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<br /> " City ofllounds View. <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 453 / <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> City of Mounds View i STA,E,OF ~I~N~SOTA <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 452 AN O~INANtE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF MO~NDS VIEW <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY IlY AMENDING CHAPTER 40 ENTITLED, "ZON,ING" <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF MOUNDS VIEW BY AME~DING hereby ~~~a;~;~ ~quncil of the CIty of Mounds View does <br /> CHAPTER 40 ENTITLED, "ZONING" . <br /> The Council of the City of Mounds View does hereby ordenn: amendedS~~T~~:i~s'~~1~=;:40.04, Subdivision F(3" is <br /> SECTION I. 40.17, Subdivision Bf shall be amended as IIIIIJ~J~~~/~~~~~~~it/~~~~~i/~~~t~~~t/~p~~/~t/~ttlllllIIII <br /> follows: iiiiiiiiilllili!iiijlll'1i;!lliil!iilllll1!!ill!1liillliillli <br /> The following are permitted uses in a B-2 Di'strict: <br /> ill Service oriented businesses which serve the Mounds View <br /> communlty. <br /> !!l. Bank, savinqs and loan, savings credit unions and 3) Accessory 1ses or equipment must be 1 . "d . <br /> rear n"d.: ". oca""e :..n the <br /> other flnanclal lnstltutlons. d y ...>,~~.~::;.:?'cept those expressly allowed in side <br /> b) Commerclal (leased) and professional offices. yar S 1n .05, Subd. E. <br /> ~ Dry cleanlng linck-up and laundry plck-up stations "" ':,., <br /> lncludlnq lncldental repalr and assembly but not read ~;Ci~~~o;;';,} Cl lpter 40.05, Subdivision E is umended to <br /> lncludlnq processlng. <br /> d) Health and beauty services. <br /> eT Locksml th ~~~;~;~~~~,:~it:~~~/i it~~~~i~i~1~~7:~~1~;;~~1~~~~~:~~2~~~~~~ <br /> 'IT Publ~c utility collection offices. <br /> *+ Real-estate sales. <br /> Shoe repaIr. outdoor livl conles. ~t~~i~~ttt and det~ched <br /> 'iT MedIcal and dental_ offices and clinics. 111111111~~~~ttl~~1~9 ~i/~~~tl~;/~~~t~~~~tt~~/~ltlllllllllll <br /> * Employment aqenCIes. <br /> FInance companIes. (5) I" .'" <br /> IT Insurance sales, claims and branch offices. 'lard, .; ~_st.Eee':'! 0- <br /> inT ~I "" <br /> Travel bureaus, trar1sportatIon tIcket offIces. <br /> !!I ~~~~p::~~~ce but not IncludInq prIntIng press or <br /> ill Limited retail uses which have as the principle use <br /> sales wlth warehousIng or dlsplay secondary to that use. <br /> ItJ !!l. Al~ permitt-ed uses as allowed in the B-1 <br /> In b) Ne~ghborhood Business Districts. <br /> Art. and school suppl ies ~ <br /> lJl ~ Bakery goods and baking of goods for retail sales <br /> on the premises ~ <br /> I I I l/ I I IJ~~~~:~~W~1~~~~t~t?