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<br />. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~. The lookin~ int,o or Pf'lep:lnp, t.hron€,-:' doore, vindowl or openingo <br />(,r prlv"tft hones by methou~ uf :;tualth <;.nd ~ithcut p!"~p~!' ~thQrity and by <br />!'ill!ToptitouoJ mr:t.hou8, or wlut ,\s co~onl~r knc'"m !!~ ",.,i"rlo\.1 peeping"; <br /> <br />~-1. AU othor things, aots, om1f1Bi::m:!, or 0t1CUPf\tl0t'ii that mq be <br />cO~Ald~red d~trimental to the mor~l wAll ~~in~ of ~he inhabItants or the tovn, <br />0..: 11 ~urUl1J."i:"n.hl~ ia..::-.b:;r t,lh=:cc~. <br /> <br />~W,cTroN V <br />PUBI,IG ~'lJlSA~ES AFFF.c'.t:'lt:~!-,J~.rl.0T.: !!ill.2.A-EliII <br /> <br />Th~ rollowinr ~~ dool~rod to b~ rruiArnC~" nffocting public ~aoe <br />~nct ,sf;fetys <br /> <br />1. All 3no'" Pond ice not rctl'lOved from public 8idew81ks twelve (12) <br />hours :'.rt~r +.h~ !l1:"ln.." ;'1l'ld ien he.!t' ~,.r,l'I~d to be d('por.:itod thereon; <br /> <br />. ' ~ <br />2. All t.r~"!It, hPdg~8, bil1boR.rde or oth~r obstruotions vhich prevent ".: <br />perBonfl from having 0. ~lellr v10\., of t.ra.tfic nppronc:Mng an intereeet10ntJoom <br />cro~s f:ltreot~ in sufficient time to bring a motor vehicle driven et 9 rtl~oJisble <br />3peed to t',iull !It-Of) batoreth., intE!r:g,,~t.i,)'!'\ i!l ]"#,Rched; <br /> <br />~. ,..11 HJI'Ib~ or tre"::: ",1-c1ch ~~ lNH' tho," E>i~ht (8) foet 900ve the" <br />~u:rr,ac~ of' ;:l.t'l-Y' public !:'1,d~n.:llc or !'tr,p.ot; <br /> <br />4. All wires vhleh ar!' stru...."'l": l(~B(\ than fifteen (lS) teet above the <br />~acn of any public street or alley; <br /> <br />, '" 5. A.l1buildinga, "R.1.1l'l, And oth~'" s+,Tnctures whioh haTe been'damepd <br />by fire, docBY' (.r ot.henrise to an ext"lnt excMd',ng one-halt (i-ltheir original,: , <br />value or which flre 80 situated a2 to nndnnger the safety ot the ~hlic; <br /> <br />6. All e-plosives, inf18J1l1llabl~ liqu.i.da r;!n1 ot.ber dangerous subs.tances <br />o~ I'l;:tt,I!l1"iale stored or 8cOUJIrUlated 1n any- IllRrmer 01" in'lTlY amount other then <br />th9t providt'ld by lFlv or ordinance; <br /> <br />? All uso (lr display ot' f1rework~ exempt as provided by lav or <br />ord Inp_",cp.; <br /> <br />8 .A.1l Unne(~MMry noiool' ~nd annoyinr, vibrations; <br /> <br />'). All buildings s':"3. 81.1 al tr:rntione to buildinp:s mat]" er f)reoted <br />in violRtior of r1r~ ordinances concerning mennp.r 8nd materials and construct~nJ <br /> <br />10. Obst:-roctions end t'lxc:lvf.ltions 1J" thoordinarr U3e or th-.. : " <br />publ';c of stl"GfI'!t!l, 81ley~, s1deve1ks or public groundS except Unae? sucb condi- '. <br />+.1.01'18 M nr6 pro'Tided b.r ordinA:nce, Md any othAr \lXC~Yl!'~ionlett unproteoted. ' <br />or u,ncove.-ed 1ndfJrin1t.e1y or e110wod to oxt~t in such Ilanner all to attr~t <br />people; , <br /> <br />11. Radi" Mrfall!! strung or t.rect~d 11'1 arrj mannAr ftxoept that pro- <br />vided by lnw or ordinane~; <br /> <br />12. ~p. piling, ~torl"p., or keepinp of old mA:chinery, vreck8d or <br />jun~.Ad vehiolee, and oth~r junk or debris; <br /> <br />- ", 13. An:! U!lO of prop~rty abutting on A publio 'etreetor sidevP.1k, <br />or MJ' "U8ft of I'l. public etreE't or e1dAWAlk, v!'lich OMlsee l~ge crovds ot people, <br />t.o g.A:t:~er. O'!:>stI"11cting trllffic ,,00 'thf9 frttp use of publio ett'8'8ta or sidev.uJcsJ <br /> <br />14. All hanging eigns, awnings and other similar structurel over <br />publioS'treets or sidtiVslke, or 110 situRted M to endanpr public lSaf'ety, not <br />constructed ",nd ma1ntdnAd l!\S previded hi Iav or ordinance,' or"Vithoutproper <br />nf'l~l t; <br /> <br /> <br />" ", <br />