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<br />Public Notice New Brighlon, Minnesota 55112. <br />The draft permit applies to the en' <br />CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED tire facility and authorizes t~~ con' <br />NAME struction, installation and 'on <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA of equipment which rend" lal <br />Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota remnants into byprod",....._ dnd <br />Statutes; the undersigned, who is or equipment which abates odor, The <br />w,ill be conducting or transacting a PToposed duration of the permit is <br />commercial business in the State of fIve years. <br />Minnesota under an assumed name, _ The preliminary determination to <br />hereby certifies: Issue the permit is tentative. There <br />1. The assumed name under which are. three formal procedures for <br />the business is or will be conducted publiC participation in the Agency's <br />is: consideration of the permit applica- <br />Gregorius Books tion. These procedures are set forth in <br />2, The address of me principal place Minn, Rules parts 7001.0100 to <br />of business isorwill be: 7001.0130. First, interested persons <br />2034 Selby Ave" may submit written comments on the <br />St, Paul, MN 55104 proposed permit, Second, interested <br />3, The name and street address of all persons may request the Agency to <br />persons conducting business under hold a publiC information meeting. <br />the above Assumed Name. Third, interested persons may re- <br />(Only one signature and name is quest the Agency to hold a contested <br />required by law). case hearing, which is conducted by <br />Note: I f the business owner is a the Office of Administrative Hearings <br />corporation, you must give the pursuant to the Administrative pro- <br />legal corporate name and the legal cedures Act, <br />Registered Office, I nterested persons who subm it <br />Name comments or requests to the Agency <br />Greg Holupchinski shall selforth: <br />Address 1, a statement of the person's in' <br />2034 Selby Ave., terest in the permit application or <br />, St. PauL MN 55104 the draft permit; <br />Name 2, a statement of the action the <br />Cindy Ordahl,Holupchlnski person wishes the Agency to take, <br />Address including specific references to the <br />2034 Selby Ave" section of the draft permit that the <br />St, Paul, MN 55104 person believes should be chang- <br />4. DATEDOl-28-89 ed; and <br />SIGNED Greg Holupchinski 3, the reasons supporting the per, <br />Owner son's position, stated with suffi- <br />STATEOFMINNESOTA cient specificily as to allow the '-" <br />COUNTY OF DAKOTA Director of the Division of Air <br />NOT AR IAL SEAL Quality to investigate the merits of <br />The foregoing instrument was ac" the person's positions. <br />knowledged before me on this 28th The public comment period com' <br />day of January, 1989, by Greg Holup- mences March 11, 1989 and termi' <br />chlnskl on behalf of Gregorius Books, nates April 10, 1989, Comments and <br />Mark Thorklldson, Notary Public, requests should be mailed 10: <br />Minnesota, Dakota County Jerry M, Liefert <br />My Commission Expires3.3,89 Division of Air Quality <br />(Published in Roseville.Falcon Minnesota Pollution Control; <br />Heights Focus March 8 & 15, 1989.) 520 Lafayette Road North <br />st, Paul, Minnesota 55155 <br />All written comments and requests <br />Public Notice for public information meetings or <br />co~tested case hearings received dur" <br />MINNESOTA POLLUTION ing the public comment period will be <br />CONTROL AGENCY PUBLIC reviewed by th~ Agency, II is antici, <br />NOTICE ON PROPOSED AIR pated fhat the issuance of lhe permit <br />EMISSION FACILITY PERMIT will be considered by the Agency <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Board on April 25, 1989 at the Agency <br />the Commissioner of the Minnesota Offices, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. <br />Pollution Control Agency proposes to Paul, Minnesota, Persons who wish to <br />issue Air Emission Facility Permit address the Agency Board concerning <br />No. 468'89-0T'1 to Kern Milling the draft permit should call Ms, <br />[mailing address: c/o Gordon Peggy HiCks, Agency Board Secre. <br />Rendering, P,O, Box 12785, New tary, (612) 296,7306, no later than <br />Brighton 55112] for its rendering three days prior ro the meeting. <br />plant localed at 619 N.E. 14th Street, A copy of the draft permit will be <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112, mailed to any interested person upon <br />The draft permit applies to the en. the Agency's receipt of a written re, <br />tire facility 'and authorizes the con- quest. Additional .materials relating <br />struction, installation and operation to the issuance of this permit are <br />of equipment which renders animal available for inspection at the Min- <br />remnants into byproducts and nesola. Pollution Copntrol AgenCY, <br />equipment which abates odor. The Division of Air Qualify, 520 Lafayette <br />proposed duration Of the permit is Road North, St, Paul, Minnesota, <br />five years. 