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<br /> <br />Subd. 1. Foundations, Walls .and Roofs: <br />Every foundation, exterior wall, roof and all <br />other exterior surfaces shall be maintained <br />f f m n <br />. ~ kept in a workmanlike <br />state of maintenance and repair. <br /> <br />b. . Every exterior wall shall be free of <br />holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or tim- <br />bets. falling or loose stucco or bric;k and any <br />other. conditions which might admit rain or <br />dampness to the interior portions of the walls <br />or to the i!::lteri2r ~ spaces. ef tl:le II'lYI <br />tiJ)le ElwelliRg, . <br />c. All exterior surfaces including but not <br />limited to doors door and window frames <br />cornices porches and trim. shall be main- <br />tainel:lin <:lood condition. Exterior wood sur- <br />f~ces other than decay-resistant woods. <br />. shall be orotected from the elements and <br />decav bv oainting or other orotective cover- <br />ing or treatment Peelina flaking. and <br />chipoed oaint that exceeds more than twenty <br />oercent /;10%) of the total exterior surface <br />shall be eliminated and surfaces reoainted. <br />All sidina and masonry ioints as well as <br />those between the building envelooe and the <br />oerimeter of the windows doors and sky- <br />liahts shall be maintained weather resistant' <br />and weather tight <br />g.,90 The roof and flashinQ shall be <br />~, tight and have no defects which <br />admit J!iID!H faiR,.. ilfl6-f;Boof drainage snail <br />be adequate to prevent dampness, water.....m: <br />deterioration in the walls or interior oortions <br />of the dwelling. multiole dwelling or dwelling <br />YniL. fr9FR e8wsiAg ElaA=lf3A88B iA tR9 "'ails. <br /> <br />~Of ~r~ns 9utt~~ ~~ dOw~o~s S~II <br />. m in ine in 0 oair .. fr e fr m <br />--, ooStructlons.- Roof water shall not be dis- . <br />charged in a manner that creates a Dublic <br />~ <br />Subd. 2. Stairs, Porches, Railings, <br />Sidewalks and Driveways: <br /> <br />b. Every flight of stairs which is more <br />than four (4) risers high shall have a <br />handraile on at least one side of the stair. <br />Handrails shall not be less than thirty inches <br />(30") nor more than forty two inches /42") <br />hil;Jh. measured vertically above the nosing <br />of the tread or above the finished floor of the, <br />landinQ or walking surface. Everv open por- <br />tion of a stair. landing balcony Dorch deck <br />or other walkina surface which is more than <br />thirty inches /30") above the floor or grade <br />below shall have guardrails. Guardrails shall <br />not be less than thirty inches /30") high <br />abOve the floor of the landing balcony' <br />Dorch deck Or other walking surface <br /> <br />Guardrails are not reQuired at ami location <br />where Quardrailsare exempted by.the <br />Buildino Code u'l:Iiefi:l,8F8 te ~9 89 198ateEl 86 <br />fjQtSFfRiRsEl ~y tAe ,ihtilEliR!l ~8E18" BREI 8"Sry <br />~,.~_~~,J~.,.~8r,~ ~@A ,,~j~t~9R iR&R8&" <br />~-:.~~~,~~~~Ie at reBt$lRIAB,',a, l:I:eAi!9Atal ~Fe6 <br />eyre ~ g8teJfftiR$Elli~" ~~e fire' ;SiSRS sf tJle' <br />lihlillljll!l QllIle.' <br />. c. Every mmgrail &AEI balustrade.....and <br />~ must be firmly fastened. ~ <br />BEl maintained, in good condition and capable <br />ofrestraininQ a horizontal Dressure as deter- <br />. min'ed by the orovisions of the Building <br />~. <br /> '" <br />Subd. 3. Windows, Doors and Hatchways: <br /> '" <br />c. Doors: <br /> '" <br />(2) Every exterior door. door assemblies. <br />and hardware shall be maintained in Qood <br />condition. Locks at all entrances to dwelling <br />units and rooming units shall tightly secure <br />the door. Everv exterior door. shall close, <br />open and fit properly within its frame. <br /> '" <br />SECTION 4. