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<br />Lay-Offs. . The appllint'1rig tluthority ''lay lilY off "'flY I>",plny(>.. wh~!!..v"r lIuch
<br />act ion is lOadn lwcessaL'Y by rtsason of shortage of work or funds, thcl1boUtIon
<br />of a position or becllUsu of cha.ngus in organizatiun, provided, hOWOVUl'.;..t:hat
<br />two (2) weeks advllnce written nutiet! shall be given. .No pl.!rlll8nent employee
<br />shall be .laid off whil(!.th(:~'el1r.etilrnporary.,provt8Jorial or ,'probationary';;;- '.
<br />employm~s. servi~g in the same Clll8S of po~Hions for\olhlch".th(!:~pet"mancrlt(~I~plo>,L~(!:'/
<br />is qual if ied.e ligi bIe.l' fld a va f In bl\~';' '.Length of:'si~r\;f~~ :j .11, ~hH:Jlflml~"pOp;Tt.iOn..::: '" .....
<br />class shall determlnl~ the order.of~l{:lking)a:v-off~ . . .'. ..... .'. . .'
<br />
<br />
<br />.. ..... :~!:~:~:E:~~~!orJ~~:;1 ;~m;!~~(r:~:~:;!~~f~[~~~:t~~~:;~.:!~r;III;';r~"r'- ......
<br />
<br />Demotions. An employee mny be demoted by the Villag\,! llppointing'uuthorJtyfor
<br />. inefficient perf(mna:~ce of his duty, flll. discipl inary reasons or f~~ .o~h~['goo~..
<br />and sufficient l't!iison. "".._, '" 'ro'.'
<br />. '. .. . ._..... . :;..,1. ~.' . I _, ,. ',.. '.....~ ,.."
<br />
<br />..
<br />' D~.smissa 1. H Any"~H ic~r' or employee subject l~~th~HprOVi~i(\ns .of~,:;t his'~.:~r'diri:an~'~'.~)~:;;;.
<br />.~-- may by resolut ion b~ dismissed from the mun ic~pnl.:!lei:'v~ce ~y:the:vi p:ag~.appolnt;lng
<br />authority. . Evidence ,of the followingshdll: besuffi'dent,c::ausJ~:':~or:;d~'8in:issal'r,\,/t':.:{'
<br />(l)'lncompetenceor inefficiency in the performance of:his::duties.- ".'::
<br />'. (2l,Conviction of a cr1.minal offense ormisdemennor i-nvo'lvillg' mota'L'turpitude.
<br />(J)Violation of any lawful or "fficial regulation or order or failure. to '..
<br />obey any lawful di.rect ion made and g-iven' by ,his Hsup~.r io'r;where'such
<br />violation or :flillure to obey amounts to anY~i:t:()f '!nsubordi-nation'or .
<br />a breach of propel discipline or hlts n~'sultiidor l"~as9nably '!jjlght:. bc'.::'.;.::'''~::::
<br />expected to rr-sult in loss or injury to the Municipality '01' to the.
<br />'. public.
<br />(4) Intoxication on duty,
<br />(5) Physical or mental defect which, in the judf,lllellt of the Village appointing
<br />authority incapacitates the employee for tlle proper .performance of the
<br />dutiES of his position.
<br />(6) The us(~ of offensive conduct or language townrd the pu'~lic, municipal,
<br />officers or employees. ',. .
<br />(7) Carelessnpss or negligence in the hu,.dling .or contro.! of municipal pro~rty.
<br />(8) Inducing or attempting to induce an officer or employee. of the VHlage to,;
<br />.... commit an un'lawful actor t(1 act in vi...1Iati(1n i1fany' ln~Jf.~llaj,dreasonable
<br />"bfficial r~gulation or order. . .
<br />(9) Ta~-<ing any fee, gift, or otver valu..ble thing in the cO,urse'of his:'work
<br />er in connp.ction with j~., from any ci t izen for his persbnai use, wher.
<br />su,=h fee, gift, or thing is given in the hope or .cxp~ctat.ion. nf..,-receiving
<br />..... a favor or better treatment than that .accorded'othefcltJ"'Hls',;,,;,~~:::~_.::.::.,;:;-.::.,
<br />. (lO)';':Conduct in priva.te lifewhich'brings discredj~"u.P()I'}.';::'~he-'mlinicip~l:1::SE!r\iide~. _,
<br />- (l1)":,:.Provon dishorlesty in the performanCe! of his du-ties.'.. .'. ..<:".x.,.(.,.~" . <.':
<br />(12) Violation of the provisions of this ordinance.
<br />
<br />.~ ;... . ,',... :........ ....; - '. . . ..
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />RiI~~~..Appeal. In .111 cases of suspension, demotIon. :01' dismissal. the rt!aSons
<br />for !;uch action rnUf>t be preselltvd j;1 i:l dated ,.,ritllm sta:U~mellt ,to the employee
<br />affected. Upon the cmplc~'~~c's dat{'d ~'!ritten requ(,st tL' the Vi(lage appointing
<br />authority filed within five (5) working days of receipt ~f the ~tatements of
<br />reasons, an employee shall be granted a hearing beforl! the Vill'age appointing
<br />authority, said hearing to be held not later than fifteeJ;l( 1,:>> days .fr.qni;,tl1(!....~\,: '
<br />. .... date of filing of the request for hllaring. . Ifthe'cau-se:.fori::su~peri~ion:~;:di:smi~'si:1~',.
<br />.:~:;... _:.?r. ~.~~~; J,()n,. is c.J:l9.t. ~s",~ bst~n~ i~i;eq,~:the" ,employee;c.s hal:1.,~+:,re iris 1:8 ted 'i,n;;:hi!s'f ormei;'.<<' ..
<br />.,. position and shall:receive'al (payments anci bim.~fits which would haveb(H:!n'~arned';
<br />during th(! tJeriodofsUSpt".lIsiull, dismisHul or delllotiun.
<br />
<br />