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<br /> <br />m <br />that is orohiblted in the 1;jonina district in which <br />the orooerlY is located or which will: <br />a. Result in Incomoatible land uses or which <br />would be detrimentalao surface and around <br />water resources. . <br />b Increase the financial burdens imoosed- <br />on the increasina floods <br />and overflow of wate" onto land areas within <br />this City or 9nto land: areas' adiacent to Rice <br />Creek.. .. <br />c;:ee not. in keeoingiwith land use olans and <br />olanning objectives fdr the City or which will <br />increase or cause danger to life Of property. .. <br />d. Be inconsistent with the objectives of <br />encouraging land uses comoatible with the <br />. oreserVation of the natural lanifforms. <br />veoetation and wetlands within the.City. <br />e. Include develooment of land and water <br />areas essential to continue the temoorary <br />withholdina of raoid runoff of surface water <br />which contributes to downstream flooding or <br />water oollution 'or develooment of land and <br />water areas which 'provide. oround water <br />recharge or.develooinent which diminishes <br />the land or water whiql1are necessary to carry <br />increased flows of storm water following <br />periods of heavy precipitation. <br />Subd. 42., Permit Issuing Authority: The <br />.issuing authority .for wetland alteration permits <br />shall be as set fO~ll~t:;after: <br />a. Administrative. .',' Authority: <br />The Director of CdmmUnitvDevelooment <br />Pbl~li,8 u'srIt8.'eity ~R8iFl89r ~r designee <br />, (iwillliA!lIAllllllll'llr llr ~i~'PlliRRe"l stiall have <br />... the authority toi8!ue wetland alteration Q[ <br />wetland buffer per,mits which meet' the <br />standards in this Chapter l* for the followina. <br />tyoes of activities: ..: <br />fli*W nil ll11rIMiPlllilWllll'll,A!'lpair or <br />maintenance of any lawful use of land existing <br />on the. effective date Hereon. <br />(it, ^lt9fFAtiBRi '.jtRIR tR8 ';"stlsFld Bwffer <br />J.9Ri, ~9 R$,t8Kt'8Ri( i,~tQgr imJiQ8t tRB <br />eaiaggRtwGtt8Rd <br />~12l "];RellerIMit rllli(l/lllltll Public and/or <br />private utility work on existing facilities. <br />(~l.T~,.~g.!.r~..~t8.f,_ ~:f PWilie \A1~Hlt9/Ci1Y <br /> <br />~R::~~~i~1~i=~~ri~ll:~:~= <br /> <br />....stI9RS. altsrati8A, PQrmit€! ,fer tRQ.,fallg,uiRS <br />'''srlt :"itRiFl tRIiiI; '.'stfSAEI bw'Jfsr "leASl bwt <br />8wteids, 9f tR~'.;'9tlaRliI Ast Rio'IAB 8~"9~eQ <br />i~fJ61Gt8 tdfle,~ t~s.. u'sllraR"s <br />(3) Alterations within the' wetland buffer if <br />they do not extend into or create an adverse <br />imoact the adiacent wetland as. follows: <br />(a) Installation and maintenance of fences. <br />(b) Landscaping, and, impervious surfaces <br />which surfaces do not exceed 1 ,264 square <br />feet <br />(c) Detached garages, accessory buildings <br />and driveways, al1d additions thereto which <br />do not require a conditionar use permit. <br />(d) Grading which ~loesnot adversely alter <br />storm water storagE! capacity, storm water <br />flow direction or runoff intensity. <br />(e) Temporary,. stn,lg!Yf~.!.D~t r~irinR.._ <br />permanent foUndations or padS for support. . <br />(f) Buildingandr structl!lral additions to a <br />orincloal building which-addition does not <br />exceed 1.264 square feel.:. '..:c.' (,~ .,., <br />b..CityCouncil ~ The,.City Council <br />may issue permits.which meet the standards <br />in this Chapter and are beyond the scope of <br />the administrative authority stated in Section <br />1010.08 Subd. 5 a. ~llflFe"1iI1 li&e"ll wIlieI:I <br />RW(8'b'8BR'nr is"'sd ~i' "i~_ sW BAa rSfiF'f9a <br />tll eewAliil or wI:iieI:t are appealed to Council <br />after having been reviewed and denied by <br />City staff. . . . . <br />Subd. . 