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<br />16-Focus News-ThurS. Nov. 11, 1999 <br /> <br />.J <br /> <br />LEGALS I <br /> <br />City of Mounds View <br />ORDINANCE NO. 630 <br /> <br />! <br /> <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE TO ENACT A NEW CHAPTER OF THE MOUNDS VIEW CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES TO ADMINISTER AND REGULATE THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY <br />IN THE,PUBLIC INTEREST, AND TO PROVIDE FOR 1:HE ISSUANCE AND <br />REGULATION OF RIGHT-OF~WAY PERMITS <br /> <br />THE COUNCIL OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. Title 900 of the Mounds View Municipal Code shall be amended by <br />the addition of an entirely new Chapter 910, to read as follows: <br /> <br />CHAPTER 910 <br /> <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY MANAGEMENT <br /> <br />SECTION <br /> <br />910.01. Findings, Purpose and Intent <br />910.02. Election to Manage the Public Rights-of-Way <br />910.03. Definitions <br />910.04. Administration <br />910.05. Registration and Right-of-Way Occupancy <br />910.06. Registration Information <br />910.07. Reporting Obligations <br />910.08. Permit Requirement <br />910.09. Permit Applications <br />910.10. Issuance of Permit; Conditions <br />910.11. Permit Fees <br />910.12. Right-of-Way patching and Restoration <br />910.13. Joint Applications <br />910.14. Supplementary Applications <br />910.15. Other Obligations <br />910.16. Denial of Permit <br />910.17. Installation Requirements <br />910.18. Inspection <br />910.19. Work Done Without a Permit <br />910.20. Supplementary Notification <br />910.21. Revocation of Permits <br />910.22. Mapping Data <br />910.23. Location of Facilities <br />910.24. Relocation of Facilities <br />910.25. Pre-Excavation Facilities Location <br />910.26. Damage to Other Facilities <br />910.27. Right-of-Way Vacation <br />910.28. Indemnification and Liability <br />910.29. Abandoned and Unusable Facilities <br />910.30. Appeal <br />910.31. Reservation of Regulatory and Police Powers <br />910.32. Severability <br /> <br />910.01: FINDINGS, PURPOSE, AND INTENT: The City hereby enacts this new <br />Chapter' of this Code relating to right-of-way permits and administration and to provide <br />for the health,safety and welfare of its citizens; and to .ensure the integrity of .its <br />streets and ,the appropriate use of the rigl1ts-of-way. This Chapter imposes reason- <br />able regulation on ,tl1e, placement and maintenan~e of facilities and Eltluipment current- <br />ly within its rights.of-wayor to be placed therein" It is. intendeqto complement the <br />regulatory roles of state and federal agencies. . . . . <br />This chapter shall be' interpreted consistently with 1997 Session Law:;;, Chapter <br />123, substantially c.odifledin Minnesota Statutes, Sections 237.16,237.162,.23,7.163, <br />237.79, 237.81, and 238.086 (the "Act") and the ather laws governing applicable <br />rights of. the. city and. use'rs,,()fJhe right-of-way,!~c:h!!pter,Ilb..a1l"al5.Q.J~..e...~." . <br />'''CODSI~Ml\'1i'le'Stmt'RtJte's' Part78t9'.OUfiU -1lft'rf.9~ posslnle. To <br />the extent. any provision of this chapter cannot be interpreted consistently with the <br />Minnesota Rules, that interpretation most consistent with the Acl and other applicable <br />statutory and case law is. intended. <br />910.02: ELECTION TO MANAGE THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: In accordance <br />with the authority granted to the city under state and federal statutory, aDministrative <br />and common law, the city hereby elects pursuant to this chapter to manage rights-of- <br />ways wlthll, the jurisdiction. <br />910.03: DEFINITIONS: The following definitions apply in this Chapter of this Code. <br />References' hereafter to "sections" are unless otherwise specified references to sec- <br />tions In this Chapter. De.1iried terms remain defined terms whether or not ~apitalized. <br />"Abandoned facility" means a facility no longer in service or physically disconnected <br />from a portion of the operating facility, or from any other facility, ttlat is in use or still <br />carries service. A facility is not abandoned unless declared s.o by the right-of-way <br />user. <br />"Applicant" means any Person requesting permission to Excavate or obstruct a <br />Right-of-Way. '., '.' .... . <br />"City" means the City of Mounds View, Minnesota. For purposes of sectIon 910.27, <br />City means its elected officials, officers, employees and agents. <br />"Commission" means the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. . <br />"Congested right-of-way" means a crowded condition in the subsurface of the public <br />right-of-way that occurs when the maximum lateral spacing between existing under- <br />ground facilities does not allow for construction of new underground facilities without <br />using hand digging to expose the existing lateral facilities in conformance with <br />Minnesota Statutes, section 2160.04. subdivision 3, over a continuous length in <br />excess 01500 feet. ." ' <br />"Construction Performance Bond" means any of the following f.orms of security pro- <br />vided at permittee's opiion: _ <br />A Individual project bond; <br />B Cash deposit; , <br />C Security of a form listed or approved under Minn. Stat. !i 1.5.73 <br />subd'. 