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<br />. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />posting B C<)}J.1 0 r th", noHOA I,n t.h~ pr"ln11les. SRi d 'lOtio" IIhe.ll ro,!uire <br />H:.~ ~~~"',. ^.Y" n"~:t!'l!ll.,t, nr"uch '1'r",111'1A:'. or ~n~i1, to tue roasonable stops <br />!i '} r~,.~n"'l'lhl~ timr t.o ~b."t.e ,~d r!!~'\'e ~nld nul51llae. s&l.d "ftep" <br />tl~ t,-, he designated 'in .Aid notice, b1.!t thQ mnrlmum time tor tho romoval <br />or BrJ.d,~~ f.l~rv1t:'n of ::SJ!l1(~ ~t.iC!e !Shell Mt in "l11' event e~eed <br />t.~' hot:; ~ :0) J~r:,. '~~rvt.~""r .,~t.1,c'-' m!!'.y b- T"t'Ovftd b7 filing M a!'tidav1tot <br />~ervic" in tot:,} ,,(""Ie:'" ,...f t'1,. Town ':'l,.rk !"t'ltt1Tll f'nrth +hA 'II!~nTlf'lr and time," <br />, . ,. <br />~''1e!..~"'_~~ . <br /> <br />l'IlI"'l un urJuT :;0 glvf:ln je net cOr.Jr'U~~ -,rf~h, such nonool'1p11anoo <br />rlhall bfl l'f'oortad t'crl!'r.rH.h to ~.h,. 1('1('1'''' for RlJoh action 9et mny bel necell8ary <br />i-\nd uaemc.d c..J.visable in t~", n/l.'1lr, ~!" the t.OW'1'1 t<~ ..hatp ,,"'d ....nJl')in the turther <br />('cnt1nu,~t;lon of" S !tld roll:, ;,r.CI~. <br /> <br />SEC'f'IONVIII <br />aUIT,DINGS OIir.01!:MNED. RF.Pft.lRED QR romr OOJ!H <br /> <br />,'r~\c BO~l.dJ u~n UiCt1cn :,:...~ ~'~jcrj.+:y v~rt.~; ,"~y cnnderm and .J~~ot <br />th.odeatrUction, ro:ipu.1.r O~ 8ltoTR.t1on of It"" building or BtruotureVhich, ,,' <br />by na=ort of" agR, Cllap1d9.t8U ocnd1t:fon, def..ct1ve ch1mne;rs or stove pipes,' <br />do1'ectiTe, ,~hctriu wiring, dar"ot1v~ gtJ!l connect10nll, de1'ectiT* heating', ' <br />~parf).tus, or othor detect is especially H.,.,ble to tire and vbieh, building' <br />or !truct~E' in the jl1r!gxnent of onld PC9!,d 1s 80 situated C8to endaD8orl11'e '., <br />or 11mb, or other building: or propor~y: 1n the vicinity. The' Board mq nleod <br />compel the O\morll of vacant property vithin the tow lim.1ts to k8epth8'.,8Jll,e <br />olear ot any b~h, t~beT, or ,other ~nterinl or substance l1able:to receive <br />orA.OJmDl1n1cata fire to adjacent property. In case the Board requir811 the ,,'" <br />reJlir ,of;: a baild1ng or &tructure, the owner, leesAe, or other per"~n upon <br />vho~ rests the duty to ~oep the structure 1~ repair and uponvhom the order <br />aro direction to TEipair is served, sh6l1 suoh reprdrs 88 thereby directed. <br />Th& order and direction or th~ fionrd l!Io,y :rer'!u1re that the st;'ruature be clolled <br />fJ'lC} not tUr.t.her t1f!9d or o-:cuVied unt. n all repair!! required al"eJl8de. <br /> <br />A notice of" the BOlll"d's dl'!cision and order F.nd at the requirements, <br />of se.i:i Jecil!ion, aha] 1 b~} !on.h'l.":!:th served on th~ O\1ner or OCCuP811t bT, " <br />registe-:ed mail or b,l pel'sonr~ SI'lrvico; ana if the premiees ere