<br />.
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<br />
<br />- - -O-RDINANCE N~.~~~-\
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<br />
<br />
<br />l ,:. TE OF MINNESOTA !
<br />
<br />:AI; ):",;",,..,,CI': AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE 'I
<br />The City Council of th+;' City Of Mounds View doe~ \
<br />hereby ofdaln .
<br />SECTION l. Chapter ~C 01. Subdlvlslun S, {8)
<br />&:i"IBt'lded .:)~' 'deietjngt~ 'fofI6'wing:; ~,:>,:r, '-'..
<br />~8) AU unreasonable Of' unnec.essary nOises;
<br />I SECTION II. Chapter 90 05 IS amended by deleting
<br />r the following
<br />f Penalties. Any person, firm, partnership or corpora~
<br />I lionvlolf:.iJlng any ~m..1~jSIOr) of this crlapter shall be guiliy
<br />l ot d rnlsdt;meanor (92)
<br />I SEe nON Ill. Chapter 90 05 I~ am~}qded by addi.n~~
<br />I thH following
<br />90 05 Noise Control Regulations
<br />Subdivision 1, Unlawful to Make Loud or Un.
<br />I, necessary Noises, It shall be unlawful tor any per
<br />son to make.> or calise to be mane any loud, un~
<br />I necessary or unusual noise which either annoys.
<br />disturbs, or a!filcts the com tort ' fepose, health or
<br />peace of others
<br />Subdivision 2. Unlawful Acts. The following acts
<br />I set torth in, the following paragraphs are declared
<br />to be loud. disturbing, and unnecessary noises in
<br />violation of this ordinance, but said enumeration
<br />snali not be deemed to be exclusive.
<br />I (1) Construction or Repairing at Buildings. The
<br />erection (including excavating), demolition, altera.
<br />tion) Of repair of any building between the hours of
<br />110:00 p,m, and 6:00 a,m. on weekdays and all day
<br />Sunday except where single Individuals or families ,
<br />work on single family tesidences for their own oc- ,-.<
<br />cupancy owned by them, except that the Building
<br />Inspector may. in case of emergency. grant permis.
<br />sion to repair at anV,time, when he tinds SUCh, repair .,
<br />work will not affect the health and safety of persons
<br />Hl the vicinity
<br />(2) Noise in Residential Areas, No person shall, I
<br />between the hours ot 10:00 p,m. and 7.00 a.m. par. .
<br />Iicipate in 'my loud party or gathering of people from '
<br />which noise emanates of a sufficient volume so as
<br />to disturb the peace, quiet. or repose of persons
<br />residing in any residential area.
<br />Loud noises between the hours of 10:00 p.m, and
<br />7:00 a,m, of such volume as to be plainly audible /. --
<br />at a distance of one hundred feet from the residen- I
<br />tial premises wherein such loud party or gathering
<br />is located shall be prima facia evidence of a viola-
<br />tion of this section,
<br />No persons shall .visit or remain within any
<br />residential dwelling unit wherein such loud party or
<br />gathering Is,taking place except the owner, persons I
<br />residing in that unit. .or persons who have gone
<br />there for the sole, purpose of abating the
<br />disturbance
<br />Subdivision 3. Landlord's Liability Violation of
<br />the noise control regulations shall be the act of the . - "
<br />owner of the residential dwelling unit as well as the
<br />persons on the premises who violate said regula- 1
<br />lions, except that the owner shall be liable only for
<br />those violations occurring after receipt of written
<br />notice from the City of Mounds View of violation of
<br />the noise control regulations having occurred at the
<br />residential dwe!ling unit
<br />I For the purpose of this sechon, owner is defined
<br />to include corporations and partnerships as weil as
<br />indiVIdual owners.
<br />SECTION iV Chaptel 90 is amended by adding
<br />90.06 \'Vt"lICh rearls as follows.
<br />90,06 Pen~lties. Any person , firm, partnership or
<br />corporation violating any provision of this chapter
<br />shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, (92)
<br />SECTION V. This ordinance shall take effect thirty
<br />days from the date of publication,
<br />Read by the Council 01 the City at Mounds View on
<br />the 28t!1 day Ot March, 1988,
<br />Read and passed by the City CounCIl ot the City of
<br />Mounds View on this 11th day of Apdl, 1988
<br />Jerome Linke
<br />Mayor
<br />I ATTEST
<br />Donald Pauley
<br />Clerk-Administrator' .
<br />Richard Meyers
<br />City Attorney
<br />(Bulletin, Aplil 20 19881
<br />