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<br />ORDINANCl;~9.;t.595 <br />CITY OF'MQllNE)$ VIEW <br />COUNTY OF'RAMSEV <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORBINAN~ADDING DAY CARE 'l <br />CENTERS Af.iI)i.(3RGUP NURSERIES AS /i... <br />CONDITIOIliAtlYSEIN THE B-1, B-2, B-3, <br />B-4, ANPJ.t~ONING DISTRICTS; <br />PLANNINl1CASE NO. SP.o13-97 <br />THE CITY OFMO,UNDS'V1EW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1: Section 1102.02, Subd. 23 and <br />24 are amended to read-as follows: <br />Subd..23. ~ Gro~p.Nul"SE!ry: <br /> <br />~~ <br />fQr r~=e and suoervislon of more than ten <br />~~~ ,,~_~:~~~~~ChoOlage chil~ren durina <br />lt~bSh b .. ~ours for oenods of leSfi <br />th;~ ~4 ~~: ~:~ ~ay. and which is liCense<! <br />~ aoor v ,h State of Minnesota Also. <br />[!)~ludeS oreschools and nurservschoolS~ <br />Subd. 24. Day Cafe; Home: ~ <br />~::~: :~':::Mer eire, IllAll~~~~~ o~!. <br />. II ~f {]i~agl iR9 't~~~~~ <br />;8~ i8 pr~"i~liil ~l:ir;RB 'ig'tabliiAid ~WgiA". <br />--1b~ ~se af-;;residencefar the care of <br />~'::' ~1~ or f;~~r Of~SchOOI and school a~ <br />c liI~re ~ durina estabr shed business hours fQr . <br />1.ess th..n 24 h~~rs p:r dav and which is <br />Licensed and oro ~d bv the State Qf <br />Minnesota. <br />SECTION 2: Section 1102.02 is amended to <br />add the following definition as a subdivision, <br />placed in alphabetical order, . and the <br />remaining subdivisions in Section 1102.02 <br />being renumbere9 accordingly. <br />Subd ~. .Dav c~re ~rouo Familv: ~ <br />~ of r~de~~e for he re of fourteen 1141 <br />~;~~ef "re,,~:;ol ~~~.~"hool aae children <br />~;ma establl,,~ ed bu mess hours for less <br />:~ 24 h~: b,er dav and wh~hiS licensed <br />aoore v the State of MInnesota, <br />SECTION 3. Section 1107.05 Subd. 2 is <br />hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Subd. 2. Day care ~ group nursery; <br />provided,. that: <br />a. ,No overnight facilities are provided for the <br />children served. Children are delivered and <br />removed daily. <br />b. The front yard depth shall be a minimum <br />of thirty five feet (35'). ' <br />c. Not less than forty (40) square feet of <br />outside play space per child be provided and <br />that such space be suitably fenced and/or <br />screened in accordance with conditions as <br />specified by the City Council. <br />d. Adequate off-street parking and accesS is <br />provided in compliance with Chapter 1121 of <br />this Title. <br />e. Adequate off-street loading and service <br />entrances are provided in compliance with. <br />Chapter 11220fthis litle. . <br />1. The site and related parking and service <br />entrances shall be served by an arterial or <br />collector street of sufficient capacity to <br />accommodate the traffic which will be <br />generated. <br />g. All signing and informational or visual <br />communication devices shall be in <br />compliance With the Mounds View Sign Code. <br />:- T~e distance between anv outdoor DIllY. <br />:.rd fUr ~ ~;~ ~ar~ qAnter or orouo nursery. <br />:r;d .t~e ~;hW~o 1_ ~~-Of-wav line s~all ~~ <br />a minim of OfelCceot as orovided 111 <br />~iFo 112~~ Subd. 1.c.. <br />i. ~~ :.~~r~ c~;;r ~r o~ouo nurserv shall <br />=,1 _ here the distance fromth~ <br />~:'V li~; fo~~e ~av care ~e~er or 9rou12 <br />~s~r~ to a or mIse reoutnna a hOUQl <br />~~~~~~s ~~i~~de~ ~n. Section 502 of thf! <br />~~ ~u~ 0 _ license for an adult <br />:a:='51~:i egS :~Vid;d in ~n 513 of <br />~~ s five hundred (500) fe!!! <br /> <br />. _.