55155, phone (612) 296,7607 between <br />The preliminary determination to the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p,m., <br />issue the permit is tentative, There Monday thrOugh Friday. <br />are three formal procedures for DATED: March 1, 1989 <br />public participation in the Agency's /s/ J. Michael Valentine <br />consideration of the permit applica- J, Michaei Valentine <br />tion. These procedures are set forth in Director <br />Minn, Rules parts 7001,0100 to Oivision of Air Quality <br />7001.0130, First, interested persons Minnesota Pollution Control Agency <br />may submit written comments on the (Published in Mounds View/New <br />proposed permit, Second, interested Brighton FocusMarch 8, 1989), <br />persons may request the Agency to <br />hold a pUblic information meeting. . <br />Third, intere,ted persons may reo City of Mounds View <br />quest the Agency to hold a contested <br />case hearing, which is conducted by MOUNDS VIEW RECYCLING PRO- <br />the Office of Administrative Hearings GRAM <br />pursuant to the Administrative Pro' The City of Mounds View will be <br />cedures Act. going to twice'a,month pick.up start. <br />I nterested persons who submit ing in April. Pick-ups will occur on <br />comments or requests to the Agency the first and third Tuesdays of the <br />shall set forth: month, It is hoped that this will in, <br />I 1. a statement of the person's in- crease participation by providing <br />terest in the permit application or more convenience to recycling par- <br />the draft permit; licipanls, <br />2. a statement of the action the Another important 'change to in, <br />person wishes the Agency to take, form you about is the change in items <br />including specific references to the picked up by our recycling firm, <br />! section of the draft permit that the Starting in March, Super Cycle did <br />person believes should be chang. not pick up cereal type boxes. The <br />I ed; and only cardboard picked up by the firm <br />3, the reasons supporting the per, will be corrigated cardboard, such as <br />son's position, stated with suffi' cardboard boxes, Newspaper will be <br />cient specificity as to allow the the only paper product accepted, <br />Director of the Division of Air Junk mail, envelopes, phone books <br />Quality to investigate the merits of and cereal boxes which were once <br />the person's positions, accepted, will not be picked up. I <br />The pUblic comment period com, apologize for not getting this informa, <br />mences March 11, 1989 and termi- tion to yOU earlier, however, we were <br />nates April 10, 1989. Comments and not contacted by Super Cycle about <br />requests should be mailedlo: this change. To clarify, items that will <br />Jerry M, Liefert be picked up are: glass, cans (both <br />Division of Air Quality aluminum and tin), newspaper (no <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency glossy paper), and corrigated card- <br />520 Lafayette Road North board (no dirty or greasy cardboard). <br />st. Paul, Minnesota 55155 If you have any questions regarding <br />All written comments and requests the recycling program, call the City <br />for public information meetings or Offices at 784,3055 or Super Cycle at <br />conlested case hearings received duro 224,5081. <br />ing the public comment period will be (Published in MoundS View' New <br />reviewed by the Agency. II is antici' Brighton Focus March 8, 1989) <br />pated that the issuance of the permit <br />wi II i?e considered by the Agency <br />Board on April 25, 1989 at the Agency I d Sch I D. 6' <br />Offices, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. n. 00 1St. # : <br />Paul, Minnesota, Persons who wish to LEGAL NOTICE <br />address the Agency Board concerning B'd W ted <br />the draft permit should call Ms, I s an <br />Peggy Hicks, Agency Board Secre' INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIS' <br />tary, (612) 296,7306, no later than TRICT NO, 623, (Roseville Area <br />three days prior ro the meeting Schools) will receive bids for the fol. <br />A copy of the draft permit' will be lowing items according to specifica, <br />mailed to any interested person upon Itons on file '"the office of the Super, <br />the Agency's receipt of a written reo Intendent of Schools, ~251 West Coun, <br />quesl. Additional materials relating ty Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota <br />'to the issuance of this permit are 55113: . <br />available for inspection at the Min' TO BE OPENED: Cable TV EqUIp' <br />nesola Pollu1ion Control Agency, me~t <br />Division of Air Quality, 520 Lafayette Bids are to be se?led and addressed <br />Road North St Paul Minnesota to Sue M. Cummmgs, Clerk of IN, <br />55155, phone' (612) 296,7607 betwee~ DEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT <br />the hours of 8:00 a.m, and 4:30 p,m" NO. 6~3, 1251 .West County Road B.2, <br />Monday through Friday Rosevllle, Mmnesota, 55113, In an <br />DATED: March 1, 1989 envelop~ mar~,ed "Bids for "Cable <br />/s/J. Michael Valentine TV Equipment. , <br />" Bids must be accompanied by a <br />J, Michael Valentine certified check or bid bond in the <br />Di""ctor " amount of five percent (5%) of the <br />DIVISion of Air Quality annual amount of the bid as a guar, <br />Minnes~ta polI~lion \=ontrol Agency anlee for the performance of the Con' <br />(Published In MoundS View/New tract if awarded. cnecks or bonds of <br />Brighton FocusMarch 8, 1989). unsuccessful bidders will be returned <br />immediately after the awards are <br />made, <br />Public Notice Bids are to be opened al 1:00 p,m, <br />on Friday, March 17, 1989, in the <br />MINNESOTA POLLUTION Board Room at the District Center, <br />CONTROL AGENCY PUBLIC 1251 West County Road B'2, Rosevilie, <br />NOTICE ON PROPOSED AIR Minnesota, <br />EMISSION FACILITY PERMIT The School Board reserves the right <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that to reject any or all bids and to waive <br />the Commissioner of the Minnesota any irregularities. <br />Pollution Control Agency proposes to INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRiCT <br />issue Air Emission Facility Permit NO. 623 <br />No, 133.89.0T,1 to Gordon Rendering Roseville Area Schools <br />:ompany [mailing address : c/o Ramsey County <br />:;ordon Rendering, P.O, Box 12785, Sue M, Cummings, Clerk <br />~ew Brighton 55112] for its rendering (Published in Rosevilie.Falcon <br />Ilant located at 19 N,W, 14th Street, Heights Focus March 8 & 1" 1989,) <br /> <br />Public Notice The foregoing ins' was ac <br />knowledged before n' 9th da~ <br />CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED of February, 1989, <br />NAME Patricia M, Koonck, Nolary'Public <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA (Published in Roseville-Falcor <br />U",,..h+,, Cn.r\.c:. M::o.rrh R it. lS, 1989.) <br />