7. Aoollcation and Review <br />Procedures: <br />a . Submittal Materials Required: ~ <br />liRII illAi&i~ The following drawings and <br />exhibits may be required with a permit <br />application, unless soecific items are waived <br />bv the Director of ComrnunityDevelooment <br />based on the scooe of the Drooosed <br />develooment. <br />Qo,. ill The name and address of the <br />subdivider, developer and owner or any other <br />party of interest. <br />&.. ffil A legal description of thl;! proposed <br />site with a map showing its location with <br />indications of private access roads and. <br />existing or propos~d public roadways within. <br />and surrounding the development site, <br />lIP ill ~ full and,adequate deScription of all <br />phases of the operation and/or proposed <br />physical changes. <br />&. Ml A.soilsurvey map'of the proposed <br />development site. <br />Qo,.; ill. A topographic map of' ttie <br />developmant.area with contourinformatlon at <br />two foot (2') interval8,er.spotelevations at two <br />hundred foot (200') and at a: <br />horizontal scale of one inch to one hundred <br />feet (1"=100') or larger. <br />*' .@l A detailed site plan of the proposal <br />showing: <br />lw !s!l information on existing drainage and <br />vegetation of all lands within the site and toa <br />distance of five hundrl;!d feet (500') <br />surrounding the site or to the wetland <br />drainage district boundary, whichever is <br />shorter. <br />. .QllA' aitg' assigA ~af) 9_~H~'''iA8 the <br />location of existing and future man-made <br />fl;!atures within the site and to a distance of <br />five hundred feet (500') surrounding the site <br />or to the wetland drainage district bO\Jndary, <br />whichever is shorter. . . <br />!!U proposed drainage, \ grading and <br />landscaping <br />i. fll The time period for. commencement <br />af\ll completion of the development, . including <br />time. for staging of development; if applicable. <br />io .au Design specification and pia", for all <br />sediment and erosion control measures as <br />V1ell as. air grading and drainage <br />appurtenances and practices. <br />*- 00 Engineering data related. to <br />computations of existing' and proposed <br />hydrology, water. quality, hydraulics and soil <br />loss. .. <br /> <br />10 UID. Such additionanrifOi(matlOrlas <br />necessary to evaluate th':l ~errJ?it application. <br /> <br />_/aRafJJjli9~ti9A <br />~'~ <br />tRs ~itl ~QY. feii1.1iif~ tRat ~~,8p,pIi98At fMrRi9R <br />QR~QIJ~flly 91<191::\ h:tf9fmiati9R as r9~ldirga iR <br />9w~ai'~i8ierot i ~8rB9f IR a9tiRS Yfj8~ Ii . 9tl8.R~ <br />alterati8R ~srFJl1it Q~~lii8ti9A, tt"t9 City BAal! <br />99R9iillgr all fel""8At f8.9tSrB 8~99ifieQ iA 9tR8f <br />9B&ti8R8 9f ",,'i8 ('Refjts/) iAalwaiAS: <br />. 