~. '_.. tQ ~~P~ijO~~;;~;= <br /> <br /> <br />. . <br />her~ <br />""su~' . <br />provi . " that: <br />a. No ve,rnight <br />childr ed. en are delivered and <br />removed ' .~ ! <br />b. The, yarJ,.tn shall be a minimum <br />of thirty ~ve f~et (3~'tl;. . <br />c. Not Jesji than;.fqr#Y (40) square teet of <br />.'. ,-outside plaY space,~ child be provided and <br />,that s,uch space Ile'suitably fenced and/or, <br />;scr$nedlQ.a . .cQ{ldi,tiQns as' <br />speCifiedbythe.lfift:,lh..., .... '. <br />d. Adequate g.~ acceSs is <br />pr~:lVided in c~~er 11.2.1 of <br />thiS litle. . . t':lti>, i" /1 <br />e. Adequate. ,.~, ingaods.ervice <br />entrances are provide compliance with <br />Chapter 1122 of this Title. <br />1. The site an,cl rela~~~,parl9ng and service <br />entrances shall'~esen1ed .byan arterial or <br />collector strEletof sufficient capaCity to <br />accommodate the traffic which will be <br />generated.. ':' <br />g. All $ignillg a~d informational or visual <br />communi.cation "dj;'!vjceS shall be in <br />compliance. with the MO\inds,Ni~...(SignCode. <br />sf' The distance between any outdoor DIllY. <br /> <br />~~.:: ~:~y re. ~ter or or~up nurse~ <br />nd.t. HI we 1010 !fht-::BY 1I~~ s~all ~~ <br />In! U f 2 fe ..9X . t as oVlded \. <br />~G~~2SUbd: 1:C~">. ... .... ....... <br />i. ~u ~;:re 6enter 0-': orouo nurser,. shall. <br />~~'i:~~- :~re the ~istance fr?rn ttw. . <br />~,,~..y .1.. f e dav r.are cent!ilr or'QroUD <br />lliurser r to~~remiSerElOUiTtno alioUqr <br />iClilnse .' as . r vided in Section 502 of the <br />nici a " lic f r a a ult <br />e ~s~~. / ,Secti .51 f <br />~.. ;~~~;;: ~~ i~ fivehuildrA<f{5~0) feet <br />~ I~s_. c ot tat e 500 foot reaUlremem <br />~I\ ~~t a~DI~to ~: linuor esta~lishmem ' <br />~e~~~:. le~~ s . oer?ent of Its annual <br />ros I rev ue from ~~ sale of food. <br />SECTION 5. Section 1112.04 (conditional <br />uses in the B-1 District) is hereby amended to <br />add Sulld. 5 as follOwS: <br />~ubd.' 5''center. OrOl,lD nursery:', <br />pr~~~ th~: . . · .. <br />..;j' ;v v~er. .~~tfaC!lities are orovi.dedfor the <br />g lid en erv. Children are .dellverad and <br />te;nOVed daily, . . >k .. .. . ... . <br />b. Th; fr~rrt vard deothshallbe a minimum <br />9ft~fivefee1135')'. . . <br />... ~vt ::~; ~~~~ tortv (40) souare feet. of <br />outi'ue~g~ s ___'D~r child be orovided and <br />~he~ s~;d ii1o:ce bEl suitab~V fence~. and/or <br />scr e I ccordance with conditions a!ii <br />specified bv the City Council. .... <br />d. ~d~uate off-street oarkina and access .is <br />prov. e in comolianee V(ith Cheoter; 1121 of <br />~ <br />~ :rd:u;~e ~~_str:~I?adin9 a~d servi~e <br />~ tr nc s e ovl 8d In comollance WIth <br />Cha~ter 1 i 22 of this Title. .' . <br />~ ~h~ ~t~ and related oarkinoand service <br />. .~'tr..~~e;:~~~ l>~served by an arterif31 or <br />colle_tO. I. ~~t t 61 sufficient cabacitv,to.' <br />gccommo . e the traffic which will b~ <br />., generated, .. ..... ..." <br />. . g."din!~~!"!l~iOnal or visual <br />commun~~ tlon . devIces. shall be iO <br />mrDlian~~= ~ Mounds Vi.ewSinn Co~ <br />,. The dl . c between,anv outdoor olal/. <br />~ard f~ a;;ltcare center orarouf) nursef,Y. <br />:O-~.~;;. H~~.W~Y 10 riahMf-wayline shilll be <br />a I u of 00 feet. exceet as provided in <br />~~~on~ 23.0~ Subd. 1.C. .." . . . <br />. i ~~ ~:r ~~:~~~r o~ a~uo nursery shall <br />\:' ;:r d the distance from the <br />i ~~~~ ii~~ for the dav care center QqlfouD <br />~f ~e~: ~~.: ~:.