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<br /> <br />..-/' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />"." ,". <br /> <br />'. <br />' , , <br />". .... ~ <br />, ' , <br />"" . <br />... . . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"::~j .. ~ '". <br /> <br />:. ;~ <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />~.", ~.':;'~,~~r~;::~~.~Y~~~~~X~:.f? <br />'. ':':;,<~;" \,f;~::'~;;i""::i'!,~~:':;i"!';Ri":?Y!~:" ": ',." <br /> <br />frOm M.y physical defect or in.firmity. <br /> <br /> <br />;, <br /> <br />t.o ~rocul"e monoy or ot!lor thing ().f V6.::'UG, H" such trick or d~lC'~ !! Il!!!d., .. <br /> <br />I . . :' <br />p~b11c ottenao by any 18W or this stah, OJ. any person c!\gaged itl tio1:to1ti~gi <br />procUring or atte.mpting to solicit or procure mo.1eY Or other thing of vel1:lel>' <br /> <br />, , <br />' .. <br />bY: tB1sely pretending and representi."lg hl!ll!!~lr to be bH"!d, dll)li!",.' dtimb,"it~:,:,: <br />. :' .. ".' :~."..:'F;::'..' <br /> <br />out arms or JAgA, or to be otherwise physic-ally d.Jf1e16ntor to be 1Su!'!"er1%\g r: <br /> <br />. . . . . .. <br />, , <br />i. A person wanderLrrg aooui aM lodging in taverr.s,grocerles,': <br /> <br />!U.ehouBes, market places oraheds, stables, bernsor uninhabited ~~q'i!J~'~X~:ct:{;) <br /> <br />'or'ln the open air and not giving!!. good account ot h1JUselt. ",'<>::':~"';:i;/ <br />'------- -----.-.-- .,---_.-.--'~~--'--.,',',:.:;':'''','' ':' ',">"~)+'~, <br />j. .\ person not. blind, over sixteen years of ageand\l~(Jhas. J1ot,;~~;i1fi)f< <br /> <br />. ...:;;.~~ed 1n the county in which he mer he at al\YtimO!o.r ap.riooi,~q::~tl~~ <br /> <br />'; ",mCJltbS prior thereto, and not having visible means to,.ma1n~alnh1~e~~'2+:~!~o.~r' <br /> <br />,',i::::" " , ""', ' ":~ ' ,', :':,: ," ":;<::""\~ i.~c: <br /> <br />'",'1~hout emplo1JOOnt or wanders about and begs, or goes rromdoorto,dOor:o~.::X:::, <br /> <br />places himself in the streets, highvqs, or pt:blio passagas, to beg or re-<;~~':::~;:.... <br />. . . ;:'~':'?~~.;; <br /> <br />ceivealms. <br /> <br />.. i": '." <br /> <br />SFCTIOU <br /> <br />of t!".:.i~ <br /> <br />Every perAon who shall 'l)~ fourd guilty ot Vi~latinga~pr~is~~,:,>~~~;t <br /> <br />ord1n~ce shall be pUllished by imprisonment for not more thai(three~\;,;:::;!;,:::~; <br />I ..' .,,' , "., "",..}!,!;::: <br /> <br />'.- ......-....;:.. <br /> <br />::::'.',mo~,ths, or by 9.t'1ne ot not %Lore than $100.00. <br /> <br />Pestled by the Town Board of l.founis View <br /> <br />." ...... -. .. <br />... <br />, . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />To~sMp thia~~~;iO~;il <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.~.. ..I ~i;'J ~ <br />..'"..,;.........1 <br />:. .~., ," <br /> <br />,'liovember, 1954. <br /> <br /> <br />A'I'I'F's T: <br /> <br />,\;~.~.;:" ,.,' . /' <br />": L-'~'#'l,-......~ '" <br />Irrine L. Bucher, Cll'trk <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />, , <br />,";; r-'- ..._....~.......,..,--:: 'f..-;;'-~i:'?"""'-'!';r~'~~"'+'-;w..- .-....-.-..,. .-.~....~.! ...:. ...~.."'. <br /> <br />, .., r <br /> <br />'. :'...-;..:......~;'"::r~.,~'~..~....~-:-,..r7'"~--:....:..I','."!""-..-., ;....-. <br /> <br />i <br />! <br /> <br />'. .... \.~ "")'::'~' <br /> <br /> <br />,'.._., ,.., ,~.. ..~,;~,s,,,,_,",,',,o~~'~:;"''';~';;~i: ~'~>>?i-~~A:&;,,:~~~~::t:: <br />