3; <br />o Letter .of Credit, in a form acceptable to the LGU <br />f Self-insurance, in a form acceptable to the LGU ' <br />F A blanket bond for projects within the city, .or other form of construction <br />bond, for a time specified and in a form acceptable to the city. <br />"Degradation" means a decrease in the useful life of th~ Right-of:Way caused by <br />excavation in or disturbance of the Right-of-Way, resulting In the need to reconstruct <br />such Right-of-Way earlier than would be required If the excavation .or disturbance did <br />not occur. <br />"Degradation Cost" subject to Minnesota Rules 7819.1100 means the cost to <br />achieve a level of restoration as determined by the City at the time the permit is <br />Issued, not to exceed the maximum Restoration shown in plates 1 to 13, set <br />Minnesota Rules parts 7819.9900 to 7819.99!;j0. <br />"Degradaiion Fee" means the estimated fee established at the time of permitting by <br />the city to recover costs associated with the decrease in the useful life of the right-of- <br />way caused by the excavation, and which equals the degradation costs. <br />"Department" means the department of public works of the city. <br />"Department Inspector" means any' person authorized by the director to carry out <br />inspections related to the provisions of this chapter. <br />"Director" means the director of the department of .public works of the city, or. her or <br />his designee. <br />"Delay Penalty" is the penalty imposed as a result of unreasonable delays. in right- <br />of-way excavation, obstruction, patching, or restoration as requested by permit. <br />"Emergency" means a condition t~at (1) po~s a danl;!er to life or health, or <?f. ~ sil;!- <br />nificant loss of property; or (2) reqUires Immediate repair or replacement of faCIlities In <br />order to restore service to a customer. <br />"Equipment" means any tangible asset used to install, repair, or maintain facilities in <br />,any right-of-way. <br />"Excavate" means to dig into or in any way remove or physically disturb or pene- <br />trate any part of a right-of-way., . <br />'"Excavation Permit" means the permit which, pursuant to this chapter, must be <br />obtained before a person may excavate in a right.of-way. An excavation permit <br />allows the holder to excavate that part of the right-of-way described in such permit. <br />"Excavation Permit Fee" means money the city by an applicant to cover the <br />costs as provided In Section 910.11. <br />"Facility or FacHitles" means any tangible asset in the right-of-way required to pro- <br />vide utility service. . , . . . <br />"Five"year prajectplan" shows projects adopted by the local government unit for <br />construction within the nexUive years. . . <br />"lilgh density corridor" means a designated portion of the public right-of-way within <br /> <br />which telecommunications right-of-way users having mUltiple and competing facili- <br />ties may be required to build and install facilities in a common conduit system or oth- <br />er common structure. <br />"Hole" means an excavation in the pavement, with the excavation having a length <br />less than the width of the pavement. <br />"Local government unit" means the city. ' <br />"Local Representative" means a local person or persans, or designee of such per- <br />son or persons, authorized by a registrant to accept service and to make decisions <br />for that registrant regarding all matters within the scope of this chapter. <br />"Management Costs" means the actual costs the City Incurs in managing its rights- <br />of-way, inclUding such costs, if incurred.. ~s th~se associated ~ith re\listering <br />Applicants; issuing, processinQ.; and yenfYlng. ng~t.-of-way pe~mlt appIlC~tIonS; <br />inspecting job sites and restoration projects; malntaln!n~, supporting" protec~lng,. or <br />moving user facilities during right-of-way worlt; determining the adequacy of nght-of- <br />way restoration; restoring work inadequately. pe~ormed'after pro~idlng notice and <br />the opportunity to correct the work; and revokln!J rI\lht-of:waypermlts. Management <br />costs do not include payment by a telecommUnications nght-of-way user for the use <br />of the right-of-way, the fees and cost of titigation relating to the int~rpretation of <br />Minnesota Session Laws 1997, Chapter 123; Minnesota Statutes, Sections 237.162 <br />or 237.163 or any ordinance enacted under those sections, or the city fees and costs <br />related to appeals taken pursuant to Section 910.29 