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.07 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions underlined <br />and deletions ~ to read as'follows:' <br /> '" <br />Subd. 3. interior Stairs and Railings: <br /> <br />b. Every stairwell and every flight of <br />stairs, which is more than four (4) risers high, <br />shall have <l handrail6 on at least one side of <br />the stair. Handrails shall not be less than <br />thirty inches /30") nor more than fortv two <br />inches /42") high measured vertically above <br />the nosing of the tread or above the finished <br />floor of the landing or walking surface. EvelY <br />open oortion of a stair landing balcony or <br />Dorch which is more than thirty. inches /30") <br />above the floor or grade' below shall have <br />guardrails. Guardrails shall not be less than <br />thirty inches /30") high above the floor of the <br />landing balcony or Dorch. Guardrails are not <br />re<luired at any location where guardrails are <br />exemoted l::1y the Building Code,er RiiliFl!J8 8e <br />legatee iR 8S88fS8R98 ...itliiJ' t~8 JilFS"isisRssf <br />tIii18,il:lil8iR~ Celis. <br />c. Every handrail <l.lli! eI' ~railiAft <br />must be firmly fastened. BAil II'lY8t lie main- <br />tained in good condition., PI'Qj;leFly.liaIY~traQ, <br />ell RiiliFl!l8 mK! capable of bearing normally <br />imposed loads as defined by the Building <br />Code,: slolall '~B- J3188~S _SR ~8 '8J3.8A f:'BJitisA& <br />et tt:le stair6, BaleeRis8, laREliRg8 BAEI tfair <br />welle . <br /> <br />Subd. 7. Interior Walls, Floor$, Ceilings <br />and Woodwork: A!I interior walls, floors, teil. <br />ings and associated woodwork or trim'man <br />ll*I64 be maintained clean. sanitary, in a <br />sound condition and in workmanlike repair. <br />Peeling oaint. cracked or loose olaster <br />decay~d wood and other defective surface <br />conditions shall be corrected. (1988 Code <br />!l93.08) <br />Subd. 8. EverY interior door shall fit rea- <br />sonably well within its frame and shall be <br />caoable of beina ooened and closed by <br />being properly and securely attached to <br />iambs headers or tracks as intended bv the <br />mam,lfalfturer of the attachment hardware <br />SECTION 5. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.08 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br /> <br />is hereby amended with additions ~ <br />and deletions ~ to read as follows: <br />1005.08: BASIC FACILITIES STAN- <br />DARDS: No person shall occupy, as owner. <br />occupant, or let to another for occupancy <br />anY~dwelling unit. <br />rooming house. or rooming unit for the pur- <br />pose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating <br />therein which does not comply with the fol- <br />lowing requirements: <br /> <br />Subd. 7 Minimum Thermal Standards' <br />No oersonshall occuoyas owner OCCUDant <br />or let to another for occuoancy any dwelling <br />multiole' dwellina dwelling unit. rooming <br />house or rooming unit ,for ihe ouroose of liv- <br />ina therein which Qoes not have heating <br />facilities which are oroDerlv installed and <br />maintained in safe and working condition <br />and which are capable of safely heating all <br />habitable rooms bathrooms and water clos- <br />et compartments therein to a temperature of <br />at least sixtY eight degrees (680) 'fahrenheit <br />at a distance of three feet above floor level <br />and three feet from exterior walls. <br />iY~E1. 