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<br />~': <br /> <br />Public notices. . . <br /> <br />Continued from Page 11 <br /> <br />&nstruction or installation work or ~ to <br />such location(s). Demand for sUch special tests <br />may be made on the basis of complaints <br />received or other evidence indicating an <br />unresolved controversy or noncompliance. <br />Such tests shall be limited to the particular <br />matter in controversy or unresolved <br />pomplaints. The City shall endeavor to so <br />flrrange its request for such Special testing so <br />fill to, minimize hardship or inconvenience to <br />prantee or to the Subscobers caused by such <br />~li!sting. , . <br />f' b. Before ordering such tests, Grantee <br />shall be afforded thirty (30) days following <br />receipt of written notice to investigate and" if <br />necessary, correct problems or complaints <br />upon which tests were ordered. The City shall . <br />meet with Grantee prior to requiring special <br />tests to discuss the need for such and, if <br />poSSible, visually inspect those locations which <br />are the focus of concern. If, after such <br />meetings and inspections, City wishes to <br />commence special tests and the thirty (30) <br />days have elapSed without correction of the <br />matter ,in controversy or unresolved <br />complaints, 'the tests shall be conducted at <br />Grantee's expense by a qualified engineer <br />selected by City and Grantee, and Grantee <br />shall COOperate in such testing. <br />:6. OraD Testil1Q and ReDlacement. Grantee <br />shall insert a 750 MHz carrier at a level 10db <br />belOw the video caniers that will be measured <br />by Grantee as a' nonnal procedure C\urir:J9 all <br />service calls. In addition, the Drops and rEllated <br />j!assive equipment will be inspected during <br />I,nstallations to assure that the Drop and <br />passive equipment can pass the full 750 MHz <br />System capacity. In the event measurement of <br />the carrier or the inspection demonstrate that a <br />Drop or associated passive equipment do not <br />pass the full 750 MHZ, the Subscriber address <br />' will be recOrded by Grantee and Grantee Shall <br />provide City, or its designee, upon 'request a <br />report indicating the addresses where Drops or <br />associated passive equipment have failed. <br />prantee shall replace all failing Drops and/or <br />associated passive equipment at the time the <br />address upgrades service to a level which <br />requires a signal above the 550 MHz spectrum <br />at no separate charge to the individual <br />subscriber. ' , <br />,7. FCC ReDorts. The results Of any tests <br />required to be filed by Grantee with the FCC <br />shall upon request of City also be filed with the <br />City or its designee within ten (10) days of the <br />~nduct of such tests. <br />,a. Interconnection. The System servicing the <br />Cities of Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, <br />lauderdale, UtIle Canada, Mounds View, New <br />Brighton, North Oaks, RoseVille, St. Anthony; <br />and Shoreview shall continue to be completely <br />interconnected. In addition, Grantee Shall make <br />~vailable for interconnection purposes one (1) <br />six (6) MHz channel for forward video <br />purposes, one (1) six (6) MHz channel for <br />r~turn video purposes, one (1) six (6) MHz <br />channel for forward data or other purposes, <br />and one (1) six (6) MHz channel for return data <br />c:ir ,other purposes between all systems <br />, adjacent to the North SUb,urbanSystem and <br />under cqmmon ownership with Grantee. <br />9. Nonvoice Return C~Dlilllili~. Grantee is <br />required to use cable lilnd associated <br />electronics having the technical .capacity for <br />nonvoice return communications. <br />10. Lockout Devic~. Upon the request of a <br />SUbscriber, Grlilntee Shlilll mlilke lilvailable lil <br />Lockout Device at no additional charge to <br />SUbscribers. <br />SECTION 5. <br />SERVICE PROVISIONS <br />1. A8Qu/alion of ServiM Ratell. <br />a. The City may regulate rates for the <br />provision of Cable Service, equipment, or any <br />other COmmunications service prOVided Over <br />lhe System to the extent allOWed Under federal <br />or 'state :1aw{s\ ~it" rAQAru"~:fJhA__:d,.Jht";_'tl'\_ <br /> <br />.