not ocClipiad, " <br />e.nd the ~d:relll"l \.If the OW1,er 1,9 unknown, service !MY be ; by posting a, ", <br />copy of" the noUo~ '.:'r. U,,, pr"mlses. Sf"1""r1M of :lOties mn.r ~>O proved bT 1'Uing <br />liT. /Jt!'idI!l.Vit. or s:n'vi,::o In thp ot!"lC'fl of the TOlo."n Clerk aotting forth the'1ftftlmer <br />aTl,d "'l th~I'(ltGf. <br /> <br />~~::CTl."'N IX <br />Lij.ftorF.M8NT cl.lflJ'Jrl &1~E BY ]QAill2 <br /> <br />T.r, c..ft"lr flllGh Mrvic:e 01' notice, ":.he porSOll Jel"Ved fails to abate <br />the r.'I.l~9',r,ce or llInkā‚¬l tho nACCl8Cl'lry l'f'pnir,., altaratlons_ orohanges in accc:.rd- <br />'-,nCf! ~tit,h thf~ rl1rpct1o!1 '.:'f tho Roerd, DoCU'd mtlY emu,e su~h nuisance to be <br />lllmtod at.' thl" n:pc;;'lse Co: the Bonr:i fl.nd reOOVf>l" tmeh expAnditUlT I plue an add1-" <br /> twenty-five r('rc~"t (25%) of mt~h exp':.onditure, by civil aotion against <br />+'he pertlon or per80n~ served; or, 11 servioe has ?cen had upon th~ owner or <br />occupsnt, by order1TIg thf! Olerk to extend SUO~ 8UJIl, plus tvehty;"'1'1v8, percent <br />(25%) thereof, 8.8 a spec1B1 tax against tho property upon vhieb the nui8ance " <br />ex1nted and to onrt1fy the 8&~ to t~~ count.~ ~uditor ot Ramsey Oounty, M1nn('l8ot~, <br />for collp.ct to:1 in the SrlTi1A YilMn<'r ~f1 t.sxes ~nd "p~cbl R.ssfts!'5!lIp.nts aI"f.!I certified <br /> <br />itn~ cvllG~tt~J. <br /> <br />.lli:~ 10 N X <br />13i:~.l'l' TIES <br /> <br />,', <br /> <br />.. .::Y:..;:(;:;; <br />" '. ".J <br />.. ..\', <br />. ~:~~ <br /> <br />, , <br />! <'" <br />'. I.' <br /> <br />../::,~ <br /> <br /> <br />.~ . .:. ~':~1; <br /> <br />. ..,.. <br />. ''''':' <br />'.:'1:,: <br /> <br />'; <~~ <br /> <br />" >. <br /> <br />,I' ....~., <br /> <br />" ,;.,/.,: <br /> <br /> <br />.::1 <br /> <br />~ ,;.:~' ~.; .;;.'~~'~~~; <br /> <br />'.;. .. ..:,r <br /> <br />".;:':~,f~ <br /> <br />.' .:.~. \:. .{;'?~J: <br />':"':'::.//K~ <br />",,' ':',f. <br />..:.::~,~..~:;~~ <br /> <br />.' "~i'.:' <br />. .~..., .. <br /> <br />~~"I <br />':?~;~ <br />","'i:::{;,~ <br /> <br />. ..,'."l-;"'i,':'. <br />:,~ '~~:.:;:~t:'::~t <br />.:.;..i.~.::~;i~ <br />. . .f~;3~ <br /> <br />. ~..:..:~.~.;:~~.fl <br /> <br />"i~d[i;,:~;; <br />.. . l;~:l <br />, '-,1'(". <br /> <br />";:,;,;1~~~ <br />, "":'::~~ <br />..,' '<;t~t~ <br /> <br />I ,;" <br /> <br />.' ~. ~ ',-; <br />. .... <br /> <br />~.:- .'~ <br /> <br />~:..:; <br /> <br />- . '~"'.' <br />.~.\.i <br /> <br />: ........ <br /> <br /> <br />4ny ;:orsl')n \lhn r,~~ll CAll'A or oreat,o n nnillB.noe, or pBrm1t. ri.n." tr.t1~', ',,; <br />,:3 Wl.::e ~o ,Pf:l .qro~~~ .or, ,.l~C;:AA ~~~.",_9-r_'clo.,-,~Q,~l)JlP9Jt...~,.,.P.J.:,'-!!1~~It;.,9.\!~~J'"r__;..;,.;".-'C;'"'::'~;"'~~:~"~K~ <br /> <br />,-:." <br />.. : c.:: <br /> <br />:;-'~{' <br />