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<br />City of i\I1oUnds V,.w <br /> <br />. CITY OF MOO.NOS VIEW <br />COUN1YOF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 694 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 600, <br />CHAPTER 607 OF THE MOUNDS VIEW <br />.MINICIPAL CODE, PERTAINING TO NUI- <br />SANCES <br /> <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br /> <br />SECTION 1. Chapter 607 of the Mounds <br />View Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />with additions ~ and deletions <br />~o read as follows: <br /> <br />SECTION: <br /> <br />607,07: ~ <br />~ <br />607.08: ~~ <br />~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />SECTION 2. Chapter 607 Section 607.01 <br />of the Mounds View Municipal Code is here- <br />by amended with additions ~ and <br />deletions stn.lSIIElllt to read as follows: <br /> <br />RULES AND DEFINITIONS: When used <br />i i r II wi r <br />phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to <br />l!wn; <br /> <br />~ 6. FRONT YARD AREA: All that <br />area between the front orooerty line and a <br />line drawn ;ilong the front face or faces of the <br />orinciole structure on the orooertv extended <br />to the side orooerty lines. The front side of <br />the prooerty shall be determined as soecified <br />in litle 1100 of thi!> Code. <br /> <br />~ 7. OCCUPANT: Any oerson liv- <br />ing in or in control of any dwellina unit uoon <br />prooerty wherein a public nuisance has been <br />~ <br /> <br />~ 8. IMPROVED SURFACE: A <br />drivewav or oarkina . area" constructed of <br />asohalt. concrete. brick or a o;irkina area of <br />gravel construction (according' to Section <br />1121.09 subdivision 7 of this Code). lOrd. <br />620 7-27-98) <br /> <br />Subd. 9. IMPROVED SURFACE, PER- <br />MANENT: Permanent improved surfaces are <br />those. constructed" of asohalt concrete or <br />brick. (Ord. 620, 7-27-98) <br /> <br />~ 10 MOTOR VEHICLE OR <br />VEHICLE' Any self-oropelled d~vice in. <br />upon, or by which any oerson is or may be <br />transodrted or drawn uoon a highway oublic <br />street or body of water, Includes any device <br />drawn bv a selforooelled vehicle and vehi- <br />cles which are oropelled bv electric power <br />including vehicles which obtain power from <br />overhead trolley Wires but are not ooerated <br />uodn rails. However. the .following are soecif- <br />ically excluded: <br /> <br />a Trailers with weight classifica- <br />tions of A and B 10 - 1 500 Ibs. and 1 501 - <br />3 000 . Ibs. resoectively) as orovided in <br />Minnesota Statutlils lOrd 620. 7-27-98) <br /> <br />b Manufactured mobile. an<;J <br />trailer homes olaced on a Dermanent pad <br />located within a Droperlv zoned manufac- <br />tured home district that are used for continu- <br />ous living auarters. <br /> <br />c. Any vehicle moved solelvby <br />human power. <br /> <br />~ 11. VITAL COMPONENT <br />PARTS' Those Darts of the motor vehicle <br />that are essential to the mechanical function- <br />ing of the vehicle, including but not limited to <br />the motor. drive train. and wheels. lOrd. 620 <br />Z:2Z:OOl <br /> <br />~ 12. ABANDONED VEHICLE: A <br />motor vehicle that has remained outdoors on <br />prooertv within the