~...~;. <br /> <br />. 'bo~nience of the customer. Service call <br />. appointments must be met in a manner <br />consistent with FCC standards. ' , <br />5. Subscrj~ Contr~. Grantee Shlillffile <br />with City any standlilrd' form Subscriber <br /><>>nlrlilCt utiUZed by Grantee. If no such written <br />contract exists, Grantee shall file with the City a <br />dOCUment completely and concisely stating the <br />length and terms of thl;l SubSCriber contract <br />Offered to custom~rs. The length and tenns of <br />any SubSCriber contract(s) shall be available <br />for PUblic inspection dtJring normal business <br />hours. ' " <br />6. Refund Policy. In the event a Subscriber <br />establiShes or terminates setVice lII1d receives <br />lass than a full month's service, Grantee shall <br />prorate the (IIonthly rate on the basis of the <br />number of days in the periOd for which service <br />was rendered to the number of days, in the <br />billing. <br />7. Late Fees. Fees for the late payment of <br />bills Shlilllnot tie assessed until after the <br />service has been fully provided lII1d, as of the <br />due date of the bill notifying Subscriber of an <br />unpaid balance, the bill remains unpaid. I.llte <br />Fees may not exceed the actual costs to <br />Grlilntee of late payment of bills and the <br />servicing lII1d COllecting of such accounts. <br />8. Office Policy. Grantee shall mlilintain a <br />location in city or the Franchise territory <br />encompassing any joint regulatory bOdy of <br />which City is a Member for receiving <br />SUbsc~iber inquiries and bill payments. The <br />location must be staffed by a person capable of <br />receiving inquiries and bill payments. In <br />addition, Grantee shall maintain a IOClill drop <br />box for receiving SUbscriber payments after <br />htlurs. <br />SECTION 6. <br />. ACCESS CHANNEL(S) PROVISIONS <br />1. Public. 'Educational and GovernmeQt <br />~. <br />a. City or its "deSignee is hereby <br />designated to operate, administer, promote, <br />and mlilnage access (public, education, and <br />government ,programming) (hereinafter .PEG <br />access") programming on the Cable System. <br />b. Grantee shall dedicate 12 chlilnnel(s) <br />for PEG access and community programmi"g <br />use in accordance with the Proposal. All <br />reSidential Subscribers Who receive all or any <br />part of the total services offered on the System <br />Shlilll be eligible to receive sUch channels at no <br />additional charge. The channel(s) shall be <br />activated upon the effective date of this <br />Franchise and thereafter maintained. City may <br />rename, reprogrlilm, or otherwise change the <br />use of these chlilnnels in its sole discretion <br />provided such use is non-commerCilill, llilwtu': <br />and retains the general purpose of the <br />proVision of commUnity programming. Nothing <br />herein shall diminish the City's rights to secure <br />additional channels pursuant to Minn. Stat 5 <br />238.084; .which is expressly incorporated <br />herein by reference. City shall provide ninety <br />(90) days prior written notice to Grantee of <br />City's intent to. activate access channels. <br />c. . Each public and government access <br />chaOnel(s) reqUired, by this Section shall retain <br />the channel designation/number it had as of <br />the commencement of this Franchise term. <br />Grantee may not move or otherwise change <br />the chennel number or location of any public or <br />government access or COmmunity program ' <br />channel without the written llpproval of the City <br />or its designee. Upon' six (6) months notice to <br />City, any other access channel may be moved <br />by Grantee, but in no event more than once <br />every two (2) years unless otherwise allowed <br />by City, provided Grantee pays lilll reasonable <br />costs or expenses arising out of the channel <br />move inclUding, but not limited to, equipment <br />necessary to effect the change at the <br />programmer's production or receiving faCility <br />(school frequency ~outing equipment, etc.), <br />signage, letterhead, business 'cards, eind <br />reasonable marketing or other constituency <br />notification costs. In al)Y event, those access <br />channels 'carried on the universal service tier <br />pursuant to the MOU shall remain on the <br />universal service tier. This paragraph shall nOt <br />_applvtoReoional Channel.6. 