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<br />~~. <br /> <br />, <br />,. <br /> <br />}o, <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />1U;;~ cr' HGUHiJS VI&! <br /> <br />cr;\Jm"! OF IWt>Er <br /> <br />.' ~ <br /> <br />:. <br /> <br />. i, <br /> <br />s 'r:;..7';'; OF' ;-!!!.!'!fe50TA. <br /> <br />Oa;)n:MICE !m. // ' <br />.._~ <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />.. ,," <br /> <br />AN ORD.n~NCE gs'rJu3LISHliW rWWj J~JjREGT]LATIO:5 FOR <br />,THE Ol1-.:RATIOri 01" uottift BCA'i.S INPUBrJC WA'mM <br />~_-=A_ <br />;. ;', <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />The Town Foard of Mound3 viel. Township aoes harau,y ol'dalf1 a.BrvU.~iWS~ <br /> <br />.::. <br />. <br />~':' . <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~.ion 1. .. <br /> <br />Subdi visio:l 1. The word.;, ",notor boa. tit a3 I1s9d in 'this <br />ord:\!'l:ance include!:: cv~r;r vesselprcpelled by r.achinery. . <br /> <br />.,':. <br /> <br />.1:'1' <br />'.", <br /> <br />Subdivision 2. The word "channel" as used in- this ord1rianc8": <br />menm a1",y wa terway or canal between lakes and includes any <br />:;o-c,'llied 1a:;oon or pond ~1ithin such waterway. . .. <br /> <br /> <br />SE:ct~ton .2.. <br /> <br />~~~.:i...... "'.: on' u" -.,.+"... ~""+. .,h,," be .onAra.~-~ on any n\lblic':, . <br />..,.......,~w..~.I. .. ......., .......,......... ___... _.__ .~_ ~I_'" ."... <br />waters in the To....-n of Mou-"ldn View at a speedgroater thanls;, <br />r;;,nsona1:.1e and proper ;"av:ing due ret,-ard t,o the safaty of other <br />boats and person~. <br /> <br />.':. <br /> <br />.:, <br />.'.'iI' ' ... <br /> <br />. Subdivision 2. 'Whenever any m.::'Ol- bC:l t ~:;::Jc= .~~ tl"'j.n t,~ec . . <br />:l1mdreu feet \:300) of a1"..Y' s hcrellne upon 1i'ldchalV person is i: . <br /> 01' sw-'...r.uning, or wi thin three i1uncired (300); <br />feet of arv other boa t, unless such 'other boat is unoccupied, <br />said 1Il0 l:ur boat sr..all be oporated at its slowest spe~, 'and. ::' . <br />. the operator of said mo-oor boat shall take adaquatepl.ecautio:ns <br />to throttle down tlis ~peej prior to :lpproaching Vi thi.n said' I '. <br />dis,tance to -::'h'3 er.:i that the speed sha.:a be appropriatc~ <br />, redl,;,ced ,Ii thi.n thfJ hlmca tad G.i:J '~"lnce. . <br /> <br />~, : <br /> <br />~>.. <br />/; <br />~:;.!: . <br /> <br />S1.1bd! ns ion 3. Whenever any !nO tor boa t pa.ssefl wi th:tr. t.lotree ,', <br />hundred t':'lOO) of ~~ 0 ther occupied boa. tat a. speed <br />'3uchthat the backwash or wavos creat(id Ly said. inotorboat <br />. are suff1ciQ:n'tly :!.::.:-ga to upset, CCips.i.ze,or o'~'~rturn such <br />... 'other bl)#', t, the presence of such waves or shall. be' ." <br /><deenied:pr1ma facie evidence ot viola tlon of. th1sord1nance. '. <br /> <br />" Sect1on3~' <br /> <br />'., '..' , ~ <br />., <br /> <br />;;;.!'"." <br />J,'.';' :.~~ <br /> <br />.1:.~. . ,'" ' <br />~f):..': <br />~~~~~: <br />i;o:~..:'. <br />i~"',>" <br />1""":,": <br /> <br />~L~<:.'. <br />~~~l<' ::: : . <br />t*:;;< ..... <br />~!r' . <br /> <br />F;::> ~. <br /> <br />.,!., <br /> <br />, ;:.~: <br /> <br />No IlJOtor boat shall he Udcd rOl' tho purpose O1"',.r.n, <br />or surfboarding on arv ltlke unle:;s ~nichoperation isperi'ormed' <br />ina mnner so that neither the boat nor the sl'.1ier orsurt-;.' <br />board r1dt:r comes -.n thin three hw1dred foet(300)of shore:" <br />line, dock::, 3..nmr.ters or othor bonts wh11esuch skiier or surf- <br />board rider is ski.mming the surface oi' the W'-lter. .. , <br />. .,i <br /> <br />Soct.1on h. <br /> <br />~;:..;: .. .:' .... Subdivia10n 1. .No motor boats srallengace in any-fonnor ,;'. ., . <br />~r:\. .. ....' , ..:: . .. . race, game 0: tag, ~o offollow-t.he-leader or ;\IV other ,::;.. ,'. :.: <br />~;;..:~:".,,"--, ......_:;.:.~..~":;,.;''''':...;;,>''';;-~:,;.,...;;.,.;,,,..,''"','.;,........".:<_,.{).L~.YP.~~",9~l";.:;,..9.~+.~~n.~~~l).p"" ~~.,';..Qa~e",:~o,~,.;.;,.p.r.PPOl"J.,y':"';;":':"';~:i':""~~': .,;+.;:;:..: 'i:,-i <br />. .:. " ....., .... ,. , . .. ...'sr>On:Jured bOat 'race' or \.lDter:~how or' exhibition.' . . , ,. . ,... ' . <br /> <br />-,- <br /> <br />, ' <br />