9. ~,R9 fQI&ti~r;U;Rip 9f tR8 ~f9Jil889Q W89 t9 <br />tRe 'CQ\lilPf8R8R9iug P'18R aRa tR9 imJii19:9t 9f <br />tRspre,p8B9SW89 grot tRe " stlQAS9 1Ft tRQ <br />aWFrSWRsiA8 fiUea <br />b ,TR9 iFAfj89t gf tR,8' p:ep888{1, "'StI8RS <br />alteflati8R 8F1 tAB 8wJ'4&e8 "':ster 8tBre8~, fieR <br />'&IRQ '.'i!liJlite 'lxla~itQt BRa ""staT- '~e1,Qlity <br />9RR8.R$9meFR 'JBllllI98 eftk9 .uettaRQ <br />b. Subd. 7, Processing Applications: <br />e,;.ill The permii application shall. be <br />submitted to the City. The City shall process <br />the permit application according to the <br />prQvisions of this Section 1010.08 8lo1l1l1h'i8ieR <br />4 hereof. For oermits reQuirina City Council <br />action the Community Development <br />Deoartment shalloreoare a reoort and <br />recommendation for consideration by City <br />Council prior to the City Council taking action <br />on the oermit aoolication. The Community <br />Develooment Deoartment or the 9U Council <br />may refer the permit .application to the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission for its <br />recommendation orior to action being taken <br />on the oermit apolication 8r tR8 City llta# fer <br />f9' 'ier' QA9 fapeR .8f may ,gire9t tRat tR8 ~8rr~it <br />8Jii1pli9ati9R lai pr999ss99 Q888faiR8 t8 tRG <br />pre8EHhslT88 efjti9ifi8Q far tRe fH8989BiRS 9f <br />88RSitisR81 hlfe9'psr~itB8st feRR iA ~itls 11g9 <br />8f ~e MWRieif:}al ,('aie <br />&..12l A wetland alteration permit may be <br />processed concurrently lleell!eR8i' '81ywith <br />any other application for use permit approval <br />that may be reqUired under pt~,er prQvisions of, <br />, the Municipal Code. .. ., " " <br />Q,.~. Action on Permit: Conditions: <br />Qo,. (1\ Comoliance with standards: No <br />wetland alteration or wetland buffer oermit <br />shall be aoproved exceot it meefthe <br />standards set forth in Section 1010.08 Subd. <br />4. A oermit P "'st/aAs alt9F9tisR p9F~it may <br />be approved subject to conditi.ons reasonable <br />and necessary to ensure compliance with the <br />f~wif8FF19Rt8' a8RtaiRS" iF!' Bwsah:iBi9R 1, :i' <br />QF\1I Ii Rerellf aforementioned standards. in <br />~ Such conditions may. among othe~ <br />matters: ' <br />@l flo+ Provide for the enhancement of <br />~ storm. water storage, fish and wildlife <br />habitat, and water quality enhancement <br />functions of wetland zoning districts; <br />!JU ~ Provide for enhancement of <br />recreation and education opportunities. in <br />wetland zoning districts; <br />.(g ~ Limit the size, kind or character of the <br />proposed work; <br />@ *41 Require the cOf1struction of storm <br />water detention facilities or other structures; <br />!ID ~ Require replacement of vegetation; <br />ill ~ Establish required monitoring or <br />maintenance procedures, including the <br />~aymenLof costs for such procedures:' <br />. .l.9l f++ Stage the work over time and <br />increments of land to be developed; <br />!bl fat Require the alteration of the site <br />design to insure buffering: <br />ill. ~ Require costing of sufficient surety to <br />guarantee conformance to the ouroos'es of <br />the oermit and all laws regulating the activity, <br />srtAB JjFs"iei8R 8 p8R8r~QAQg98RQ.' or <br />,(jl ~ ReqUire the conveyance to the City <br />of certain lands or interest therein. <br />&.. (2) Modification of Zoning Requirements: <br />The dimensional requiremt;lnts of the <br />underlying .zoning ordinance may be modified <br />in furtherance of the purposes of this Chapter.. <br />(3) Considerations in GrantinG of Aooroval: <br />The City shall consider all relevant factors <br />specified in other sections of this Chapter as <br />well as the following: <br />a. The relationshio of the prooosed use to <br />thl;! Comorehensive Plal'l and the imoact of <br />the orooosed. use on the wetlands in the <br />surrounding area. <br />b. The imoact of the oroposed wetland <br />alteration on the surface water storaoe fish <br />and. wildlife habitat and water Quality <br />enhancement values of the wetland. ' . <br />e.: (4) Action bv Resolution or by Written <br />Notice: Action on oermits shall be by the City <br />Council .or by the Director of Community <br />Develooment as orovided in Section 1 01 0 08 <br />Subd. 6. A permit aoproval mav include such <br />terms and conditions as is deemed necessary <br />by the aporoval bod v to orotect the public <br />health,safetyan\J welfare and to meet the <br />standards set forth in this Chaoter 1010. For <br />oermits requirinG City Council action. theCitv <br />Council shall take action to aoprove. aoorove <br />with conditions or deny a oermit apolication <br />bv resolution. For oermits allowinQ action by <br />the Director of Community Develooment. the <br />director shall notify the aoolicant in writing of <br />the decision on the oermit. "fil9R lifilprll"i11 ef <br />tAg taf)fili9filtiaR 1Qf ~9fiJ9n~it, t~g Qit'; ~9WR9i1 <br />FRsy 88t88lisR eWiR b.nR18 liRa 99R~iti9,RB, iR <br />aatlitisR t8 U-19S8 8~9Qifi9Qlly ,,;te9 iAtf;<1is <br />CR9ptgr sr Title 11gg 8f tRia ~85Je, Qsit <br />,88B~B RBGS808Pj '9 ~rBtB8t tR8pweliB R981tR, <br />e8f9t}' raFtS, '.'9119T8, iR81waiFlg ~R8 f3GBtiR8 8f <br />s..tfiai9jRt 9Uf9t,: tQ SWQf~g 99Af4af~QR98 t9 <br />t~8 fJIlHpeB89 8,1 tRIi f)9f~it 8.RQ 9.11.18. us <br />r98 wlati RD tR e '8 atiujty T~~98"9 19 ~ m'Q Rt <br />8'8R!T8Ie ~ra\'ig89 iR is&tiSR '1g~i Qi 8ft~i8 <br />Htle ms)' a188, 99 F8'lwira& <br />a I 'Ji9~ 8~pf51o'al 9f tAs Qfl~1i9ati8A fsr. tR8 <br />JiSnf.ilR, tR9 "i~j ~91<1Rail JiAQy 'g&t9.9Ii8~' SliteR <br />tarFA8 liAS 8815.1.siti8R9)iR. ag~iti9R fa tRess <br />ep98'ifhllill}',9ites iR,tRi8 CR8Jjt8r Sf title 11QO <br />Bf tRi8 ("eg'8, 89 it &S915Jta R89899,QFYt9 pf8ts9t, <br />,tAg pwklia RaaltR, safety liAS u'slf8,re, iFl8JwsiFl8 <br />U"g p9&ti'RS sf 9hi1fi9i9Rt 9l:lr9tj ta 8W8rsAt9a <br />e9R,hnmaR98 t8 U~a 'fi1<lf~9998 9f tR9 fj9fJftit <br />8AII all 18'.'8 tegwl8tiRg t~8 89ti' ity" Tlite <br />89' 818fJ~8Rt ~eA'trgI9 prs"iaea iA ie9th1R <br />1QOi Oi 8f tRis HtI8,~QY 9198 98 r8~wir8" <br />~ ~ Expiration; Extensions <br />and Renewals: A permittee shall begin the <br />work authorized by the permit within ninety <br />(90)' dClY~,!rof!l,t~~ ,date.of..~,~~i;l~C.!1i p~th~~.c <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />permit unless otherWiseset forth in the perm1t. . <br />The permittee shal~ complete the Work <br />authorized by. the permit within the time limit <br />specified on the permit which shall in no el(ent <br />exceed more than twelve (12) months from <br />the date of issuance unless such time rimlt is. <br />extended by the ~ ,aooroval authority. <br />The permittee ~hall notify the City at least <br />forty eight (48) hours prior to the <br />commencement of work. Should the work not <br />be commenced as specified herein, the permit <br />shall becomevoid. (Ord. 505. 