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oRaura~ce wo. 7a~ <br />CITY OF'MOUNQS .VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE <br />400 OFt THE CffY CODE PERTAINING <br />TO THE APPOINTNUENT AND TERMS <br />OF THE PLANNING AND,ZONING <br />COMMISSION, POLICE CIVIL <br />SERVICE. COMMISSION, THE PARKS.. <br />AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />AND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSKN <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has <br />directed stmt to amend the Appointment <br />and Terns of the Planning and Zoning- <br />Commission, the Police Civil Service <br />Commission, Parks and Recreation <br />Commission, the Economic Development <br />Commission to be consistent throughout <br />Title 400 of the Mounds View City Code; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the amendment of the <br />Appointment artd Terms of the `Planning <br />and Zoning Commission, the Police Civil <br />Service Commission and the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission state that aU <br />members of these commissions are to be <br />appointed by the City CouncU, and based <br />upon the recommendation of the. <br />commission, from applications submitted;. <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the amendment of the <br />Appointment and Terms of the Economic <br />Development Commission state that ,~ <br />members are appointed by the AuthotNjr, <br />Board of Commissioners :based on the <br />recommendation of 4he Economic <br />Development Commission, from the" <br />applications submitted. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE <br />ABOVE <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />ORDAINS as follows with additions <br />ILLIdRrIi08II aril dele~ns strklcen to read: <br />CHAPTER 401 <br />PLANNING APID ZONING <br />COMMISSION <br />401.02: MEMBERSHIP;.. TERMS; <br />OATH; COMPENSATION: <br />Subd. f. Membership;;Tenns: <br />The'Planning end Zoning Cotnmissigr-. <br />shah consist of severe ('~ members from <br />the resident population o1 Mountls dew, <br />other than persons. eletxed m: a. public <br />hoay. <br />m <br />jhe CiN Council. p~ba~d on .the <br />recommerrc~tion of .the Pfamino and <br />Zoni Commission. j~ the <br />The appointees <br />ShaIF have three (3) year staggered <br />tames; at least two (2) of arose tetras, txd <br />not more than three (3) terms, .shall <br />expire each year on December 31. <br />Based upon the reeommerxtaQion of the <br />:Planning ..and Zoning Commission, Ure <br />api the Citv CourtcU. shall appoint a <br />chairperson. <br />CHAPTER 404 <br />POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION <br />404.Ot: CQMMtSSa(NV ESTABLISHED: <br />There is hereby created . a PoUce Civil <br />Service Commission of three (3) <br />mertmets, <br />Me~srnsik m be known as the Pdice <br />CIvU Service Conmission. -` <br />404.02:. MEMBERSHIP; 'OATH; TERM: <br />COMPENSATIONt: <br />Subd. 1. Appointments artd Tears: <br />rh nip e+~sll. t1® AI'1n~t°R._'j ~:....~ _ <br />City C~unal from agoh ~ nc s bmEttea. <br />When first appointed, `one.. (1) <br />Comm(§sioher shah be appohti~f for one <br />(1) year, who shall be president of he <br />Commi~ktn, one (1} for-two (~) yeaas' <br />and one (1) lor• three {3) years. F,sch <br />Comrtpssioner shell ttofd their office until <br />a successor is duly appointed and <br />qua~tt,: There $h3U lhereaNer be one <br />'(1) ntairtbei' of the Ctknmission appoird9d. <br />Each year ku a term of three (3) years;` <br />and aacfi' Shah, during the fast year of. <br />.their term, ?be president of the <br />Commission. <br />CHAPTER 405 <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br />COMMISSION <br />405.02: MEMBERSHIP; OATH; <br />COMPENSATION: <br />Subd. 1. Appointment of Members: The <br />Commission shall consist of seven (~ <br />members. appointed by-.tHe-Mayes-witq <br />by the Ci C.nnnrll arvi hnee.l ..n <br />recommendation of th_ a Pam any <br />Recreation Commiscion s~~ the <br />~policgtions submitted.. ~„rytp <br />.Based. r,lpon the <br />recommendation of thp, Parks anA <br />BQCreation Commiccinn ~t +i,9 City <br />Councii.~ chall aouoint a chairoercnn, <br />CHAPTER 408 <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION <br />408.03: COMPOSITION,. MEMBERS, <br />QUALIFICATION OF MEMBERS, <br />TERMS OF OFFICE: <br />The Commission shall be composed of <br />seven (7) equal voting members; <br />includi~tg three (3) .business <br />representatives and four (4) residents, <br />6er~giseistaeve ~ooointed by the. <br />Authority Board of Gommi~ ia~ers b- <br />Qrt the f~I¢11tIIfkUndation of the ~cROomic <br />D~~~ t'ammis iars~_fra-, 'the <br />Ht ittad. MeinberS sha}I <br />hays dhnsf~tr tluafifications with pracricei <br />experience consisting of, not limited to, <br />but including one (1j of the following <br />areas: eoor>omics, finanee, accounting, <br />real 9.eti#te, social .services and <br />marketing': For the purpose of initiating <br />'Che :Commission, the terms o}' .ail <br />members &hell expire. December 3t, <br />' .1994:.: <br />SECTION 2 This ordinance shed take <br />' effect thirty dllys after the dflte of its <br />publication:. <br />Read t>y the C1ty Council of the City of <br />Mounds view on' this 14th day of June, <br />2004. <br />Read and passed. by the City Council of <br />the City of Mounds View on this 28th day <br />of June, 2004. <br />Jerry Links <br />Mayor <br />ATTEST; <br />14uR Ulrich <br />City AdmlMatrator <br />Approved as to forth: <br />Mounds View City Attorney <br />(i3ulletirt: July 7, 2004)„ <br /> <br />• <br />'I <br />