~:is.e reou.irlnaa1iouor <br />~e~s~ av vr I d m Section 502 of the <br />::'=~ Cod~, or a license for an adult <br />tt;"''''i''''''~:';~ ~~a~ided in Section 513 of <br />the Munic~v. ~~et is five hundred (500) feet <br />orlefs e^ceo. a the 500 foot reauirement <br />~al~ ~~~ ;~~l~ t; ~~ .liauor esta~lishment <br />~ecelv~,y a. least s . . oercent of Its annuat <br />ross. ales revenue from the sale of food. <br />SECTION 6. .Section 1113.04 (conditional. <br />uses in the 6-2,o)strict) is hereby amended to <br />.add Subd. 6 as follows: <br />.~~bd. 6: D~Y care centei. orouO'~ <br /> <br />gmJerated.. <br />. lis' <br />i <br />com r nc <br />h:Th di een n ~oo a <br /> <br />:ra '': ~ =!if. n r <br />a ~.~;;. ;/;. ~10 rlOht-of-wav line s~all ~e <br />~ IIlJ u. f. .... feet. exceot as orovlded In <br />~~i~n 112302;Subd 1.<:. <br />i. N~ da~~~re cen~er or arouo nurserv shall <br />.~e =i d wher the distance from the <br />~v;.~'~ i~: :r ~e~a,ycare <:e~ter or ?rolJIl. <br />~r~;r:~v ~ o..;tls.e reQu.lf/nQ a Ilouor <br />~e~~e jfls~ovl_ed In Section 502 of the <br />'..~~~~-;:' ;;d:: ~~.~ice~se fo~ an adult <br />iii;~ 'de.. _s I ed In section 513 Qf <br />~t =ni~:~ Cadet .~~ five hundradl5?O) feet <br />~~ _. pt tha e 500 foot reaUlremem <br />~'~ ot a;;-~IY to anv liouor establishment <br />. ;;. ;: :t~:~~ sixtY oercent of its annual <br />os e r .' ue from the sale of food.. <br />SECTION 7. Section 1114.04 (conditional <br />uses in the 6:3 District) ill hereby amended to <br />add Subd. 9 as follows: <br />SuMS: Oav care center arouo nurserY~ <br />l!I~v=at. <br />: rr~ u:~~ia~t~~:I:ElS are orovi.ded for thQ <br />gJ Jld nee. I ren are delivered an.d. <br />Ifl:;jVed daily, <br />The fr~~t yard deoth shall be a minimum <br />pf ~ilf five feet 135'L. <br />c ~ot less than fortv (40). souare feet Qf <br />=iue o~ay S[l~~ oer ~ild be orovided and. <br />~h~. suc . soa be sUltablv fenced and/or <br />sc eened in accordance with conditions ~ <br />Wecified by the City Council. <br />~~~OO~Jate off-street oarkino and access is <br />provi ed in comoliance with ChaDter .1121 of <br />~...- <br />Jt :rd:u~~e ~~s::et .I~ading a~d servi?e <br />~ ncliO. e ro I ad In comDlIance WIth <br />ptflf1122 of this TitlE!... . <br />"f The: site and relatedoarldna and service <br />:~::~~ shall be serVed by an arterial or <br />.~:70~~ ,~t~:t ~~ suffi~ient~aoac!ty tQ <br />oat which Will bE!. <br />lWl'IElrated; .. ...... . . <br />.....g,~'~i~~~a andin~ormational orvis\J~ <br />~~p;. u. ~~;~on dEWlces shall. be 111 <br />bn~n- h the MoundsVif!NI Sian Code. <br />.~. ~l.ft;f ~~~:ce between any outdoor Dial/. <br />~'t:tiC care center or arouo nurserl/. <br />:I:,~;, ~;:;-rif.:1~ht-Of-WaY line ~all ~e <br />~ m ;.. 0 ..,lCceOt as orovlded In <br />~~2~SUbd..1.c. <br />~ ~;:';;;i~~~:~er 6ra~ouo nurserv Shall <br />~.. . . the.dlstallce from th~ <br />~~~~.~ I~ fa[ the <!Bv care ~e~er or ?rOUll <br />~:~:: ;: a oremlse reoulf/na a lIouor <br />t~~fu'.'~~t ;ri~~d~ in. Section 502 of the <br />=b~I"; COue. ora:. Ilce~sefo~ an adult <br />~h~:;r,.asnr Ided In Section 513 of <br />~.. ~,:~~f~~ ~ five hundred 15?0l feet <br />;~"~ . ..... e500 wet reaUlrem~1 <br />~. ~~~~:i o!:fi'~: ~;; liauor esta~llshnient <br />i ~:~IIl~e';' .e~ ~ . ~ercent.of its annual <br />.: s I rev u from tI:Ie sale of food: <br />SECTION 8.. Section 1115.04 lconditional <br />uses in the 6-4 District) is hereby amended to' <br />add Subd. 6 as follows: <br />\ ~ubd. 6: Day: care center. arouo. nurser..t~ <br />~:=~ed~~ .. <br />. . :,-~"o Oyf~~t ~~I~~sare orovi.ded for the <br />; Q ren s rv . II en are delivered an4 <br />@r~:a~~. . <br />:" .. ... 