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<br />'.;;';' ;,ii-~'. -;.~ .~.-. <br />. .~~ <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />, i <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />..... I <br /> <br />.~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />! <br />,.:j~ :t. <br /> <br />.. .j <br />i <br /> <br />'5~l' <br />.,'j t <br />" '~~.,~\:. <br /> <br /> <br />~ i <br /> <br />.i <br /> <br />i Et,: , i <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />:.' <br />.j:l' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.<i;.i- .'. lo' <br /> <br />". :-.. :'.:.:r::~' .~'t~i.:"',;;.~ ~:~,r~;::";'. <br /> <br /> <br />'. i?''-~.: .... ....11. .. :~4.~~~4"':.~:.':.:-: <br /> <br />:'~:~:~;j;\.:1i>:''r':'~~~f:~~!~~~'~~~:'7,': ii".,' <br /> <br />-~ ;':",;,..~" <br /> <br />;..;..... <br /> <br />,,(.:) \01)' poil'tyaf fee tad by R thorouuhfare p Itl.nand/o.ra, coltmunl ty,;> <br />,11\\:1 II tit-'I'! pl.~n may appoal to the Board tne 1'01'\180.1 of. :the. isl1l~nce,; <br />of a permtt and thE> Board shall have tho power ~o.gran~,a permlt~;' <br />for bul1dtnl-: in such lo(,atton in an)' case in wLichtheBoard!inds, <br />upon tho evidence and the arguilIent pl'tlsented,tb it;t~a.t.(i)tho;;: <br />,entire I>rllperly. of the appellant of which such areaP identif:l.edfoi: "', <br />, !lull.\ iC purposes forms .. ;>:11''' cann'.>t y lold :l reasonable, return to:",''-':-'" <br />U.u ,Hmor :mlc:;[: :;~;ch :l permi t l~' granted, and (2) ,that balancing" <br />the intel'est of the mllllicipality and preHerving the !nte~rityof the <br />official Wlp amI of the cnlllprr~henBive mtlnl\.'l.pal plan and the <br />IntcreR t of the nwne, of till' pl'o!ll)rty ir! tilt> lIse of his propeJ"tyand <br />in lhe bClleflls of ......IlH.shiP. the ~p'an~ of such permit is reGutred, <br />by .'on~ideriltli.lll~ uf ,iu~tiee of eq,tily, <br />13.J Composition, <br />'. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments ,shall consist ,of all: <br />the Planning Commission. All members shal iservewi,thollt <br />>, 13.4 01:~anizat1onr, mcetln~. ., <br />'-rhe Board of\ppeals and Aa,)u!'ltments may elee t a chairman from,a~ong' '~::.,' <br />,,'1 ts appoln ted nlcmbersfor a term of one year; and: the, ~oard r 'v ," ." , <br />,'create and fi 11 such other offices as j, t may determine. TheBol1rd" <br />Shl\l1 met:t by ord<1r of its Chairman, after notice, 'whenever an app.~al,:~, <br />, holS been properly presen tee. to i!;. A 4/5 vote of, a properly conv,ent;':cL'; <br />Board meet! ngshall be requl red to Krant tl'IC reliefsough1;fn the",;,: : <br />appeal. ;" <br />13.5 Proccdllre.'..' <br />If tho Board acts in favor of the appeU ant it thereupon shall is~ue, <br />an u1'~er to the administrative official involved setting forth the <br />terms ""d ('ondt ti ons adopted. Said order shall be signed by the", <br />Chalr~"n and the Clerk or Secretary of the ~oard. If the Bo~rd <br />d~l1ies the aopU,cunt'!,: ,'clicf the applieant',yithin 60 ,~~ys from ;the <br />dec.ision or tne nna,'cj may appEal t,) the vil1ugP. Council ioJ." the <br />relief sought. The appeal shall be in such .form as provided by the.-' <br />V!llagc Clerk'~ office and shal L be accompanied by the tce l~quired:' <br />for \'ariances as set out ill sel~ti r.n lOA of t,hu~ l'I'd~nance tog'ether <br />,y-j tll an abstractor's <.:e,ctified protJerty certif~';ateshuwillK the,'" <br />'prnptn.ty ('wner:- wi thin 250 feet of the outer bOUlida.ries of the, fa rid , <br />i:.volved in the appeal. The COllncll shall hold a 'public hearing:,:-::'" <br />within 10 days after thr receipt of the 2ppeal from the decisiori :rii <br />~he Board o~ App~als an~ Adjustments Bcd shsll give not less than'lO <br />dR.) s .101" .nor", toaf' JU days notice ',f thp. ';ime nnd place of such <br />'lng wh,eh Rhall be published lIi the legal newspB,per for the: <br />Vlllag:~ ami at least ten days before thl:' ho~r.1ng the,Couneilsha,ll-:-:" <br />:na'. I '.In i.lent! cal not; ce to the ownE':J' and to, each of the property:':",,~~\ <br />nWIl('rs wi thlll Lle 2:iO fpet boundary of the land involved. Failure " <br />;}t" the ViI lag'" Ctlll!lcjl t.(~ In,,.ti th>! notIc!. or f~ilure of the prol>e,rty" <br />,IWneJ'S to n~cr:l\'e tho lIotiC01 ':lr":dl not invalidJ.te tho 'proceeding,.::"., <br />,,\ t th\! t 1 mf! of the Iwa r lll~ the Vi 11 age COline i 1 m.ay' take f i ual <br />a,'tinr: lI!>olltht, appl,'I'\tinll 0" .It may l:ontinue the'hca!'ing, frl)m <br />'l!fJf.' I" lilile for further illve~ti(C[l.tton al!d hearing, <br /> <br />~::::~:-r~ioJ:.::'i.:,;...~;:. , <br /> <br />S(!C\'IPlI Ill. :~c.,t.i"ll 1'1 "J"ilillJ!; HeqUired".'( <br />I <br />'I. I . '('" U f I f'd .: ";> i ,~~< '11 \:.:.. l"~ '-,I'd i lIalll:e. l'f~S (l!lIr j 1;11; 'nap OJ' I <br />1'(';"1;:' i, J ',.1 ,,'jl';IL'~(1 !>'ll"S"i:1I1 L tlJ 1.I:(' 7.....l"lIIl~ (.rd,i nalll,:..E.', Sll<1 II hen('eff:1',rt.h <br />he j i ~"lt .Vi l.h !..i\(t HCJ!islE:~r of' De(',.i.: :If'f"i.'\? "7" <br /> <br /> <br />: ..~;~~ <br />;' ~y;.~~ <br />, dft.1 <br />:~ <br />Atij <br />