of this chapter. <br />"Obstruct" means to place any tangible .object in a right-of-way so as to hinder free <br />and open passage over that or any part of the right-.of-way. <br />"Obstruction Permit" means the permit which, pursuant to this chapter; must be <br />obtained before a person may obstruct a right-of-way, allowing the holder to hinder <br />free and open passage over the specified portion of that right-of-way, for the dura- <br />tion specified therein. . <br />"Obstruction Permit Fee" means money paid -to the city by a permittee to cover the <br />costs as provided in Section 910.11. . '-. <br />"Patch or Patching" means a method of pavement replacement that is temporary in <br />nature. A patch consists of (1) the compaction of the subbase and aggregate base, <br />and (2) the replacement, in kind, of the existing pavement for a minimum of two feet <br />beyond the edges of the excavati~n in all dir~ctions: A ~atch is con.sidered full <br />restoration only when the pavement IS included In the clty_s five-year project plan. <br />"Pavement" means any type of improved surface that is within the public right-of- <br />way and that is paved or otherwise constructed with bituminous, concrete, aggre- <br />gate, or gravel. <br />"Permit" has the meaning given "right-of-way permit" in Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 237.162. <br />'Permittee" means any pers.on to whom a permit to excavate or obstruct a right-of- <br />way has been granted' by the city under this,chapter. . <br />"Person" means an individual or entity subject to the laws and rules of this state, <br />however organized, whether public or private, whether domestic or foreign, whether <br />for profit or nonprofit, and whether natural, corporate, or political. <br />"Probation" means the status of a person that has not complied with the conditions <br />of this Chapter. <br />"Probationary Period" means one year from the date that a person has been noti- <br />fied in writing that they have been put on probation. <br />"Public Right-of-Way" means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, high- <br />way, street, cartway, bicycle lane and pUblic sidewalk in which the city has an inter- <br />est, including other dedicated rights-of-way for travel purposes and utility easeme~ts <br />of the city. A right-of-way does not include the airwaves above.a right-of-way With <br />regard to cellular or other non-wire telecommunications or broadcas~ servic~. <br />"Registrant" means any person who (1) has or seeks .to have Its eqUipment or <br />faci/iti~s located in any right"of-way, or (2) in any way occupies or uses, or seeks to <br />occupy or use, the right-of-way or place its facilities or ~quipment in the ril;!ht-of-way. <br />"Restore or Restoration" means the process by which an excavated right-of-way <br />and surrounding area, including pavement and foundation, is returned to the same <br />conditlo'n and life expectancy that existed before excavatl.on. <br />"Restoration Cost" means the amount of money paid to the city by a permittee to <br />achieve the level of. restoration according to plates 1 to 13 of PUC rules. <br />"Right-of-Way Permit" means either the excavation permit or the obstruction per- <br />mit, or both, depending on the context, required by this chapter: <br />"Right-of-way user" means (1) a telecommunications right-of-way user as defined <br />by Minnesota Statutes, Section 237.162, subdivisian 4; or (2) a person owning or <br />controlling aJacillty. in the. right-of-waY that. is used .or intended to be'used for provld- <br />"~I\.t1ll1g bE'iAislIo;"lilul I.! I.e.! a R!l"ftlAller'iaWf'treAf!IIori&ei'OPth1fi,..."...~-tc-tJse"the" <br />public right-of-way. . . <br />"Service or Utility Service" includes' (1) those services provided by a public utility <br />as defined in Minn. Stat. !i 216B.02, subds, 4 ,and 6; (2) services of a telecommUni- <br />cations right-of-way user, including transporting of voice or data Information; (3) ser- <br />vices of a cable communications systems as defined In Minnesota Statutes, Chapter <br />238; (4) natural gas or electric -energy or .telecommlinlcatlons services provided by <br />the city; (5) services provided by a cooperativeelectrlc association organized under <br />Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 308A; and (6) water, sewer, steam, cooling or heating <br />services. . <br />"Supplementary Appjication" means an application made to excavate or obstruct <br />more of the right-of-way than allowed in, or to extend, a permit that had already <br />been issued. <br />"Temporary surface" means the compaction of subbase and aggregate base and <br />replaCement, in kind, of the existing pavement only to. the edges of t~e excav~tlon. <br />IUs temporary in nature except when the replacement IS of pavement Included In the <br />local government unit's two-year plan, In which case it is considered full restoration. <br />"Trench" means an excavation in the pavement, with the excavation having a <br />length equal to or greater than the width of the pavement. . <br />"Telecommunication Rights-of-Way User" mea.ns a person owning or controlling a <br />facility in the right-of-way, or seeking to own or control a facility in the right-of-way, <br />that is used oris intended to be used, for traflsporting,telecommunication or other <br />voice or data information. 