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<br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />.,-,,\ <br /> <br />'.. <br /> <br />t i <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />_J <br /> <br />L';\,.lJ...... M..... /3 <br /> <br />. -'::;;:;'::/"~~~ <br />, l,:.,:,~_.}~ <br /> <br />. '<.~ <br /> <br />t. \.)i~''''""" i.' jjIN".l,.,~a <br />_ ....}{...... fliL!" ~. ~_." "'ifji,'" <br /> <br />.'n."':' <br />': . :~~/'l1 <br /> <br />J';" <br /> <br /> <br />~ '- ~ L.. V.. I' .A.. <br /> <br />..lie :O{.:f~ <..:1 :'!.(,~l.H)\.L..~ " ;l"""," Ct't:'L cJr:...iaiil: <br /> <br />". ,; ). ","':f <br /> <br />;;..ectioll ~. <br /> <br />~t:t. L":'Ui ..::.. <br /> <br />:::'cct.ion 4. <br /> <br />1c ~ii-.;;li I.~t'.' ~.....1~'i.,ll..1 t~Ji C11".! ;:.!ii(,;~" liliCit:::-i th~ iJ\i~:' vf-~lL <br />,"~~r:... ~~. ~~..i~~<:"', .:J~,-"' ~:~ '. of' .-,'~- II...... r-"; ..~.;~. .,.,ir.Ii" c;"t"r"ett <br />. I. "_" . ....:...... I ~. ." ~..~ ; ~.... ~.'" .. ". ~ .. <br /> <br />~,.! t~i'..:~,:.:., ~f:~~:~, ~:"Jl' ;"_0' p;'~r.'~:.~.. ~~i':":/~.jr~'lln'j~ or ott:cr p.ui)l~c. ".!"" <br />.;.I\..ii~L\..:,:;',. ~ i~i.;l J~ .l,.l.:.~~. ~l,"L tl\.j~..~..i~ L,ui.JUi;i;~~. ri~e;;i":(;:s of <br />.HI,U!,CI1:('f1 t, (Hd, C T': .; i nn:er: t.. (i! r c t re5>hl!:CIII. ,v.jean t lots' oT <br />olhL,r un~upclvi~I'U pl;;c,"'::, tjt't;,"((;nlht~,hvurs of j:vu.P. M. <br /> ~j:vv h. i;,. of tht: 1(;11owin,~; dcy,'utficia1-cit.y tif~e; <br />proviacd, howevl::r, ""h", l till." pr-uvi!;iCinS ()1" t.hi~ ~ec'!.ion <br />~hall n(;l. apply 10 Dn)' ~uch!l,inor ClCco!':,pClnit:,; by hi5 or her'" <br />pc;l".m l t SUi.i,ruJ.:an or 0 thl;! r ;~c~,ul t..:, pliTt.Qn ,h;;y ingthe. care'. ,-)l <br />cUbtody of t.b:ldnol" (Jf II'o'h(:r. I he niir:o.i'is: upon un err&nd,., .:;,;:;';.:' <br />directt'd by hi~,: or hl!I pe;Icnt, ,c"uilrdian or otheradult.:per- :.' .... ',' <br />bon hav irH] "nd CU5 ~,ocjy of, the, mi~or. ,: ',:':::;;; <br />..:...::-. ._...,.r.. ...,... ~..~.,~:~~~t~ <br />r t shall b(: unl.awf ul f ,?tU,i.; parent,9u~r(han.or: 'bther' adul t ;,:'itD <br />pf;r~(;n hdV.in9 thfJ cal.t .:;r.d custody of a minor under the, age' . ',':.:,,: <br />of 16 years to pern:;,t 5uch r inor to loiter, idle, or be irl ,.:,:..:.,.>.'....;.,.,~.,:'c..~,:..~,::;.:.:,~,,:..:',;" <br />ur upon the ~ublic ctreetst hiJhways,roads, al10ys, parks,'~ ~~~ <br /> <br />~f ~ t Ih 9~ ~ 0 ~~~~ ~ d ~ ~y ~ ~ titl~" f () ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~: ~ l ~u ~ ~ t ~I, ~ ~ ~l: ~j~:n ~ nb~ r r e- '..." ::'....:..',..','.,:.....:..~..,..,:.::..:.~.:.'~~...'.',,!,,'..,._,:..'::JI';'.'~:" <br /> <br />rc~ rr,enl, vc::.ccnt ot::;or (.