<br />the namo of the person in charge thereof, ~mc] ~llr:h other infolmation
<br />
<br />pertinent thereto as the governing body by regulation may require.,
<br />Application on behalf c( a corporation or association shall, be mdd~by
<br />
<br />~y two officers t~ereof
<br />, 'Sect~on ~.
<br />
<br />or by its managing agents.
<br />
<br />:::"
<br />
<br />; :.-~::""1:
<br />
<br />-recuperative _~o..eWithinthe meaning - of this ordinance, shallbea;~~f~ni"d~~~
<br />0': ,,':, by a fee to b~:, det.ermined by the number ,of personsintended:.to:be':,:~
<br />
<br />Each application for a licenseto:"opernte.i',':
<br />
<br />...:-':i..:
<br />:. ." '.';~;~
<br />
<br />acconunodated by the facility:. those with less then ten (lOJ-::,beds'sh':ll,1.,)
<br />
<br />. - - .
<br />
<br />..'..'(
<br />. "::/~:
<br />~. ., .':':l!,
<br />
<br />.;~:t
<br />,\'
<br />
<br />pay a fee of$3b~OO; thos~0ith ten (lO)beds or more and less than ~ifty
<br />(50) beds shall pay a fee ofSSO.OO; those w~Lh fifty (50) beds or more
<br />
<br />and less than one hundred (100) beds shall pay a fee of $75.00; those
<br />
<br />."
<br />. .~.:
<br />; '~
<br />
<br />with one hundred (IOO) beds or more shall pay a fee of $100.00. ~o such
<br />
<br />day of December.
<br />
<br />fee shall bcrefunded~'> ~1I.1~ licenses "shall expire. annua:l~~,~,n:::"t;h~'?2~:~'~:r::,:t.~:"2;':;;;:~i;:\,~~
<br />
<br />An 'application. for renewal of the license shall be filed
<br />
<br />. ~. i:,=~
<br />.. ".'\.
<br />
<br />not later than the 31st day of December.~ All such fees sha~l be ,received:
<br />". i
<br />.. .... -."..
<br />
<br />by'the governing bOcl.y'and:',:!:)hall be paid "to the"general 'fund~' :1'10: liC'e'ns'e
<br />
<br />
<br />~anted hereun~er ~~all beaSSigna~~e.or t~ans~era~]e.
<br />. '," . Sect10n 6. Every bU1Hhnrr, 1nst~ tut~on, or establishment
<br />
<br />for whj ch a...licer.se has been issued shall be p2riodically i!lSpected by,'
<br />
<br />.':1' ..,
<br />.--:.....
<br />. .....:..,.
<br />
<br />the municipal health off icer under the rules and regulations~.to be
<br />
<br />
<br />. '-'. .:.
<br />: . . . . ;.:; ::..:....: ~~
<br />.: ,.,.,.
<br />
<br />:~! 0;:' ;.~
<br />....'!.:
<br />
<br />established:by,~the governing body . No 'in~t.i tut .lon,o{,.any)dnd licensed:::,;;':>
<br />.....:s/.
<br />,. .' -.
<br />pursuant -':to, the:';proviGions of1\1inm'sota, Stat!ltes' 144; 50 to 144 ';,6 shall:"
<br />
<br />.........
<br />:..~;..::....~.~
<br />.... ".~.' .?"
<br />:....;..:.;.~
<br />
<br />~..:7~~~
<br />
<br />':'-".
<br />
<br />be requir~jto: be licensed by the municipality.
<br />,Se~tion 7. ' Any ir.sti tut.ion, place, building or agency', that:.
<br />
<br />.Tl';
<br />
<br />is:to be used~for a recuperative home shall not be ~stablished' in the,
<br />
<br />municipality ~~l~ss it conforms to the provisiOns of Ordinance No. 67'
<br />
<br />as amended from time to time, as said ordinance applies to hospitals,
<br />
<br />I
<br />sani tar iu!ms, rest homes and/or nun, ing homr:~,. Any person,' partnership,'
<br />
<br />associa tion" 'br corporation violating any prov ision, of this: ordinanc~':,:tt'\-:::}':~~
<br />, 'sKil'i i "'be;:g:'t~i:Y~~':~6:{"a";~i~'d~~~'ri:~:6';':" a nd upon" co~~i~'~i6;ri;'ri~'; i r~~~:: :;t~:r;h;~~.';~;c;/'#/i.~H~
<br />
<br />. a 1'ine o'f not more than 'fhree Hundred Dollars ($300.00) 9r hy
<br />
<br />prisonrrtent in the county jailor county \.Jorkhouse for not more than
<br />
<br />rd net y
<br />
<br />(9 0 )':\~d'~}'S~'/'i~:'or' both.
<br />
<br />~:: :.... '::~:.~,~,~'~~'::,:::: '::". ~ "!i~'. ~::; " ::.'." . _:. . " ',. . '. '. .
<br />; .... ~;, . ;.~: '.i.t;:-.:.;~.."...~' :":~:;'~~! :'~~':;!i~.:';' ,~:...!:.. '';.:' ~~;:.. i
<br />..... ""':~'.~: ~. .~.:., ~:. ..':~' ~. ':;~.~:. .' . ". '.'." ..' .
<br />
<br />.......
<br />
<br />