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<br /> / <br /> " <br /> IS: <br /> Midwest, Fashion <br /> Look <br /> 2. The address of the p~incipal POST PUBLICATIONS <br /> of businesslsorwill bE!: <br /> St. Paul Civic Center ' AFFI DA VII OF PU BLlCA liON <br /> . 33 South 5th St. <br /> St. Paul. M'N 55102' , <br /> 3. The name and street 8ddreSS~ I <br /> persons conducting Dllsiness u' <br /> the above Assumed Name, <br /> (Only one signature Imd narr! l <br /> required by lawl. f STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> Note: If the busines$ owneri <br /> corporation,_ you mlist give' COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SS. <br /> legal corporate name and the.'i <br /> Registered Office. <br /> Name <br /> Jan Aldrich (Toma Publishing) I <br /> Address ! <br /> 33 S. 5th St., <br /> Mpls., MN 55402 <br /> 4, [)A TED 01'14,89 <br /> SIGNED JanAldrich <br /> Coordinator Wal ter D. Roach being duly sworn, on oath says lhal he is the publisher or authorized <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> County of <br /> NOT AR,IAL SEAL ~ agenl and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as the Mounds Vi ew/N ew Br igb ton <br /> ,The foregoing instrument wa. <br /> knowledged before m,e on this and has full knowledge of the facts which are staled below: Focus <br /> day of January, 1989." " (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as <br /> Phyllis Winslow, Notary, pull <br /> Anoka County, Minnesota' ' provided by Minnesola Statue 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. <br /> 19~YcOmmiSsion expires Aug.,) Ordinance No. 455 <br /> (Published i,n. Roseville,Fa.lj (B) The printed <br /> Heights Focus March 8,& 15, 1989;1 . <br /> " <br /> Public Notice '~ <br /> ~ <br /> CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED ''''-~- <br /> NAME. .', <br /> STATE OF MINN~SOTA ; Which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once a week, for <br /> . Pursuant to Challler JJ;l, Minnel <br /> Statutes; the undllrslgneq, who 'i' 1 , k' . . Wednesday 8th <br /> Will be conducting Ilr Itansacti~ successIve wee s; 11 was first published on the day of <br /> commercial, business in 'the Statl <br /> Minnesota uOljel'" an assumed hill March <br /> hereby,certiflllS: 1989 <br /> 1. The assumed name IInder :wl and was thereafter prinled and published on every <br /> the businesS isor will be condu! <br /> is: ' <br /> E.Z; Flowers to and including the day of 19 <br /> 2. The address of the Prlncipalpl and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, bolh inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as be' <br /> _ _ofb!lsLn,,~J.~.!lI~_... '. ing the size and kind of type used in the composition and publ ication of the notice: <br /> abcdefgh i i kl mnopqrsluvwxyz <br /> ~abH ,Q-<I?~ <br /> BY: <br /> TITLE: General Manager <br /> Acknowledged before me on <br /> 9th March 89 <br /> this day of ,19_ <br /> ,E!~~~ <br /> ":",,~,,,,~....,....,...........-...t <br /> .e.~ .,,: OV OROO' <br /> ," (l. ",. ".. - I:::-M'NNESOTA <br /> ~~-~~-!/J N...l.. ""-'- , <br /> ~'fl) ,~~Ij..-<'^. ...~:~ ~.. =, I.... COUi~TY <br /> L\:i:;, MY c",:...i..'~';'_" EXPIRes 9.~7.S4 <br /> 14 I~#~ _~ j; ~4'~~" <br /> RATE INFORMATION <br /> (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for com. 1.40 <br /> S <br /> parable space. (Line) <br /> .97 <br /> (2) Maximum rale allowed by law for the above matter. S <br /> (Line) <br /> . (3) Rate actually charged forlhe above matter, S .97 <br /> (Line) <br /> ----.......... <br />