'For purposes of this chapter,a cable communication sys- <br />tem defined and regulated under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 238, and telecommu- <br />nication activities related to providing natural gas or electric energy services whether <br />provided by a public utility as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 2166.02, a <br />municipality, a municipal gas or power agency organized under Minnesota Statutes, <br />Chapters 453 and 453A, .or a cooperative electric association organized under <br />Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 308A, are not telecommunications right-of-way users <br />for purposes of this Chapter. . . <br />"Two year project plan" shows projects adopted by the .Iocal government unit for <br />construction within the next two years. .'. ~ <br />910.04: ADMINISTRATION: The Director is the principal. City official responsible <br />for the administration of the Rights-of-Way, Right-of-Way P~rmits, and theordi- <br />nances related thereto. The Director may delegate any. or all of the duties hereun- <br />der. <br />-910.05: REGISTRATION AND RIGHT-OF-WAY OCCUPANCY: <br />Subd. 1. Registration: Each Person who occupies, uses,. or seeks to occupy or <br />use, the Right-of-Way or place any Equlpm~nt or FaCilities In ~r ~!". the Right-of-Way, <br />including Persons with Installation and malntenanCEl. responsibilities by lease, sub- <br />, lease or assignment, must register the Director. Registration will consist of pro- <br />viding application information and paying a registration fee. . . <br />Subd. 2. Registration Prior to Work: No Person may construct, Install, repair, <br />remove, relocate, or perform any other work on, or use any Facilities or any part <br />thereof in any Right-of-Way without first being registered with the Director. <br />Subd. 3. Exceptions: Nothing herein shall be. construed to repeal or amend the <br />provisions of a City ordinance permitting Persons to plant or.maintain boulevard <br />plantings or gardens In the area of the Right-of-Way between their property and the <br />street curb. Persons planting or maintaining boulevardplantlngs or gardens shal.1 <br />not be deemed to use or occupy the Right~of-Way, and shall not be required to <br />obtain any permits or satisfy any other requi.rements for planting or maint~ining su~h <br />boulevard plantings or gardens under thiS Chapter. However, nothmg herein <br />relieves a Person from complying with the provisions of thE! Minnesota Statutes <br />Chapter 216D, One Call Excavation Notice System. <br />910.06: REGISTRATION INFORMATION: , <br />Subd. 1. Information Required: The Information provided to the Director at the <br />time of registration shall include, but not be limited to: <br />(a) Each Registrant's name, One Call Ex~avatlo.n Notice. System registration ~er- <br />tificate number, address and e-mail address If applicable, and telephone and faCSim- <br />ile numbers. . <br />(b) The name, address and e-mail address, if applicable, and telephone and fac- <br />simile numbers of a Local Representative. The Local Representative or designee <br />shall be available at all times. Current information regarding how. to contact the <br />Local Representative In an Emergency shall be provided at the time of registration. <br />(c) A certificate of Insurance or self-Insurance: . . <br />(1) Verifying that an insurance policy has been Issued ta.the Registrant by an <br />Insurance company authorized to do business In the State .of Minnesota, or a form of <br />, self insurance acceptable ta the Director; <br />(2) . Verifying that the Registrant Is insured against claims for Personal Injury, <br />including death, as well as claims for property damage arisll)gout of the (i) use' and <br />occupancy of the Right"of-Way by the Registrant. its officers, "agents. employees and <br />1 . ' . <br /> <br /> <br />Permittees, and (Ii) placement and use <br />of Facilities and Equipment in the <br />Right-of-Way by the Registrant, its <br />officers, agents, employees and <br />Permittees, including, but not limited <br />to, protection against liability arising <br />from completed operations, damage of <br />underground Facilities and collapse of <br />property; <br />(3) Either naming the City as an <br />additional insured as to whom the cov- <br />erages requi'red herein are in force <br />and applicable and for whom defense <br />will be provided as to all such cover- <br />ages or otherwise providing