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<br />. <br /> <br />JTA TE OF KINNE30TA <br />COUNTY 01" RAMSEY <br /> <br />TOW 00A.1W <br />~HIP or mmms VIEW <br /> <br /> <br />[- ,'.,.....~. <br />:;:".' ....1 <br />, ~ <br /> <br />-. 'ZJ'Y <br />~. <br />.i' <br /> <br />l' <br /> <br />.#'2 <br /> <br />'-~, <br /> <br />AN ORDIKAJICE COMCERIIIIO 'rH! <br />COLLFCrIOH AND DISPO..CUL at <br />GARBAGE Arm aaABLcaa Aim .THE <br />LICENSlwCJ 'iF OOLLii:CTCBS <br />TH.&REOF. <br /> <br />The Town Board of Hound3 View Towship dofJIJ herebT ordain .. t01.1od I . <br /> <br />~"..1IIt.. <br />"( ~ <br /> <br />Section 1. From and atter the dat. ot passage and publication of <br />this ord1nance it shall ~e unlatd'u1 tor &111' person, firm, or corporation . <br />to fail to dispose 01' garbage and rubbish which_,. be or wb1ch W\1'. accu:t-:..,,,, <br />:i ulate upon propert1 owned or occupied bT lWs ort,hea in asaD1ta17 _DD"./'.';~~ <br />:i E"ter1 ~r.on, tira or corporation YlO shall tall orretuse toake pro-"'."" <br />ii Y1810n tor and secure such disposal shall be guUt1 ot a a1sc1..aDOr~: <.., . <br />;; Persons desiring to mako Dse of the serv1cesot licensed 'garbag.'aDd'-',:..:::,::"::;:\:~:~ <br />:: . rubbish collector8 may do Sf) b1 notifying one of said colleetonand'pR1iDg:: :;j <br />f; the tee therefor. .:~. "'" ,,::--":.~::'::::: <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />1.1. Section 2.. The word "garbage" as ~ed herein shall include' Cm:Ii <br />organic refuse rasulting trom the r.repar.ticn ut food, am deca78d and <br />;. spoiled tood trom an.y source. . . .. <br />: ~ <br />.. ". -.... . ..." ~'" ":..: .:.',:'~':4 <br />l'h'" word "rubbish" as used herein .shaUiDclude'aU' in- ':':~ <br />:' organic re,tuse matter such as tin CfiDS, glass, paper, ashes'~w.ettP~8,: et,c.f:2~ <br /> <br />. " . : .. ",' ~." ":", ::;:'" <br />. .' '.. ", ....,-.,' <br />Section ). Evel'Y hOilS6~.,ldar or cccupant ot any' dwe1J.iDghc)ase,bOU! <br />I; 1ng house, res"taurant or an,y place ot business, having garbage to d18pose:ot,:., <br />i who do. not otherviselpro-nde tor the disposal ot such garbage iD,a;.!lD1tl&rT.~ <br />;~ _Mer, eball provide nlmselt with ene or more ll:r tn:e_tal car.s .1\tt1oi8Dt'~ <br />i: t.A_r~ all garbage ~h1ch ma7 accUllUlate between' the t1Me ot COl1ectlOD.,~ij~ <br />;1 EiCh can shall bav~ Q capacitY' of not to exceed ten gallons I1Dd shall be proe:" <br />" v1ded with a bale or handles and a tighttitt1Dl ccmtr. All garb&g.ac_~,;;:;j.: <br />;, lat1ng t)etween the times ot collection all be placed in said caDS., All--. '. . ,. <br />surplus t1ater ehall be draiMd ott the garbap.betore it-is placediD tbe can;; <br />( :., -...".. . ._ : :' "., ... . -i", <br />n . .... ,. . . .. ..", . .' , -- '. .., . <. '. :--.:-i'i' <br /> <br />.. Section 4. GArbage cans shall be kept at Or nec.r the back dOor. otthi <br />:, build1Dg using the same cr at the rear ot the property 1t-U1~e1s.DaUe7,,:I. <br />:~ and .bal1l:'~ accer;a1ble t'J collectors It all nasoub1e" t1JIes. . ::~;, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. . '.f.: <br />~~tion S. It shall be unlawful tor anT person, tira or corpOration;' <br />to collect itar~ge without banns first seeured trOll the 'l'ow Board a l1e....'~ <br />so to do.'~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Section 6. Any person, t1nl or corporation desir~,ng a llcenseto <br />collect garbaKe sball Jako application for the 8A1Il! to the C1El'k upon a tora <br />perecr1bed b:r the TOwn Board. '[he application shall let forth (1) the ..e <br />and addreu ot the applicant; (2) a list or the equ1paent which he propos.. <br /> <br />.. . .' <br />~ .. ..,.._....;",;.;.."..i--+.,+-'....~>".....i~,..........,_,~."".."..,.._..,~."., .,.......,.~,.~.._,;""'-...,.""~...,..""~_."...":i<'~e'..-'i;..:~.;.;_.;,."""',,....'-'~.;.;..........:;~'''.;...;..~:..;:_;::. .:: <br />