--__ Attorney
<br />Titles within and for. said Comet strip (B Uetin: Aug. 3, 2004)
<br />f' (5)
<br />Ramsey, Subject to a 1ve
<br />easement along the rear. line Poor Po els,
<br />utility use such as setting P
<br />stringing of wires, trimming or removing
<br />trees, 'rf necessary for line clearance and
<br />Laying of underground conduits.
<br />Easement C: A Highway. easement over,
<br />under, above and across the folowing
<br />described property, -ecorded as Doc. No.
<br />508273:
<br />The South 20 feet of the; following
<br />described property: Lot 58, County,
<br />Subdivision No. 89, Ramsey
<br />Minnesota, except thatrel~' vrtrithyand
<br />Northeasterry of a line pa
<br />75 feet Southwesterly from the centerline
<br />of Minnesota State Trunk Highway No.
<br />10!62• easement
<br />Easement D: A Hrghwa ever, under,
<br />dated September 7, 1966
<br />above and across the ioNowing descrrbed
<br />P-oPertY. recorded as ~• ~ S Ne e
<br />The South 20 feet, excep described
<br />Road, of the following
<br />property: Lot 59, .Auditor's Subdivision
<br />No. gg, Ramsey Gnunty, Minnesota,
<br />except: that part Tying Northeasterly feet
<br />dine parallel :.with and 75.
<br />Southwesterly from the centerline of
<br />Minnesota State Trunk Highway No.
<br />10/62. d that
<br />.WHEREAS, it has been d ~~ih 9hway
<br />the above-described utlNtY
<br />easements, as shown on attaubec
<br />erve a P
<br />ORDINANCE NO, 744
<br />WHEREAS, a request has been
<br />submitted to the City of Mounds View to
<br />vacate a utility easement originally
<br />granted to the City through the platting of
<br />the Amoeo Silvef gddition, a public utility
<br />easement granted in 1970, aril highway
<br />easements granted to the City, all legally
<br />f Ilows•
<br />Exhibit A, no longer s .
<br />purpose and it is in the public interest to
<br />vacate such. unneeded utility and
<br />highway easements.
<br />ORDAINS: of Mounds View
<br />SECTION 1. The City
<br />Municipal Code Appendix D is hereby
<br />amended to include reference to the
<br />following Special Ordinance So•made a
<br />Subd. 1. The .City
<br />determination that the above-described
<br />utility and highway easements no longer
<br />serve a pubiicpurpose, and as such, it is
<br />in -the public interest to vacate such
<br />portion. arent public
<br />Subd. 2. There are no app within the
<br />utilities, buried or otherwise, _
<br />iaements to be vacait~ of dedicated
<br />tlready protected by
<br />vacated.
<br />described as o aasements associated with the Vnlcmon
<br />Easement Az A drainage and utility .CVS plat approved by the City Cou
<br />easement, over, under and across the :June 28, 2004•
<br />1o Amocot Silve Atddition, dated Ap~k Mounds Vieweffnds that theref s n piub/c
<br />1 gg1, recorded as Document No. interest or purpose served in retaining the
<br />2590300. ~ excess and unneeded utility and highway
<br />Easement B: A utility easement over, easements proposed for vacation.
<br />under, above and across the west five Subd. 4. The utility and highway
<br />feet of the following described ~ No shown o Exhiti t A aee heBebY erein a
<br />reLbmed October 16, 1970, SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect
<br />550710:
<br />That part of Lot fifty-nine. (59), Auditor's thirty (30) days after its publication.
<br />Subdivision No. 89, Ramsey County, First read by the City Council of the City
<br />Minnesota, lying South of a line of Mounds View this 12th day of July,
<br />described as follows: Commencing'n® 2004• Council of
<br />the NOrtbwest comer of sand ~estftl ne of the City of Mounds Vi wethls 26th day of
<br />(59); thence South along July, 2004. Jerry Ltnke
<br />said Lot fifty-nine"(59), 257.93 feet to the
<br />point of beginning; thence Southeasterly
<br />to a point on the East line of said Lot fifty-
<br />nine (59), 257.93 feet South of the
<br />Northeast comer and there terminating,
<br />according to the plat thereof filed of
<br />record in the office of the Registrar of
<br />Mayor
<br />Kurt Ulrich
<br />city Clerk-Adminisuator
<br />ATTEST:
<br />
<br />•
<br />•
<br />