7. _ ~eatiRB r88iliti8s- ~"9ry <br />~u'eIliR~ aR8 FRYltiJlle ~u'8I1iA8 st:lall liiJauQ <br />t:leatiRg faBilities, wut tAs. 8"~8r 9f Baia t:leat <br />iRg faeilitiB8 sliiJalll:Je fEU1lWirS8 te 688 tt:lat seiEl <br />R8atiRB laeilities are, JifeJisFly iRstalle8, safely <br />FRaiRtaiR88 BRS iR g88ft ....sfldRB 88RSitisR <br />aRa tliiJat sais' f.aeilitiB8 are e8JilBt3le 8f safely <br />aAEI aEleql.Qtely heatfRg all Aaliitsl;Je r:&SFRS, <br />~atliilf{lefRB aR~ teils. FeSfRS leBates tliilsFeiA <br />t8 a t8fR~9Fatwr9 9f at 188st sixty 8iBIIlt <br />elSgF886 (&90) ~tu8R~8it. u'it~' SA 9wtsiEle <br />tSfR~,eFatwre ef' FAiRWS ~ueAt'j. elsBFess ( ~gO) <br />at all tiFASS '.'ReR F8Rteel. <br />..a. Portable heatinQ eauioment emoloy- <br />ing flame and the use- of liauid fuel does not <br />meet the requirement of this s~ion and is <br />orohibited <br />..b. No owner or occuoant shall install. <br />operate: or use a Space heater emoloying a <br />flame that is not vented outside the structure <br />in an llPproved manner. <br /> <br />Subd. 10. Deadbolt Locks: All exit doors <br />leading to public areas or outside from all <br />dwelling units and rooming units I:Istel YllitS <br />shall be provided with deadb.olt locks. At <br />least one deadbolt lock per door must be <br />capable of being locked frolll the exterior of <br />said unit. For the purpose of this subdivi- <br />sion,.a "deadbolt lock" is a locking bolt <br />which, when in the locked position, can only <br />be moved positively by tuming a knob, ~ <br />or sliding bolt. QeBlllielt leellS 1:IQ>~A!l S Iielt <br />~e~ "eel ~y tWfAiRB a hey sRaU l:Ie af tt:ta fiua <br />fJi~tWA:lBlsf J~~eef SA 8Etwi"al8Rt ~f3reustC <br />Iiy \he IiIY~lliA!lIFl8j;leIlt&F. . Lock throw shall <br />not be less tlJan three-fourths inch (3/4"). <br />Locks shall' meet the. requirements. of the <br />~ Building Code and shaH be installed <br />within filly inches (50") Of the floor. The ~ <br />t2lmt'~sAaIlbesUppliM~a'istmabte'~;' <br />functional key to operate each. and .every <br />key-operated lock on all exit doors from the <br />dwellina unit. or rooming unit. tSIlBAl'8 YAit. <br /> <br />Subd.12. Installation and Maintenance: <br /> <br />d. Electrical Service, Outlets and <br />Fixtures: All residential structures and <br />dwelling units shall be supplied wiih electri- <br />cal service that is adequate to safely meet. <br />the electrical needs of the structure and <br />dwelling units in accordance with the provi- <br />sions of the Building Code. The size and <br />usaae of aopliances and equipment shall <br />serve as a basis for ~lermining the need for <br />additional facilities. Every electrical outlet <br />and fixture shall be installed, maintained and <br />connected to the source of electrical power <br />in accordance with the provisions of the <br />Building Code'. (1988 Code ~93.10),WOOrM <br />is found that the electrical sYStem in a struc- <br />ture constitutes a hazard to the occuoants or <br />the structure bv reason of inadeQuate ser- <br />vice. improoer fusing insufficient outlets <br />impro~r wirinQ or insulation or deterioration <br />and damage. the Enforcement Officer shall <br />reauire the defects to be corrected to elimi- <br />nate the hazard., . <br />SECTION 6. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.09 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions underlined <br />and deletions ~ to read as follows: <br /> <br />Sl.ibd. 4. Light in Public Halls and <br />Stairways: Every public hall and inside stair- <br />way.other than one and two family dwellings <br />shall be adequately lightedr at all tillleSt with <br />at least a 60-watt standard incandescent <br />light bulb or eauivalent for each 200 square <br />feet of floor area orOvided that the spacing <br />between liahts shall not be greater than 30 <br />~ aM' iIIWfRiA8tieR 81 8t 188Bt fius (S) <br />IWfA8RS ~ef SqW8Fe feet iR tRe. aarlt8&t