4-27-92) <br />Section 4. Section 1010.09 of the Mounds <br />View Municipal Code is hereby amended as <br />follows: <br />1010.09: '1'RI~~I~ii ~tU~ APPEALS: .. <br />a~9g 1" ^fl,plia(itj8R fsrVaR9R89 "sr ^Jjpg'Qj <br />An apolicant mav aooeal the denial of a <br />wetland alteration or wetland buffer oermit by <br />the Director of Community Development to . <br />the City Council. An appeal.shall be fil~ in <br />writing no more than. 14 days. followinq the. <br />date of the decision by the Communi,ty, <br />Development Director. The appeal'shallbe - <br />scheduled for considerati.on by City 'Council at <br />the next reGular City Council meeting which is . <br />at least seven <;fays from the date of the <br />aooeaL Consideration of apoeals shall be in <br />accordance with the standards and <br />orocedures set fOlth in this Chaoter 1010 A <br />decision bv the City Council shall be final. AR <br />a~fJIiQ9.ti~R far "a.ri8.R99 '~n'QPP9al te ttxla <br />CGkIIR8il BRall 98 fj1i4iHiQ88Q~ Q9Q9rai~B 18 'MIla <br />11 QQ a1 t~e t 1l>J1RisiJj81 ~998; ,:, <br />...9& ~ <ilr8wR9afer I;}QRial if \(QFiQ~99'~19 <br />"8fi8fiil88~8rb8 grsAt8s "'Ri9R 1/' 811s-- <br />GlRY was tRat is "F8Ri~it8a iR tR9 4!8AiR!J sistriet <br />iR ':'Ri9R tl;;l9 pHJf.'l9Ftyi9 ISQat989T mRisR'....m. <br />S .1Xl89bs1lt iR iR8tH~I~B.ti9Ia 1B.~ilY8tr8 ST, "'Ri8~ <br />"'~nsllg 88 ,g~tri~9AtQlt~8wfifQ89QR". Bf8WF\(l <br />V"'Qt{lr regaWr998, <br />&1 . hlsra1l8'B. tRG - fiAtiUOlsie.l Iiwn18R8 'imfj99S8 <br />gR. tR9 98Jl'fHIU4Rit;,' tRr91llSR iR8f'9aeiRs'fI89i1s' <br />,Jif\:Q 9;'S,Rlil,'" 8f :.~'tiWif. 9~8 .1~JiI~.QT8Q8 u~jA ~ <br />jclj8 City Sf 8~8t laRg afeas 8.Sja88Rt te Ylise <br />~ <br />9 . ie Rst iR fc98f:liRff'l'itJo1 JaRaW8afJJ8~8aR"~ <br />~1~~AiR8 e9je9tj"98' fer D:ts City, sr '~'~ia:R "'ill <br />iR9~8Q8e Sf aQ~Q98BRB,~r 19 life aT ~r'8'Fi8R)' ' <br />a ie iRS9R9iat9Rt '.'itA tR8 etljs9tid'88 sf <br />9R99WRiSiRS Ifa'r'lQ weBS 8e~p8QblQ &&filR tR8 <br />fH989t"ati9R 81 Uta AQ:twrel, IBR9 f~Hm9" <br />"egetliti9R SRS "'stl8Rse u'itfiiliA tAg~it1' <br />T 9' IFl91W99 lihi"sI8f?meRt 8f JaR" 8R9,..&t8(" <br />,arias S989Rtial t'9 9_8Rtil.r~B tRB t8mfJ8r8~Y <br />'vitRf;;telsir;llS 91 rapia. fWR8fi 9f 8~R8.Q8u QtSf <br />'''RiaR' 8sRtribwteB ta 89.....RBtfSQFR ft98~iR~ Sf <br />'''ster fl,ell~ti8,A 8r S,9~'918fS~BAt ,81 ISAB SAS <br />'"'liller steiG "'Riglil"PfS"i89 .fif9WRS u'atsrr <br />f89RarSQ er 99"819f1~9Rt "'R;SRSiRliRi8RSEI <br />tRflll8R8 sr ""fiiltar '."RjaR are Rg1HH.U~8ry t8 9arr:; <br />iASr8Q8QQ, fler"e 9f 8t9n~ u"it9r falle"'iRg" <br />~,e~,e88 sf R98":; pr89if9!tQtis~ <br />BWLia" A i~"~8rtirotS gata rJa fjGFFf'lit Sf <br />"eriaR98 gRail 98 i9QW99 wRlses'tAa a"pIiB8Rt)' <br />iF! 8WPP8R af tR9 8fi~lia8tl8R, 9RalllHsliiliflft; <br />9A8iF\9Sfi~8 8S19., J~}slf~'8ye, aite ~IQRB aRe.; <br />stR9r h.rkarA'lati,~R 88 tR8 City may J9i1~ifQ i,R <br />grier ta Gt9t9r~iRg tR8 sfts'ate 9f 9U9R~ <br />~8"8IG~FRBRt B'rot tRB 8#90188 18RSSRiI "'8t8t <br />ar988 tOn' iOi1 ~ ~7 Q~ <br />Section .5. . This ordinance becomes: <br />effectl~e thll;tV'(3-cifailys-afterftSptibifcatlon.' . <br />Read by the City Councildf the City of <br />Mounds View the 11th day of August, 1997. . <br />Read and 'passedby the City Council of the <br />City of Mounds View the 25th day of August, <br />100~ . . <br />Ouane McCartY <br />. Mayor <br /> <br />ATTEST <br /> <br />/s/ Charle,s S. whiting. <br />. .Clty Clerk-Administrator <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />R<ibert Long"Clty Attorney <br />(EllJlletin: Sept 3,1997) <br />