<br />n-..
<br />
<br />. .City'of Mounds View
<br />
<br />
<br />AN O~~~~:NO.c..FE,M.,A.,IMN,....N.E.,.EN',~O.,I~~.T H~I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
<br />.... MUNICIPAL C,",DE' 'OF MOUND
<br />101 ENTlTL~.'fNTOX'
<br />, ICATlNG L1QUa . . .. ,
<br />The City coun; ". .~iiIii City of' I
<br />,MoundsViewdoes-t1~bYl"rdajn: I STATE OF MINNESOTA
<br />SECTION I: Chapter 101.02 is 55
<br />amended by adding the following: . COUNTY OF HENNEPIN .
<br />(4) A holder of an "on.sale" license ,
<br />to sell non"intoxicating malt liquor J
<br />pursuant to 101.02, (2); who is also
<br />licensed to sell "on-sale" wine pur-
<br />suant to Chapter 101.02, Subdivision 6;
<br />and whose gross receipts are at least
<br />sixty percent (60%) attributable to
<br />the sale of food. is permitted to sell
<br />intoxicating malt liquor at "on-sale" r
<br />without an additional license. -, W lt D R h
<br />SECTION II. Chapter 101.03, is' a er · oac beingdUIYSWOrn,onoathSaysthatheisthef,ublisheroraut~oriZed
<br />amendedbyaddingthefollowing: I Mounds View/New Br~ghtpn
<br />. SubdiVISion 2. Apphcahons for a agent and employee of the publisher ofthe newspaper known as the
<br />license to sell intoxicating malt liquor I and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: Focus
<br />"on-sale" pursuant to the require- l
<br />ments of 101.02. (4) Shall include doc. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting Qualification as a Qualified newspaper, as
<br />umentat,on tp substantiate food sales provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended.
<br />equa1 or exceeding sixty percent .1,
<br />(60%) of gross receipts for the 12 .
<br />month period of November 1st' Ordinance No 467
<br />through October 31st preceeding ihe (B) The printed ·
<br />Iicnse issuance date. Documentation I
<br />shall be by statement of a certified'
<br />ublic accountant based upon an audit
<br />of sales receipts or other certifiable
<br />records of the business' in connection
<br />with which the proposed license will
<br />operate. '
<br />SECT ION III. Chapter 101.04, (3) is I which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once a week, for
<br />amended by adding the following: .;
<br />(a) No additional Ii.cense fee shall j 1 Wednesday 19th
<br />?e re~U1r.ed of ~ IIc.ensee who sells successive weeks; it was first published on the day of
<br />mtoxlcatmg malt I:quor "on-sale'~
<br />pursuant. to the requirements of
<br />
<br />s~~~~~~4~ it. This ordinance shall July 19~, and was thereafter printed and published on every
<br />take effect thirty days after the date
<br />of its publication.
<br />Read by the Council of the City of to and including the day of 19
<br />. Mounds View on this 12th of June, and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A ~o Z, both in~lusive, which is hereby acknowledged as be.
<br />1989. ing the size and kind of type used in the compoSItion and publlcahon of the notice:
<br />Read and passed by the City Coun.
<br />cil of the City of Mounds View this abcdefghijklmnoPQrstuvwxyz
<br />26th day of June, 1989.
<br />
<br />A~;/~~;~n Hankner J):C8~
<br />Mayor
<br />/s/Donald Pauley
<br />City'Administrator., ~~"
<br />
<br />Is/Richard Meyers
<br />
<br />Ci:~~:f;~J in Mounds View/New TITLE: General Manager
<br />Brighton Focus July 19. 1989).
<br />Acknowledged before me on
<br />
<br />
<br />this 20th day of July ,19~
<br />
<br />c~ L..,
<br />
<br />Notary Public'
<br />
<br />~i~~ ':';.;~-"~:c~~~~~,?~7::~">1
<br />
<br />i~.o..:.t'~'''-~''''1 i\Ol.." '. ,-,",'.'-iI""'\L_.,u-fA ,
<br />t ~~6t~:;1 ~~~::' ,."" . 'f'
<br />'? ~.,!.,,~.~;;) MY C........",,,,,. .~_.~, ,
<br />"\ "'-....
<br />1.........".....4. ,. . n...,_~'-"'<,.
<br />
<br />
<br />1.40
<br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for com. $
<br />parable space. (Line)
<br />
<br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter. $.45
<br />(Line)
<br />.45
<br />. (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter. $
<br />, (Line)
<br />