'n'_ _~. " '''_ <br /> <br />Grantee's incremental actual cost for prOVidin~ <br />the additional six (6) fibers. " . <br />Use of the Institutlonlill Network by a <br />Qesignated institution is limited to its own <br />use(s) and no institution may sell InstitutionaJ <br />NelWOrk capacity or usage to a'ny third Party, <br />. without the express Written consent of Grantee. <br />2. Grante&'s Use of CaDaci\l! Grantee may <br />use available clilpacity on the fifty-four (54) <br />channel Institutionlill Network required in <br />Paragraph la. above fOr other uses including <br />commercial uses, provided, however, thlilt <br />usage of seventy-five percent (75%) of such <br />capacity by designated institutions shall have <br />priority over other uses subject to rules or <br />policies adopted by Grantee and llpproved in <br />advance by City. Further, sho~ld City detennine <br />thlilt any portion of Grantee's use of the twenty- <br />five percent (25%) Should be terminated to <br />accommodate the use by a designated <br />institution for video purposes, CitY may direct <br />that Grantee terminate its use at the expiration <br />of any third party use contract or three (3) <br />years, whichever is sooner. . <br />3. End-User EauiDm$m. <br />a. Designated institutions shall be <br />generally responsible for providing their own <br />end-user equipment. However, Grantee shall <br />provide at no charge twemy (20) new <br />modulators for City and/or designated <br />institutions use of the Institutional Network, all <br />as llpproved by the City. <br />b. With "espect to non-video end-user <br />equipment, upon request by a designated <br />. institution, Grantee must either lease the <br />equipment requested to the requesting <br />institution or make reasonable efforts to <br />arrange for the lease of such equipment. <br />Within 30 days of a, written request, Grantee <br />must notify the requesting institution in writing <br />,of its ability or' inabi/ity to lease the requested <br />equipment and the terms of such lease. The <br />City, its designee, or the requesting institution <br />may purchase or lease the equipment from any <br />vendor. " , <br />c. In addition, Grantee will provide <br />standby power for the Institutional Network, <br />provide fifteen (15) new pilot generators, re- <br />tune ten (10) existing return pi/ot generators, <br />an.d .re-tune one ~undred twenty-four (124) <br />8XIsting return IlITIplifiers. , <br />4" >Service Standards. Grantee shall maintain <br />thoSe technical and performance standards as <br />are detai/ed in Exhibit D attached. Grantee <br />shall provide the City, or its designee, upon <br />request with reports of the perfonnlilnce of the <br />'"Net and Grantee's complililnce with the <br />technical andperfonnance standlilrdS. <br />SECTION 8. <br />OPERATION AND ADMINISTRATION <br />PROVISIONS <br />1. Administration of Franchis~. The City <br />Administrator or other designee Shlilll have <br />continuing regulatory jurisdiction and <br />supervision over the System and the Grantee's <br />operation under the, Franchise. The City, or its <br />designee, may issue such reasonable rules <br />and regulations concerning the construction, <br />operation and maintenance of the System as <br />are cO,nsistent with the provisions of the <br />Franchise lilnd llilW. <br />2. Deleoated Authority. The City may <br />appoint, a citizen advisory body or lil Joint <br />Powers COrrimission, or may delegate to, any <br />other body or Person authority to administer <br />the Franchise lII1d to monitor the performance <br />of the Grantee pursuant to the Franchise. <br />Grantee. shall cooperlilte with any such <br />delegatee of City. <br />. 3. Eranchise F~. <br />a. During the term of the Franchise, <br />Grantee shall pay quarterly to City or its <br />delegatee a Franchise Fee in ,an amount equal <br />to five percent (5%) of its quarterly Gross <br />Revenues, or such other amounts lilS are , <br />SUbsequently pennitted by federill,statute. <br />b. Any payments due under this provision <br />shall be .payable quarterly. The pa~ shall <br />be made within thirty, (30) days of the erld of <br />. each ,of Grantee's fiscal quarters togethElFWlth <br />. 