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substantially dfminlsh dr lmpairproperty" <br />values within -the neighborhood. The <br />6oari! of Adjustment arks Appeals may . <br />impose guch restrictions and conditions <br />upon.-;the: premises benefited by a <br />variance as maybe necessary to compy <br />with the standards gsfablished by tttis <br />Title qr (o, reduce or mirrUmize the effect of <br />sUt.Mt veri~Ce ptffdn other,properties-in;, <br />the neighbori~ood and to better carry out. <br />the intent of Me v;kdanoe. , <br />SECTION' 2: t'veciion 1125.02 of the <br />Mounds Vretiv_~ZOnfng Code is hereby <br />.amended- by inserting the. following <br />3erd, to testd as,follows: <br />Sub{. 6: Administrative Varian <br />• Process: <br />a Types: R id nta soaking relief from <br />the ZoningS•ode may req t an <br />.administrative variance'provided tha'• <br />f1) The yi zgn R-1 or R-2• <br />>~ <br />(1 The r Quest cons_ks: <br />e0d <br />~ ~ ~1 27 S ' <br />-~L~1R~IJNIIEI/3 VIEW • <br />COUN'T`Y t~F RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MIIINNE9QTA <br />J1N ORDINANCE AMENDIMG- <br />-,l4AlaMlrylat!'WI7Vt-VARlRNGES.: <br />THE. >CITY '•OF MOL)N~S VICrW <br />OFtDIIINS: <br />SECTi©N 1:, Section 1125.02, <br />Subdivision 2 ofthe Mounds View Zoning <br />Code)s'hereby: amended by inserting the <br />toflowk~ ypg~pg~ text; to read as <br />1oNow$: . <br />1125.02: VARIANCES AND APPEALS: <br />Subd. 2. Criteria for Grantirtg Variances: <br />A variance o the provisions of the 2onirtg reauesr at me tottowtng raerdarrv <br />Code may be issued by the Board of scheduled meeting. <br />Adjustment and Appeals, or in th__ saw of ~,• Denial ap,0_ ea ~• If the Director <br />an atlministrative varian e. py the gft4~es to deny a reagpc_t. or if either the <br />Director of Gommunify Deveinnment as sidiacent r>~ighbors or , Plarininh <br />pxnlained in Section. 11 :0 Cgmmission disegreee witll ` <br />Subdivision 6. "to provide relief to the administrative angroval of a variance <br />aandowner in those Cases where the request. the requpsr i~ dent,-.Pd <br />Code` imposes undue hardship ,or administratively and the applicant rttRv <br />practical difficulties to the property owner choose to regtr t a form vajianee from <br />' m-the use of property owner's land. No the Planrring Commission.' <br />use variances may be issued. A variance d. Fees: Administrativ$ j(~(j~p~os "fads <br />. <br />may be granted onry in the event that the are set according to )}~ fee, sr~.,¢,~ <br />foNowirig circumstances exist: aciooied bg~y Counai ~~ <br />a. Exceptional or extraordinary sir- SECTION 3. This Ordir~n~ becomes <br />cumstangeS apply to the propia-lfes which effective ,thirty (30j days after `its <br />d0 not apply generally to other properties publication fn the official City newspaper. <br />in fhe same zone or vicinity and result First read by the Ciry CouncN"of the City; <br />from lot size or shape, topography or - of Mounds View on this 26th day- of- <br />other circumstances over which the January, 2004. <br />owners olthe property since the effective Read.and passed by the City Council of <br />date hereol fiave had no corerol: the City of Mounds View. this 9th day of <br />b. Thee IFteral interpretation of the February, 2004. <br />provisione,of this Title would deprive the Jerry links, <br />applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by Mayor <br />other properties" in the same .district - ATTEST: <br />underthe terms of this Title. Kurt Ulrich, <br />c. 'That the 'special conditions or Clerk /Administrator <br />circumstahces do .not result from .the (Bulletin: Feb.,t$, 2004) <br />actions of the applicant. <br />d. That granting the variance requested <br />will rtbt, cotlfer, orr the eppilc8nt any. <br />special privilege that is denied by this <br />Title to owners ofi other lands, structures <br />or buildings in the same district. <br />e. That the. variance requested is' the <br />minimum variance which would alleviate <br />the. hardship.. Economic rxinditions alone <br />shall not be Considered a hardship. <br />f: The vatriance would not be matArially <br />detrimental to the purpt~e of Phis Title w <br />other pnfperry.,in the Sartre zpne. <br />g. The. proposed;varianoa wUl rat impair <br />an adequate. supply of light and air to <br />adjagent or. substantially . <br />increase `the arngestion of the public <br />Streets or ingrease the. tlanger of fire or <br />endanger the pubijc safety or <br />• <br />• <br />