fJ8fitiaR <br />ef IRe _ Fie_ally Ire- 'slsel staif6 sAElI3'8Se8B8 <br />~ <br />Subd.5. Electric Outlets and Fixtures <br />Required: Every habitable room, kitchen, <br />and. publiC hallj, ,a'ater 91e88t SeFAfJ8FtFR8At, <br />BatRF88ffi.. l8WREby regAl 8ReI"'f,YFR8S8 re9M' <br />shall CllDt<lin RaY6 at least one floor or wall' <br />type electric outlet for each 60 sauare feet or <br />fraction thereof of total floor area. . and in' no <br />case less than two such electrical 'outlets. <br />oroliiged however that one permanent ty,pe <br />liaht fixture may be orovided in lieu of one <br />reauired receptacle outlet Every laundlY <br />. area. water closet comoartment. or bathroom <br />shall contain at least one mounded type <br />receotacle or a receDtacle with a Qround fault <br />circuit interrupter. Any new bathroom.. recep:. <br />tacle outlet shall have ground fault circuit <br />interruoter . Drotection. tRs FRiAiFRY~ RYFA~9r <br />8f slsetfisal ewlls&; aR(ijefeetFieal.ligfott fix <br />tyres Q8 ~FQ' 'ielss fer iA tt;ae iwileliA8 t'eelet!,.. <br /> <br />Subd. 8. Room Dimensions: <br /> <br />..b. Floor Area: f<l!:;h QQwelling unite-aA9 <br />reeRlill!l Yllite shall have at least one (1) <br />~ room which shall have not less <br />than one hundred twenty (120) s,quarefeet <br /> <br />of floor area. Other habi~1e rooms, except <br />kitchens, shall have an area of not less than <br />seventy (70) square feet. ~~ <br />IQQJI1~ <br />~~forsleeping P')rpos- <br />es nhlnintl <br />seventv'/70\ SQuare feet of floor area, <br />Habitable rooms occupied for sleeping pur- <br />DOses bv more than one (1) occupan~ <br />contain at least 50 sauarefeet of f1oo~ <br />for each occuoant thereof., tl:le I'ElIlYire~ fleer <br />"aFs8 8~all ilia iRereQSeEl at tf:le rate 13t fifty <br />(IiQ) 8E1YSre lest ler e8el:l eeeYj;lsAt. IOr~. <br />1i7a, a all gll) , <br />SEcnON 7. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.10, Subd. 5 of the Mounds View <br />Murl1ctpal Code is hereby amended with <br />additions underlined and deletions ~tR>el( eYt <br />to read as follows: <br />Subd. 5. Hazardous..5torage: No storage <br />of any kind shall be allowed understairways. <br />An enclosed area under a stairway must be <br />cleaned out and permanently sealed off. <br />Individual storage lockers must be provided <br />with locking devices so that said lockers may <br />be kept locked at all times. <br /> <br />a. Combustible flammable explos~ <br />other hazardous materials. such as oaints. <br />volatile oils and cleaning fluids or~ <br />bustible rubbish such as wasteoaper. ~ <br />and raas shall not be accul1)ulated or ~ <br />unless such storage comDlies with the <br />aoolicable reauirements of the Buildina Code <br />and the fire orevention code, <br />b. Rubbish. garbage or other m~ <br />shall not be stored or allowed to accumulate <br />in stairways passageways doors wi~ <br />fire escapes or other means of earess. <br />SECTION 8. Chapter 1 005, Section <br />1005.11, Subd. 2 of the Mounds View <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended with <br />additions underlined and deletions 81FWel( e III <br />to read as follows: <br />Subd. 2. Minimum Floor Area for Sleeping <br />Purposes: Every roomina unit _ occu- <br />pied for sleeping purposes by one (1) occu- <br />mm1 ~ shall contain at least seventy <br />(70) square feet of floor area. Every rooming <br />unil- occupied for sleeping purposes by <br />more than one (1) \1"e (a) er lI'lere ~ <br />~ shall contain at least fifty (50) <br />square feet of floor area for each occupant <br />thereaf. <br />SECTION 9. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.13, Subd. 3 of the Mounds View <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended with' <br />additions underlined and deletions 8lr~sl( ellt <br />to read as follows: <br /> <br />Subd. 3. Plumbing Fixtures: <br />..b, Every plumbing fixture furnished ~ ' <br />tAe. 8eeYj;lBAl shall be properly installed and <br />shall be maintained in gOOd working condi-, <br />tion, shllllbe. clean. andsanftary and free <br />'fn:JmOeteets;leakS'Or'Obstfuctions; ...~ <br />SECTION to. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.14 of the Mounds View Municipal COde <br />is hereby amended with additions underlined <br />and deletions !)tFUoh el:lt to read as follows: <br />Subd.1. Right of Entry: <br />..a. Inspections: The E.enforcement <br />Qefficer shall be authorized to make or <br />cause to be made inspections to determine <br />the condition of dwellings, multiple dwellings, <br />dwelling units, rooming houses, rooming <br />units and premises in order to safeguard the <br />health, safety, morals and welfare Of the <br />public. The Enforcement Officer ~ <br />eUieef: Qr authorized lle8i!lllal:ell representa- <br />tives shall be authorized to enter any <br />dwelling, dwelling unit, multiple dwelling, <br />rooming house or premises at any reason- <br />able time for the purpose of performing the <br />officer's duties under this Chapter. The <br />owner, operator or occupant of every <br />dwelling, multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, <br />rooming unit or the person in charge thereof <br />shall give the E.enfarcement Qefficer free <br />access to such dwelling, multiple dwelling, <br />dwelling unit, rooming unit at all reasonable <br />times for the purpose of. such inspection, <br />examination and survey. If the owner, oper- <br />ator or person in charge thereof shall refuse <br />to consent to the inspection, the certificate of <br />registration shall be withheld in the case of <br />new registration applications or revOked in <br />the case of renewals. If the occupant refus- <br />es to consent to the inspection, a search <br />warrant may be obtained where there is <br />probable cause'to believe that a violation <br />exists within the particular structure. <br /> <br />Subd. 3. Posting to Prevent Occupancy: <br />The Enforcement Officer iYilelill!lIFlSj;leetisA <br />Qej;lSRlI'lellt may prevent occupancy of any <br />dwelling .multiole dwelling dwelling unit. <br />rooming hOlISe rooming unit IiYillliR!l er <br />~ or oortion thereof, in violation of <br />this Chapter, The Enforcement Offic~ <br />Dost on the oremises a olacard bearing the <br />words "No Occupancy Permitted: and a <br />statement of the oenalties provided 'for occu- <br />pying the premises or removing the olacard. <br />~. j;le8tiA!l tl:le IiYillliA!l er 8lrY8I~re. Posting <br />may occur if .any owner, agent, licensee, or <br />other responsible person has been notified <br />by inspection report of items which must be <br />. corrected within the time provided for in the <br />inspection report of this Chapter and such <br />corrections have not been made within the <br />suited time. No person shall remove or tam- <br />per with any placard or Other device used for <br />posting. . No person shall reside in, occupy, <br />or cause to be occupied any Iil:lillliR!l stFUe <br />twe-eI' dwelling. multiple' dwelling. dwelling <br />unit. rooming house rooming unit Qr portion <br />~ that has been posted to prevent <br />occupancy. The Enforcement Officer shall <br />remove the olacard whenever the violaton or <br />violations upon which the placarding action <br />was based have been eliminated <br />Subd. 4. Correction .of Immediate <br />Hazards: . <br /> <br />..c. If a dwelling multiple dwelling <br />~ unit. roomina house or rooming unit <br />is occupied and an immediate hazard exists <br /> <br />on the premises, immediate corrective action <br />shall be taken by the owner, agent, licensee, <br />or other responsible person. If immediate. <br />corrective action is not taken, tlJe <br />,Enforcement Officer is authorized and <br />empowered to order and reauire that the <br />occupants of said dwelling vacate the <br />oremises, The Enforcement Officer shall <br />post a notice Dlacard at each entrance to the <br />~tr~ct~re readi~<:l ihi~:tr~~ture ~ ~~~afe <br />_n_ Is Occup n!