City for a oeriod of more <br />than 48 hours on public oroperty or has <br />remained for a Deriod of more than 48 hours <br />on private oroperty withounxlRseht of the <br />person in control of such oroperty or in an <br />inoperable condition. unless it is keDt in an <br />enclosed garage or storage puilding. It shall <br />also mean a motor vehicle voluntarilv surren- <br />dered bv'its owner to the City or to a moving <br />contractor hired by the City for its removal. A <br />classic car or Dioneer car. as defined in Minn. <br />Stat. & 168.10 shall not be considered an <br />abandoned motor vehicle within the meaning <br />of this Section. Vehicles held under oolice <br />authority or oursuant to a writ or court order <br />are not ab\lndoned vehicles, Vehicles on the <br />premises of iunk vards and automobile <br />graveyards that are defined maintained, and <br />licensed in accordance with Minn. Stat. & <br />161.242 are not considered abandoned vehi- <br />~ <br /> <br />Subd. 13. INOPERAB\,.E CONDITION: <br />The vehicle has no substantial ootential use <br />consistent with its usual function and shall <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />Subel. 20. UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE: A <br />vehicle that is subject to removal and <br />imDoundment pursuant to Section 607.07 <br />Subel. 3 or Minn. Stat & 169.041 but is not'a <br />iunk vehicle or an abandoned vehicle. <br /> <br />Subd. 21 LEGAL RESIDENT: A oerson <br />who is in control of any dwelling or dwelling <br />uni! and said dwelling or dwelling unit is used <br />for continuous livina auarter!>.. A Derson or <br />occuoant who receives U.S mail at said <br />dwelling or dwelling unit shall also be a legal <br />resident of said dwellina or dwellina unit <br /> <br />SECTION 3, Chapter 607 'Section 607:03 <br />Subd. 3 of the Mounds View Municipal Code' <br />is hereby amended with additionsunde"rlinell <br />and deletions etrllsll Silt to read as follows: <br /> <br />.St.lbd. . 3. -pOfjJfc;- NliisancesAlf~ng <br />Peace And Safety: The following are <br />declared to be nuisances affecting public <br />peace and safety: <br /> <br />g. "f,~8 888YRlll:llatieR 8f 8.RY fiiles 8_t \"'888 <br />"'l:liSR QFa Ret etaSlt88 Sf 888\U88 iR Q .8tQ~IB <br />FAaARer Be as 18 w'siel 8811afJ88. ':rhe outside <br />storage of cut wood, unless all of the follow- <br />ing requirements are satisfied' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />(1) Shall be stored in the side or <br /> <br />(2) Shall be stacked or secured <br />ina stable manner so as to avoid collaose. <br />(3) ;;hall not exceed five IS) feet <br />~ <br />(4) Combined stacks shall not <br />exceed a volume of five IS) feet high by ten <br />(10) feet wide by twenty-five (25) feet long. <br />15) Shall not be closer than five <br />feet from side or rear prooertyline unless <br />screened bv a solid fence or wall. <br /> <br />SECTION 4, Chapter 607 Section 607.06 <br />Subd. 1 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions underlined <br />and deletions stA.lsl1 Silt to read as follows: <br /> <br />607.06: OUTSIDE <br />STORAGE: <br /> <br />PARKING AND <br /> <br />~ 1. QafiRiti8A8: \.