0 vard dEl~ shall be a minimum <br /> <br />minimu ' feet. ce t <br />~ection 1123.02 Subd. 1.c. <br />en r r r e <br />e er it! d wher the dis anc from thE1l <br />~ro~ ;y line fo e da care center or rou <br />~~r~er~ to : oremise ~q,Ui~iIl9 a liauo~ <br />licen.s~ as ~ovided in. ecti n 502 of th( <br /> <br />~~~~h~~~de~ o;o~::~:e fO\ ~n5a~u~ <br />the Munici:alj~d: is five hun~~~~500~ fe~ <br />9r less. exce that the 500 foot reauireme~ <br />. t' h <br />receivin~ at least si ercent ofit annU <br />gross s les revenue from the sale of food. ,~ <br />SECTION 9. Section 1116.04 (condition~ <br />uses in the 1-1 District) is hereby amended tpi <br />add Subd. 21 as follows: .,~ <br />l;!ubd. 21: Day care cente(. arouO nurserv~ <br />llIovided that: · <br />a.Noo eri htfa i1iti <br />n r eliv r <br />removed dailv. . .. ,1 <br />b. The frO;; verd deoth shall be a minimum. <br />~~i~ five fe~~~'1. . " <br />~~ot ~ess~ fortv 140\ sauare feet ~~ <br /> <br />~li ;~i'I~: ~ ~~~i~~~t~~:~e~~~~~~~~ <br /> <br />screen d I a 0 dance With condItIons a!l. <br />~~fied bv the Citv Council. . : ' <br />9 A;;eau~te off-street oarkino and accesU <br />provided in comoliance with Chapter 1121 Of <br />~slitle. " <br />~t Adeouate ~ff-s~~:et I?ading a~d servi~ <br />en;iances are ro I ed In comohance Wlt\'l <br />~~r 1122 of this li~ ~ .. <br />, ,..e sit; and related oarkino and service <br />entrances shall be served bv an arterial or <br />co~ect~ str~et ~f sufficient caoacitv to <br />gQl om oda e t e traffic which will be <br />generated, <br />~. . ~I Si.~ni~~ an~ in~ormational or visu~1 <br />~"';;Jl~atl n eVlces shall be 1Il <br />m~~ ~ w~te MoundS View Sian Code. <br />&, .:;,;, dlsta e between anv outdoor DIal/. <br />~ll L. : ~;~ ;are center or 9roup nursery. <br />and the HiuhW~~ rioht-of'wav line shall be <br />a (I1inimum of eet. exceot as orovided in <br />~iaIl1~3 02 Subd. 1.c. . ' <br />i. No de care center or arouO nurse\y shall <br />b~ ~rmitted where the distance from the <br />:\1;:' li;e ~or ~~e ~av care ~enter or 9rQU~ <br />~ ~r~", ~ ~o D mise reQUlTina a hOU~)r <br />te~se jfls ~rivided in Section 502 of the <br />~~~Ci~g, C~ ~ 0; a license for an adQlt <br />~ "~ishm~.. orovidad in Section 513 m <br />~e ~~nici"~fet i~five hundred (S?O\f~ <br />~I~ ~ the t 500 foot reaUlremeJlt <br />s~al~ ~~~ ;i:Jf ~,i. :uor esta~lishment <br />;ceZ::; :' ;;;;~ Sl fr rcent of ItS annl(Sll <br />.05 e r He om the sale of food" , <br />SECTION 10. Section 1123.02 Subd; 1 'is <br />hereby amended to read as follows: . <br />Subd. 1. Continuance of Use: <br />(a) General: Any structure or use lawfullY <br />existing prior to a revision to this Code or. a <br />change in a zoning district designation whi~h <br />makes the structure or use nonconforming <br />shall not be enlarged but may be continued;at <br />Ahe size and in the manner of operation <br />existing upon. such date, except ~s <br /> <br /> <br />(1)-0 <br />_..,..0_ <br /> <br />~l; <br />.,,1;' <br />'d~ <br />~ <br />~. <br />CD <br />C <br />." <br />:I <br />o <br />.~ <br /> <br />0).... <br />i~ <br />:1:11 <br />;:- <br />Ill.!: <br />CDE <br />1:'G <br />.!i <br />oil! <br />lir.!! <br />-0 <br />~~ <br />QOl <br />.... <br />.,.; <br />(II <br />:E" <br />~ <br />'1:: <br />. .. 1l <br />.'5 <br />.e. <br /> <br />_"'.0>0>....-"'0>>- <br />>- <Ii Ii: goo goB s: }Mg g'.5 g m:6 :6 .:; ~ ~ .c "i <br />~ ~~~~.;~y~~~8~~'eai,~$~~E <br /><D . ::)''6 co- <<S r::.n_--~::1 c. ~'::;" e,c: e.c : . <br />~ _ ~~~c~o>~"'~...~Ol"o>W~ <br />g ~.5.. 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