'Srepottshowing the basis for the comp~n. <br />~Alj.amo.unts:oaid lOhallh"'lOubIQcl tn <br /> <br />... .......... .... -......--.. <br /> <br />damages sustained by City as a result of said <br />default or rellOOation. . . <br />d. Grantee shall be entitled to the return <br />of the performance bond, or POrtion thereof, as <br />remainS Sixty (60) dllys after the expiration of <br />the term of the Franchise or revocation for <br />deillult thereof. provided City has not notified <br />Grantee of any actual or pot~ntial damages <br />Incurred lilS a resull of Grantee's operations <br />pursuant to the Franchise or ElS a result of said <br />deillu/t. <br />e. The' rights reserved to City with respect <br />to the perfonnlilnce bOnd are in addition to all <br />other rights of, City whether reserved by this <br />FranchIse or authorized by IlilW, and nO action, <br />Proceeding or exercise of a right with respect to <br />the performance bond shall affect any other <br />right City may have. <br />2. ,leiter of Credit. <br />a. At the time of acceptance of this <br />FranChise, Grantee shall deliver to City an <br />irrevocable lII1d unconditional Leiter of Cree/it, <br />in fonn and substance acceptable to City, from <br />a National or Stale bank approved by City" in <br />the amount of $25,000.00. <br />b. The Leiter of Credit shall provide that <br />funds will be paid to City, upon' written demand <br />of City, and if' an llITIount solely determined by <br />City in payment for penalties charged pursuant <br />to this Section, in payment for any monies <br />owed by Grantee to City or any person <br />pursulilnt to its obligations under this Franchise, <br />or in' payment for any damage incurred by City <br />or any person as a result of any acts or <br />omissions by Grantee pursuam to this <br />Franchise. <br />c. In addition to recovery of any monies <br />owed by Grantee to City or any person or <br /> <br />dlilmages to City or any person as a resull of <br />any acts or omissi~ by Grantee pursuant to <br />the Franchise, City In its sole discretion may <br />charge to and COllect from the Letter of Credit <br />the follOWing penlillties: <br />i. For failure to timely complete <br />System upgrades. as provided in this Franchise <br />unless City approves the delay, the penally <br />Shall be $500.00 per day for each' day. or part <br />thereof, such iIli/ure occurs or continues. <br />ii. For failure to provide data, <br />documents, reports or Information or to <br />cooperate with City during an application <br />process or system review or ,as otherwise <br />proVided herein, the penalty shall be $25Cl.00 <br />per day for each day, or part thereof, ,such <br />failure OCCUrs or continues. <br />iii.Fiftejln (15) days following notice <br />from City of lil failure of Grantee to comply with <br />construction,: operation or maintenance <br />standards, the penally Shlilll be $500.00 per <br />day for each day, or part thereof, such Iai/ure <br />occurs or continues. '. <br />iv., For failure to provide the services <br />Grantee. has proposed, inclUding, but not <br />limited to, the irJ:IPlementation and the utilization <br />of the access channels and the maintenance <br />and/or replacement of the equipment and other <br />facilities, the penalty shall be $500.00 per day <br />for each day, or part thereof, such .feiilure <br />occurs or continues. <br />v. For Grantee's breach of any written <br />contract or agreement With or to the City or its <br />designee, the penalty shall be $500.00 per day <br />for each day, or part thereof, such breach <br />occurs or continues. <br />vi. For failure to, comply with any of the <br />provisions of this Franchise, or other City <br />ordinance for which a penalty is not otherwise <br />speCifically provided pursuanllo this paragraph <br />C, th$ penalty shall be $250.00 per day for each <br />dlilY, or part thereof, such failure Occurs or <br /><;Onlinues. <br />;' ,d. Each violation of any provision of this <br />'franChise shall b!l considered a separate <br />~~~~~ for~h~h_a_ separate penalty can be <br />