(,",eR Yee8 iR t~i8 <br />€S9tieR, tRe fells'riREt '"'eF8s ElRe ~f;:tre.8SS <br />8R8lrRw'e tRS fRS8RiREtB 8e8ri8e8 18 tA8fR iR <br />tRia 8w8e1i' 'ieisR: <br /> <br />8.PRg~lrY^RQ^RIi,": ^II tl:lat &Fe8 <br />8et'''seR tRe freAt prep8Ry liRe aRB 8 IiRS <br />8FWA'R 818R3 tRe frsRt faes sr t8ee8 sf tRS <br />pFiR9i~18 BtFY9tYF8 8A tRe pn;Jl8~' euteRelee <br />t8 tAe siel8 fUSP9Ftj !iR8S Tl:;)e trsRt eiels sf <br />tR8 f3rspBRy 81:;)9.11 '8S eletsfFRiR88 8S SJl8sifie8 <br />iR Htla 11 QQ ef tRis ('sEls <br /> <br />B g~C"P^Hi' ^RY parseR 1i"iAg iR ef <br />iR seRtFel 8f 8.RY e'''elliRg WAit wl3eR I3fS138Ry <br />, IRsrsiR 8 FAeter "eRiets is I38.Flte8 <br /> <br />s, Ir1PRQ\I~Q ~"R~^CIi' ^R ifRl3re'J8S <br />8wFfQes sRal! FRa8R 8 sri"9 '~. ar p8FldRS <br />afeB. e8RetfYeteel Sfae13R81t, 'eaR8re'te, Brielt <br />~r a ~aflgRg efee ef gfwJsl eSRstfystisR <br />(Q88SFEliRS t~)~_A-~~'gg, eYBsj"ieisR-; <br />sf tRis Csels). (Qrel. i~9, 7 ~? 98) <br /> <br />s Ir1PRQ"Ii!;? ~I 'RR^~Ii!, PIiRM.~ <br />~JIi~):P PSFFA8ReRt iFAIiUS"SEI' s~u;fe88s afe <br />tRses 8eR8weteel, st li8I3Malt" 88Fi8fete Sf <br />Brieh: (QFeI i~g, 7 ~: Q8) <br /> <br />e. \'iWICllli QR \'I!!;i' ^RY \SRi <br />918 88 safiRes iR t 1iRReeEMa gt&tmes 88 II <br />S'ler:, el8'~8S ifil, "1EI8R, Sf ~~' .'hieJ:l BAY 1E18f <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. SECTION 5. Chapter 607 Section 607.06 <br />Subd. 2 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions ~ <br />and deletions ~to read as follows: <br /> <br />Subd. ~. 1., Declaration Of Nuisance: <br /> <br />SECTION 6, Chapter 607 Section 607.06 <br />Subd. 3 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions ~ <br />and deletions ~to read as follows: <br /> <br />Th <br /> <br />Subd. :i. g. Unlawful Parking And <br />Storage: <br /> <br />c. No person shall cause, undertake, <br />permit or allow the outside parking and stor- <br />age of vehicles ~ <br />QitL~unlessit <br />complies with the follollVing requirements: <br /> <br />(1) Vehicles which are parked or <br />stored outside shall be parked upon an <br />"improved surface", as defined in this Code. <br />(Ord. 620, 7-27-98) <br /> <br />(2) All vehicles, watercraft and <br />other articles stored outside on residential <br />property must be owned by a person who is <br />a legal resident of that property. <br /> <br />d. No person owning, driving or in <br />charge of any vehicle with a ~ weight <br />classification higher than. "E" 16.001-9,000 <br />~as identified on the license plate and <br />specified in Minnesota Statutes, may cause <br />or permit that vehicle to be parked outside or <br />stand continuously for more than two (2) <br />hours o_n residential property or public street <br />within a residential zone in the CitY. <br /> <br />e. No person owning, .drivino or in <br />charae of any vehicle with more than one <br />rear axel chassis design may cause or Dermit <br />that vehicle to be parked outside or stand <br />continuouslv for more than two 12\ hours on <br />residential DroDerty or Dublic stre~t. within a <br />residential zone in thelCity. ".. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />"'",- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />jWRhe8 sr al;aR8eRael ,"et:liele if Beiel . 