=_H__b_n Pr_huLd: <br />FRay Breef tRat tR8 SU'SIliAfj HRil ~ '~eatQeI. <br />(OrEI 1i~,:;1 all gll) . <br />. . SECTION 11. Chapter 1005, Section <br />1005.16 of the Mounds Vi~ Municipal COde <br />is hereby amended with additions unde~ed <br />and deletions ~ to read as fi1llo . <br />Subd. 1. Enforcement~. 1\ <br />shall be the duty of the Housing Inspector <br />8Yilllill!l 11l8j;le8ler and authorized represen~ <br />tatives to enforce the provisions of tli,lis <br />Chapter. Authorized representatives 'Shall <br />include the fJ9uilding !inspectors.Building <br />~ the Fire Marshal and the pr,oper <br />health official. (1988 Code !l93.16) <br />Subd.2. Notice of Violation: <br />a. Notice Required: <br />,.(1) When any violation of this Chapter <br />shall come to the attention of the' <br />E.enforcement Qefficer prior to any prosecu- <br />tion for an alleged violation of this Chapter, it <br />shall be the duty of the E.enforcement Q <br />efficer to cause notice of such violation to'be <br />sent to the holder or an agent of the certifi- <br />cate of registration or, if no certificate of reg- <br />istration, to the owner, operator or occupant <br />of such premises. <br /> <br />..b. Mailing and Posting of Notice: The <br />notice of violation shall be sent by certified <br />mail to the lasl known address of such per- <br />son. If the notice of violation is returned <br />undeliverable. an exact coov of said notice <br />shall be posted conspicuously on the premis- <br />es. If the violations are not corrected within <br />thirty (30) days, such notice shall be pub- <br />. lished once in the City's official newspaper. <br />..c. Time Constraints for Remedy of <br />Violation: Such mailed OCT posted ~ <br />lieAeEI notice shall give the alleged violator <br />thirty (30) days or less to correct the viola- <br />tion. The E.enforcement Qefficer shall have <br />.1M authority to give less than thirty.. (30) <br />dllYS' notice when, in the officer's opinion, <br />the violation can be remedied in less time <br />and is of, but not limited to, a violation that is <br />dangerous to human life, detrim. ente' to <br />health or constitutes a potential fire ha%<i.rd. <br />Said officer shall have the authority to extend <br />the peiiod upon good cal,Jse shown. <br />Subd. 3. Legal Authorit}t:TlJe a<:ts,pro- <br />ceedings and authority of the. Enforce/Jlent <br />~ iYil~iR!lIA8j;le8lershall be treatea as <br />prima facie, just and legal. <br /> <br />-<;: ~'i. ' <br /> <br />, FOOTNOTES:"""" <br />'See Chapter 1003.~llf this Title for <br />Electrical Code. . <br />2 Se'e Chapter 1003 of this Code~for <br />. Electrical Code. .' '" <br />First read by the City Counciiof the City of <br />Mounds View on this 8th dayof January, <br />2001, Read and passed by the City Coypcil <br />of the City of Mounds View on this 22nG \'lay <br />of January, 2001. <br /> <br />Rich Sonterre, Mayor <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Kathleen Miller, City Clerk-Administrator <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br /> <br />City Attorney <br />(February 8,2001) Mounds View, New <br />Brighton, SI. Ant~ony Focus News <br /> <br />