~~~~1Wt;~~1lftlmmm/~~mMII / <br /> l~} d) Bicycle sales and repair. <br /> , l~1 ~ Candy, ice cream, popcorn, nuts, frozen desserts and <br /> soft drinks. <br /> 17} f) Camera and photographic supplies. <br /> 1111 1~~~#NUtl It~#~~JI#~/#~n#/~MtI~HU~tl <br /> l~} 91 Dellcatessen. <br /> .. ~t~J I l~tilU~#Nlf/PI#f~P/ ~~~lt~~MtilPl#f~P/UM./#,f,111 <br /> I / I I I II~U~~I~lfIIM/~~~/~tU~#tt /OMI##~'f;til'f;MIMIII I I <br /> 1.11 I I /lMtMIM/pN~~f,f,I~lfl <br /> ,,~tl h) Dr'ugstore. <br /> un 'iT Flonst shop. <br /> itJ1 * Frozen food store but not including a locker plant. <br /> it"} k Gift or novelty store. . <br /> I trT I NdMUi I I U~IINt N~lfut'f;t~1 U~UI'f;MIMIIIMt~~/MI <br /> I I IIII I IIII I I #UtltN~N>M~t'f;t~II~~/~Ut~~/NY#Utl <br /> It~JINiMUiIU~UI <br /> un 1) Hardware store. <br /> U~J ~ Hobby store, including handIcraft classes but not. to <br /> exceed fift.een (15) st.udent.s. <br /> it~l n) Ice sales with 'Storage not. to exceed five (5) tons. <br /> a'fll lt~tM#~~/#tHI <br /> atJ 0) Liquor. off-sale, <br /> aTII I,,"~~#~IIY.I <br /> i1.~1 cl Meat market but not. including processing for a <br /> locker plant. <br /> a~1 I IIIUUttl tM/~~Mttl~UUHI ~MI U/~/'#I <br /> 1.1.~1 9l Plumbing, television, radio, eletrical sales and <br /> such repair as are an accessory use t.o the ret.ail <br /> establishments permitted within this district. <br /> a~11 /'i~'f;tU/~/Ulli/i~tU#NM~UUHI <br /> Inlll;#t/~MUU#HM <br /> a~1 I 1~Y.~~/i~pMiJ <br /> r) Fabric store. <br /> ST Small' appllance sales ,and service. <br /> tT ,>.s~rtl.n~ ;OOdS store. <br /> (JII"/. ~/_t t f,#tlf,t~nNII>/,,#t1f,rit/itpf,UI <br /> \iT Ruqs, carpet, tlll!, palnt and wallpaper sales. <br /> 1'1.1 VT Ant.lque shop. <br /> /~1 WT Books or stat.ionary stores. <br /> 171 iT COln andphllat.ellc stores. <br /> ~~} H ~~;~~:e~u~~~~~:s a~~n~~~~prnent. <br /> 1t71 aaT Furrlers when conduct.ed only for retail t.rade on <br /> atl bb) premlses. <br /> Jewelery st.ores and watch repair. <br /> au CCT Leather goods and luqqaqe stores. <br /> a~1 ddT Record/music ShOps ~ <br /> all eer Shoe st.ores. <br /> n~1 TIT ~r shops. <br /> ~m~ Toy st.ores. <br /> Wearinq appareL <br /> TIT Video sales and service <br /> SECTION 11. Section 40.18, Subdivision B. shall be <br /> amended by deleting the following: <br /> Sued. B The following are permitted uses in a B-3 District: <br /> (1 ) Al.l permitted uses in a B-2 Limit.ed Business <br /> District. <br /> (2 ) Amusement Cent.ers. <br /> (3 ) Auto accessory st.ores. <br /> (4) Commercial recreat. ional uses. <br /> (5 ) Grocery stores, supermarket.s. <br /> (6) Motels. mot.or hotels and hotels provided that the <br /> lot. area contains not less than five hundred (500) <br /> square feet of lot area per uni t.. <br /> (7) Motor vehicle and recreation equipment. sales and <br /> garages accessory thereto. <br /> (8) Private clubs or lodges serving food and beverages <br /> with use being rest.rict.ed to members and their <br /> guests. Adequate dining room, kitchen and bar space <br /> must be provided according to standards imposed upon <br /> simi