(.rlcl 'unsupervist:o /Jaces et'ween' :'~ <br />tht> hour set 'j: ',Ai tl.l". ,.HId ~;: lj:.., I. .;",:,,,uf tht~followin9 day, , , <br />off ~cia 1 cit y tir:'.... i ,',rV\1 idcd, 'however, that. the pI'ovisions, i::,\~~i <br />of t~li~ ~~cLi0n ~h.d~ not ilH),!Y when. the ridnor is accompanied,:'-'~Jj!1 <br />by hl S ra~ent, 9uard~ar. or (': ra~r adlllt:;:pe~s'.m having ~hecare :""~':;;~I <br />ilnd cus t coy vf the i: ~nur or when. th(;:1II1ncY'l.S upon an errand ..>"'~*-1 <br />direct.~::d :;y his or tl,'" ;::'G:.cnt, quardian 01' other adult person>/~~ <br />havin'::l th~' <"~~d ~'';':' ~.";";/.0: .the :"';li;or,: . . .'... ",0i:;~3 <br />. ., .. ... ". . ~:~ <br />. r. .'??r-~~ <br />II "'!Idl.l h... urd,,)\'!L!l fcn' (JI~~' ; (;n;onj fln:vr,(,orporaLlon . :,'~~~ <br />"p~'le.t.inij :;r in ct~i.;r"L '_'t3L'! ~'lilcc of ar.:usen,ent, entertain-,' ',:>~ <br />lLcnt o i.' r(;;{ rl:~~h,,:u.t, io j)C!'1; i.t .HIY mirlvl under the age:. of 16 ,:':"::) <br />'t €i:ll'S to (.'n t cr or r-;:'[:)i; in .if) ~ uci. ~ld ce . out' ing .' the' . hours pro~,:, "';';'!"'_;';;/; <br />l'IJ.'~,;,,",'l b" 'j,;... ,...~.--l~r';'...r-'.'.. ".,(,,",'(,..,1 l,.,.....'c.v~.'... ttlat t"lC': : . <br />.~.. ......'-A .~'1 \..~"",w "J~ v.... ''--,....,., t.JJ. ,'II......... .~, .'V.1l' ~a.. .. ~ '.:,-. . ..': \.":'..;~':' <br /> <br />f.':'ov-iuioCls IJfH1.t S&(~r: t 5Lal:' r~ot': gppl"jwhHi such'rdnoris ',~',T~ <br />hccoITIr>aniucJ byhi& :)r 1'(:If,i.Il"Hi~', SUCrrdiall..oro'(,h"r~dultper~",;}~ <br />~t;n havirllJ \..i\f:can~ und cu~tody of the, ~ii1oI'..';,' :)}~:t <br />'. , ., . '>;:';:t~:1] <br />"!he (;h<9lrkiHl or I~h.if'f of Folice, upcnthereques't oftne Supe,r~)'tt,; <br />in It-nd'''n 1. "f t hf' Pllbli c ~;(;h(;o 1 ~ Qr the P;lrochial Schools, orthi?~ <br />~H,,~d of any olh("r- n~~ron5jbl'! or';tanization of the lown of:'.::;l~ <br />...,vun...;:, \ ~..w, Uily OCSiynCitt': c.t:rtaln ni\jhtf, duri:1~ the !;chool, '~) <br />year as "~ChDOl Ni~hts" at such tine as said schools shall be .~ <br />en.,.<::~cl.l I:; i) thlct i C t ;;u:..ic.;;.l, dr;;n;~ tic 0:- social act! vi tie~' for'~ <br />th.., b~'lldit OI entd I "irlm(-;on1. of its st.udent.!:o.lhe provlsions<: <br />'.){ ,...ecliOIl:;i l OT .:. t;f thiL (.rdin"Tlce ~r:all not Apply to any " " <br />~,luu,,(lt urh~l'-'r'lt" i';'J(' vi H IbH~ 01 to l.i5 ~r her parent, <br />,...IJ...rJi.JII l,I 0 lhcl' auulL po: r~(..Jn t'.CJvinij the care and custody of, ", <br />~lH..(1 minc"Jr who is li.iwful1y fJoinej t.o, attending or rE:turning .::. <br />h vn, oray f>uch 5ch,,01 {une l ion on any debisn;j led "~chool Night- ;:'\:i! <br />, :. .~. <br /> <br />.; ''..:r <br />".::: <br /> <br />.f. <br /> <br /> <br />. .-....-... .....-.""~...:.- ~''''-''' ... ,:"~.....,.. ~ ..:.~...~. 'or ~... , ..""-:":"\'0::'''-.--'-''" '.:.~.:,,:...~'.!<'~"_... .. -., .... ...... .... . .;,.,.. <br /> <br />. . <br />,:,;"";,::";,~~.;..,,,,..-~;:,....f;<;;>,.~ <br /> <br />,M;..~... .,_ ..,._.........~.. <br />. .' " <br /> <br />.. .,~ <br />'....::1 <br />