evidence <br />satisfactory to the Director .that the city' <br />is fully covered and will be defended <br />through Registrant's insurance for all <br />actions included in Minnesota Rule <br />subpart 7819.1250; <br />(4) Requir'ing that the Director be <br />notified thirty (30) days in advance of <br />cancellation of the policy or material <br />modification of a coverage term; <br />(5) Indicating comprehensive liability <br />coverage, automobile . liability cover- <br />age, workers compensation and <br />umbrella coverage established by the <br />Director in amounts sufficient to pro- <br />tect the City and the publiC and to car- <br />ry out the purposes and policies of this <br />Chapter. <br />(d) The City may require a copy of <br />the actual insurance policies if neces- <br />sary to ensure the Director that the <br />policy provides adequate third party <br />claim coverage and city indemnity and <br />defense coverage for all actions <br />included in the indemnity required by <br />Minnesota Rule subpart 7819.1250. <br />(e) Such evidence as the Director <br />may require that the person is autho- <br />rized to do business in Minnesota. <br />Subd. 2. Notice of Changes: The <br />Registrant shall keep all of the infor- <br />mation listed above current at all times <br />by pro,viding to the Director informa- <br />tion as to changes within fifteen (15) <br />days following the. date on which the <br />Registrant has knowledge of any <br />change. <br />910.07: REPORTING OBLIGA" <br />TlONS: <br />Subd. 1. Operations: Each <br />Registrant shall, at the time of regis- <br />tration and by December 1 of each <br />year, file a construction and major <br />maintenance plan for underground <br />Facilities with the Director. Such plan <br />. shall be submitted using a format des- <br />ignated by the Director and shall. con- <br />tain the information determined by'ttle <br />Director to be necessary to facilitate; <br />the coordination and reduction in the' <br />frequency of excavations and <br />Obstructions of Rights-of-Way. <br />"'The plan sh'sll include, but nol be <br />limited to, the following information: <br />(a) The locations. and the estimated <br />beginning and ending dates of all <br />Projects to be commenced during tile' <br />next calendar year (in this seption, a <br />"Next-year Project"); and <br />(b) To the extent known, the tenta- <br />tive locations and estimated beginning <br />and ending dates for all Projects con- <br />templated for the. five years following <br />the next calendar year (in this section, <br />a "Five-year Project"). <br />The term "project" in this section <br />shall include both Next-year Projects <br />and Five-year Projects. <br />By January 1 of each year the <br />Director will have available for inspec- <br />tion in the Director's office a compos- <br />ite list of all Projects of which the <br />Director has been informed of the <br />annual plans. All Registrants are <br />responsible for keeping themselves <br />informed of the current status of this <br />list. <br />Thereafter, by February 1, each <br />Registrant may change any Project in <br />its list of Next-year Projects, and must <br />notify the Director and all other <br />Registrants of all such changes in said <br />list. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a <br />. Registrant may at any time join in a <br />Next-year Project of another <br />Registrant listed by the other <br />Registrant. . <br />Subd. 2. Additional Next-year <br />Projects: Notwithstanding the forego- <br />ing, the Director will not deny an appli- <br />cation for a Right-of-Way Permit for <br />failure to include a project in a plan <br />submitted to the City if the Registrant <br />has used commercially reasonable <br />efforts to anticipate and plan for the <br />project. <br />910.08: PERMIT REQUIREMENT: <br />Subd. 1. Permit Required; Except <br />as otherwise provided in this Code, no <br />Person may Obstruct or Excavate any <br />Right-of-Way without first having <br />obtained the appropriate Right-of-Way <br />Permit from the Director to do so. <br />. (a) Excavation Permit: An <br />Excavation Permit is required by a <br />Registrant to Excavate that part of the <br />Right-of-Way described in such permit <br />and to hinder free and open passage <br />over the specified portion of the Right- <br />of-Way by placing Facilities described <br />therein, to the extent and for the dura- <br />tion specified therein. <br />(b) Obstruction Permit; An <br />Obstruction Permit is required by a <br />Registrant to hinder free and open <br />passage over the SPecified portion of <br />Right-of-Way by placing Equipment <br />described therein on the Right-of-Way, <br />to the extent and for the duration <br />specified therein. An Obstruction <br />Permit is not required if a Person <br />already possesses a valid Excavation <br />pelJllit for the same project. <br />