'slotisls <br />8888 Ret t;la"s alta9J;rea t~8r9t8 a ''filis SR" <br />eWrFeRt IiSSR8e filiate iS8NSel ~y tRa f)f8fj8r <br />i.:tate 8fJ8RSY. ~ <br /> <br />SECTION 10, Chapter 607 Section <br />607.06 Subd. 7 of the Mounds View <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended with <br />additions underlined and deletions ~ <br />to read as follows: <br /> <br />QQZQZ VehiCles Constitutln9 a Public <br />Nuisance .. . . . <br /> <br />Subd. +. 1.. AIlElts~sFlt 9f \!eRisl8"s:~" <br />Findings and PUI:pose: <br />." ., "'c,' ': ".,,,')' '",.." <br />\," ., "e,;:, 't~~~i~~~.Bi:''''fk~ ie'IiB8;,a~,r;'-, <br />ear 9r. et~8r -galy' Qyt~eF&i.eel fiI~AJ~R "FR~Y <br />. Subd:"--g:"Anyperson Wholioiindonsa'. :=8~'::~: :=:i:i~ ::..,..: <br />vehicle on any, public ,or orivate pfQOArty , ~..,. " ,," ~_ ",' _~- ,,,.., .', ,Fn", RO. f-. <br />without the-consent-of the oerson in control of ' iIflPSIlAeI8e1']:1l8 i~~SIlAelSEl . .sRiols sR81llls <br />the orooertv is guilty of a misdemeanor. sIlFrBl'lEle~ tS'tRS elllly ielSFltilieel,~;uAsr Ily <br />tR~ t9i..iAB 8sRtraeteT aRty Yt'eRflSyFA8At af <br />tRe FeElYiFsel i"'~eYReI, tS'!'iRi BRei etSRii!1l8 <br />fees. <br /> <br />SECTION 7. Chapter 607 Section 607.06 <br />Subd. 4 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions underlined <br />and deletions strl>lsll Silt to read as follows: <br /> <br />Subel. 4. Exceptions: The prohibitions <br />of this Section shall not apply to the following: <br /> <br />c. Any recreational vehicle owner <br />bv a person who is a legal resident of the <br />oroDerty where said vehicle is parked. or <br />stored shall be specifically excluded from the <br />reauirements set forth in Subdivision 2d, and <br />2e. of this Section' . I <br /> <br />SECTION 8. Chapter 607 Seciion607.06 <br />Subd. 5 of the MoundsView Municipal Code <br />is hereby amended with additions underlined <br />and deletions Btrllsll Slit to read as folloWs: <br /> <br />~ Ii €peeial PFs"ieisRB <br />^l3aRElsAsel Qr lR8,:a8F9.Ble \~RieI88' <br /> <br />8 QefiRitieRs' rer ~YFt:l88e8' sf <br />tt:lie ~e8ti8R tR8 felle"'iRi "'sr88 81i911 toter 'e <br />tt:le ~s8:RiRfJ8 B1388iti88 Be18' .: <br />I <br /> <br />(1) ,^~^~JQg~JLQVIiWI~b.i: P. <br />FRster "eRiele tReM t:lae fSA'laiReel fer 8 ,sTisiI <br />sf JiI:Isre tR8R f8Ft" eigl:;)t (18) RBYF8 8R pl!llelie <br />I're~eFt.; me~8l1y sr laehiRg "ital 88FRf38R8Rt <br />paRe, Sf tl:18t 1:198 fSFAaiR'sEf fer a f3SReEt ef <br />R'lsre tRaR feR}' eiSRt (18) R8YF8 SR f3Fi.JQts <br />f3ref38Ftl ,..itR Sf 'xitRewt seRseRt ef tRe f38r <br />seR iA eeRtfal af 8weR f3FapeFty, YAlese it is <br />hel3t iR QR eRsle988 S8Faga sr eter8gs B~i1E1 <br />iR~.' It sRaf( 8188 FAeaR 8 R'lQ1Sf BRiere vel <br />. YRtarily 8wrFElRElereElliy its s;'~8r tetl:;)8 ~iqr <br />sr t8 a FRS 'iR~ S9RtF8eter Rireei .,:/ tRe ~it;. fer <br />its F8FRS' "81. <br /> <br />~) Ir/gp,"r;jAlibli OO~JQ/ <br />TIQ~J' TRe "sl:;)iele R8e RS E1wleet8Rtiat peteR <br />ti~ weEl seAeieteAt "'itR its ysyal fYReti8R, aRs <br />,stolen iRelyse a "eRiels tRat. Q) R8e a FAi88iRfiI <br />er eiefe9ti 8 paR tl:let is Ree88e8f'j fer tRe R8r <br />FAal spsretieR 81 tR8 ' 'sl:tisl8, Sf Ii) ie st8F8S <br />SR lilsah:e er j8elte Sf stf:lsr eY~flsFte <br /> <br />(~) .J1d~1I{~\/~tll~lli' ^R iFl813 <br />sFalil8 FRster "gRists '''RiaR i~ p8Ri811y elie <br />A18R~89,">Riel<1 is wess fef 8Ell8 8t paRe er 88 <br />a 8gyreB sf Fe138ir er Fepl8.9SFRSRt 138R9 fer <br />etRer "sl:Iiels8, Br"'l:Ii8R ielt8f3t f~r S8F8.I3PiRg, <br />EiiSFR8Rt!iRS ar 981' '8g8 ef BRY liiRS,YRI888 <br />eyeR "elotists ie, 1i,8pt iR 8R8R818S88 geFa!Js <br />.