Day relocation eXDenses. If the park <br />owner refuses to Dav the contract or other <br />verified cost estiml!les the park owner shaU .~. <br />arrange for relocating the manufactured home" <br />and Day the relocation costs identified irl" <br />Section 1011 06.d< <br />101109. PENALTY!;}' <br />Subd. 1. Violation of any orovision of this.' <br />Chaoter shall be considered a misdemeanor <br />Subd. 2 Any Drovisions of this Chaoter ma~..J <br />be enforced by iniunction or other aooroDriate <br />civil remedy. <br />Subd. 3. The City shall not aoorove all)~ <br />aDDlication for a buildinQ Dermit. rezonin9i . <br />Dialling develoDment review conditional use" <br />Dermit or variance in conjunction with reuse of <br />manufactured home Dark Drooertv unless thljo. <br />park owners has Daid reasonable relocation - . <br />costs and orovided additional comDensation <br />in accordance with the reouirements of this} <br />~ <br />Section 2. EFFECTIVE DATE: This, <br />ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) da'ys': <br />after the date of its publication. !::. <br />Read by the City Council of the City of" <br />Mounds View this 25th day of November;.' <br />1996. <br />Read and passed by the City Council of the <br />City of Mounds View this 9th day of <br />December, 1996. <br /> <br />/s/ Jeronv-" ,ke. <br />,'~' ':lr" <br />ATTEST: / '.....S ..o;.~ <br />Charles S. Whiting J -,( ~ 'O~() <br />CIW C~erl,t.Admlnistr~ J ~~ ."C- <br />(B~lIe~ln:~ec.18, 1r' ...~o . <br />'l'j~:,-i. ("/// <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />. <br />
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