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<br /> <br />,) <br /> <br /> <br />.. - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~' <br /> <br />, r <br /> <br />Sm"l1 on r,. Town5hl p 30. R!!.n~e 2:\ h herehy rezoned {rom R-l td, <br />n-:l (southwest corner ot IUghway 10 arid Silver ,L:\!te Road) ..".d. <br />, '. <br /> <br />, ' <br />Parcel R. The East hat! or Lot 11 nloCklGreentield,Addlti6n:l:,~ <br />\14 llerchv rc:::~ncd from R-l toR-2. <br />.~. '.,~':." <br /> <br /> <br />. . ". . <br />Pnrcel ~ . 'All that part of the Smith'95R.59', fect;of the Solithw~Bt":,:,, <br />qllarter' o:rthe Southeast qUl\rtero! Scc,t1on t4,,;Townshlp '3lJ"RIl!'lg,j:',. ' <br />?:i \ y inl~ sou thwes terl y of STIt 10/1,2 excepttheEaA t :J32 .~9 r~~:t:\:;;:,,::;::",:: <br />Ill' thp South 71;).1' thereo! 1~ h"reby rczoned from R-I to 0,.3';,:"".' <br />(~nllthwp~t. corller of IUj:';hw:lY 10 nnd r.ollnty Road It). i ':' ,', <br /> <br />.....:....;.,. . <br /> <br />P:lrccl 10. The Kast ollc-qul1rtcl" of the> Northeast q\;arter of' ,the <br />Nllrthwest qUlulr.r o! Scction 8, TOWIlshIp3IJ, nan~e 2J f'xccptJhc <br />Nor tll :I!IO feet and except tho ERSt :JJ feet of Tracts A, and ;~"j s','o <br />, " herebY:"rezonCd'.,:r-rom R-l ,to-R-:S. ," ," ,', ,',' ,'~, ,>:,:,:::::,'p~;;'~:.,:::::,:ji:;,>" <br /> <br />." ,_. . . .: . .' . '. ..~. . ..". ;:M' ~ . "'.: _ .: :..... '.' <br />Parcel 11. Unplatted lands be~lnn1nJt'.ntapOlntOna' Ihl~e"":q:'~',:~outh< <br />from and parallel wI th the Norlh11neanc12!JO .r~etEBst froril\the L' .. <br />West line of the South hal f of the Southeast qllarter' of"the ;Souttieast, <br />qllartcr thSOt.thea~lerly 107' parallel wi th the Nor~heasteriyl 11ne <br />01' 5TH 10/62 th at RA soulhwcRterly 4;) 55/100 ft to' SD nort~e:nsterlY <br />line th~ncc northwesterly thereon to intersect SD fIrst desc~1~ed <br />Parallel L the F. thereon to be~lnnin~ in Lot 8, Block:m,R!lrilte"2,:J~::" <br />Section 8 is hereby rp.7.oned shoppIng to n-:Jfor 'Sup!i,'dor".,J ,!,:, <br />4011 Service Station." , ":~,'::: <br /> <br /> <br />';"':j <br /> <br />:~('('I!llTi 2. This or<l\Il,..1(,(' ,;,lull h" In f,>!1 r:'n'c An(! effect after Its <br /> <br />~'I1) ~:, :.:. ::l ~:. ~ <br /> <br />;\nd ;H~t.~l\('at\nn. <br /> <br />~ : : <br />\'.t..,Jy'----''; ::;,-;;.r. <br />; ':1 <br /> <br />f'a~~ed hy t~H~ VJl1a&:(~ <br /> <br />: .! j t f;~'" <br /> <br />~ :.1. '/ <br /> <br />\ 'I I : ~. 1 ; <br /> <br />_/.. <br /> <br />, ' <br />. .. .....:. ...:'~. '.:.....,;:_:';.;.,. ,,' <br /> <br /> <br />Ill!:'~il";' -7-iJ:"":"'C."":;;:'""'~'"'' ' ' , <br />,;,~~"LL~t:'"'"~~("'~ . <br /> <br />"". <br /> <br />"'()'", ',i'" ,,' , " <br />. --' -. <br />. .' <br />, " <br />~'&Uft_~1--, <br /> <br />Vi 1 lal1:F." Clerk <br /> <br />. ~.~.~:: .':':~~{~:~:)U!L/'_~;';"~::,,:: <br />. .-::'._~. '.: ~.::.~.~~:,;~~: .;;: ~", '; ./: ~: <br />~;.':' ;-~ :'::'" :.~- ::.~,:.,';'~. '. <br /> <br />4 <br />., <br /> <br /> <br />~. ";: ..;.'.-:..i ,. .'J ..' <br /> <br />-.. .~ ';:. ~ <br /> <br />.;, <br /> <br /> <br />'.1 ;1; <br /> <br />....:. <br /> <br />if <br /> <br />....,; <br />-,', <br /> <br />.' :1 <br /> <br /> <br />. ~'i <br />