~. jWRlt '~Ri818,19I:talf ale8 b888Asisere8 SA <br />8li8A8eReel . 'sl:Iiele fer tl:ls f3YFPee8 8f tRie <br />~ <br /> <br />\}I!JalJCbi' <br /> <br />. (1) ng;rQR \Iliiiloll~bliii QR <br />il=iall Rave tAe J:RS8RiRI 88R <br /> <br />,f' <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />B' ,gale: ~leti88 ElRS e81e 8f 8RY <br />. eRials iFAf38YRaeEl ..R8er l:1ie ~Rel3t8r el:tall <br />BS S8RBYetSeI iR 8e8eFElaR88 '''itf:l r 1iRR88eta <br />€tatWt88, elotSf3tSf 1€81!1, 6s"eFFliRB tRe 8al8 ef <br />B.B8RB8RaEl R'l8ter ueRi8188. (Qf8 aSe, <br />~ <br /> <br />a. Abandoned Junk. and Unsafe <br />vehicles constitute a hazard to the health and <br />welfare of the citizens of the City of Mounds <br />View in that such vehicles can. harbor nox- <br />ious . diseases furnish shelter and breeding <br />places for vermin present ohysical dangers <br />to the safety and well-being of children and <br />other c;;itiz.ens, invite plundering and create <br />fire hazards. Motor vehicles contain fluids <br />that if released into the environment can and <br />do cauSe significant health risks to the citi- <br />zens of Mounds View, The condition of vehi- <br />cles that are abandoned iunk, or unsafe sig- <br />nificantlvincrease the likelihood that these <br />dangerous fluids might be' so released <br />Abandoned. iunk or unsafe vehicles and <br />other scraD mlltals also conStitute a blight on <br />the landscape of the City and therefore a <br />detriment to the llnvironment. The abandQQ> <br />ment and retirement of vehicles and other <br />scrap metals constitutes a waste of a valu- <br />able source of useful metl;!t It is therefore in <br />the Dubllc interest that the Dresent accumula- <br />tion of abandoned and iunk vehicles antr"'" <br />other scran metals be eliminated that future <br />abandonment of vehicles and other scrap <br />metals be Drevented that the exoansion of <br />existing scrao recycling. facilities be devel- <br />ODed and that other acceotablQ and econom- <br />ically useful methods for the disDosal of <br />abandoned and iunk vehicles and other <br />forms of scraD metal be develooed. <br /> <br />Subd. 2. Abandoned Junk and Unsafe <br />Vehicles: <br /> <br />a. Abandoned iunk. and unsafe vehi- <br />cles are declared to be a public nuisance <br />creating a hazard to the health and safety of <br />the public because they invite plundering, <br />create tire hazards attract vermin and ores- <br />ent phySical dangers to the safety and well- <br />being of children and other citizens. The <br />accumulation and outside storage of such <br />vehicles is in the nature of rubbish. litter, and <br />unsightly debris and isa blight on the land- <br />scaoe and a . detriment to the environment. <br />No Derson in charge or control of any proper- <br />ty within the City whether as owner, tenant. <br />occupant lessee Qr otherwise shall store or <br />keep abandpned. junk and unsafe motor <br />vehicles on ririva~ pr Dub/ie propertv. <br />