lar unrest.ricted customer operat ions ~ The <br /> serving of alcoholic beverages to members and their <br /> guest.s shall be allowed, provided that such service <br /> is in compliance with applicable federal, st.ate, and <br /> municipal regulations. Offices of such use shall be <br /> limited to no more than twent.y (20) percent of the <br /> gross floor area of the building. <br /> (9) Rental st.ores. <br /> (10) Rest.aurant.s,' cafes, t.ea rooms, taverns, on- and off- <br /> UtI I I~~~~I ~m~~i:llllttl m/~1I #~/'Wtp~pM mWI <br /> 1m .llil Taxi termlnals, stands and of f ices. <br /> '3ECTION III. SectIon 40.19. Subdivision B, shall be <br /> amended by deleting t.he f<?llow~ng: <br /> Subd. B The following are permitt.ed uses in a B-4 District: <br /> (1) All permitted uses as allowed ln a B-3 District.s. <br /> all I;.MI-IJ.#I tY.~PI <br /> HI ill Amusement places (such as dance halls or roller <br /> rinks) . <br /> 1f,1 (3) Enclosed boat. and marine sales. <br /> rm 1~,p~~M NUml ~~pptUtl# I tUU~~#t I f,/~i~M <br /> , (4) Bowl ing alleys. <br /> :om 1~~/.Mt~~/pMtUttUIf,/~iUI <br /> I.~II N~ptlf,Uyltt/~~IIMU IMU~UMPilril/~Mpit#/#11 I I <br /> IIIIIIIIIIIIIM.,;tr$t#iI . <br /> ml m 1I~:~~~r~~~~t:~~~~{;~~~~e stores. <br /> lttJ T6T Dry cleaning including plant accessory heretofore, <br /> - pressing and repairing~ <br /> WII mtllf~~~tl#~W <br /> it'JJ (7) Electrical appliance st.ores including incidental <br /> - repair and assembly but not fabrica~ing or <br /> manufact.uring. <br /> ttH I It~ptM#M/f,UMI~~1 <br /> UHI l'fU#UN~Mt~/~tl <br /> ~t'Pl (8) Furniture stores. <br /> Iml 1'f~N mf,NMMMMM#~N~ttI MtlU#ttmt#NM I I I <br /> I I I I I I I I I I I I IPt~M#tI <br /> U~I (9) Garden supply stores. <br /> Iml l~t'f;~Nt~~~i IHI #~I tMUm~Mtft~f~~# I <br /> mJI It~#NM~/#t~tl Nttl#/~MI'f;iM~NttN~tl <br /> UtI I N~.,;n~N I ##~tl f,~~NM~Y.1 t~p#i I <br /> atl I l~tMY.~t IM~~~I #~/t~lflftlfU #~#~I <br /> an (10) Public garage. <br /> rm 11~~~#~/~~f,lU ~Y.~#I <br /> Inl I 1~~tUMt~/tl II~tIN~#II~t#~1 11#~i~tll~M/#~1 I I I I <br /> I II I I I II1I I II~ttff,tUltl-IJ.~~t1##~PI <br /> aM 11~~.,;IM/~MY.IM/#Utl #~I #NU~I <br /> anll~y.~~/#~#~1 <br /> U~I I 1't~1t~t1 ~Y.,pp.1 <br /> 1~~1 (11) Theatres, not of the outdoor drive-in type. <br /> I'"JfJT I I'tM I #~t~M <br /> on I /'N#ttN#~~~f,lllttMp~UM/~O/I/.i~H/~U/.iHJ <br /> ml ml Variety st.ores, 5 and 10 cent stores, and st.ores of <br /> simllar nat.ure. . <br /> O'J1II\4t#/M/f,pp#~tl <br /> SECTION IV. This ord'\.nance shall t.ake effect thirty (30) <br /> days after the date of it.s publication. <br /> Read by the Council of t.he City of Mounds View on the 13 <br /> day ofld, . 1989. - <br /> Read and passed by the of Mounds <br /> View this ~ day of <br /> ATTEST. <br /> (SEAL) <br /> "PPROVET .....~ FORM: <br /> City ;"c:t.OL ney <br /> (Published in Mounds View,New Brighton Focus March 8,1989). <br />