Schedule I through V, but does not include distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages,
<br />intoxicating liquors, or tobacco.
<br />Subd. 5. Enforcement Officer means the Building Official, Housing Inspector,
<br />or an authorized representative or designee.
<br />Subd. 6. Hazardous Waste means any chemicals or other substances used
<br />in the manufacture of controlled substances in a clandestine drug lab and the
<br />resulting by-products there from which pose a risk to the health, safety, and
<br />welfare of occupants, visitors, or neighbors of the site.
<br />Subd. 7. Manufacture means the production, cultivation, quality control, and
<br />standardization, in locations other than a pharmacy, of controlled substances by
<br />mechanical, physical, chemical, or pharmaceutical means, and the packing,
<br />repacking, tablet producing, encapsulating, labeling, relabeling, filling or other
<br />similar process relating to such substances.
<br />Subd. 8. MDH means the Minnesota Department of Health.
<br />Subd. 9. Minor means any person under the age of eighteen years.
<br />Subd. 10. MPCA means the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
<br />• Subd. 11. Owner means any person, firm, partnership, company, corporation,
<br />or other entity that owns or has title to in full or in part of, the land, buildings,
<br />structures, or other property associated with a clandestine drug lab site or a
<br />chemical dump site.
<br />Subd. 12. Site means any defined location, including buildings, structures, or
<br />other property, where appropriate tests have determined that, due to the existence
<br />of a clandestine drug lab site or chemical dump site, a risk to the health, safety,
<br />and welfare exists for any persons who occupy, visit, or neighbor on the location.
<br />609.03: Public Nuisance: Existence and maintenance of a clandestine drug lab
<br />site or chemical dump site in the City constitutes a public nuisance subject to the
<br />regulations of this Chapter in addition to any and all applicable federal, state, or
<br />local laws and ordinances. No person may occupy, enter, or allow occupancy or
<br />entrance to property under this Section until such declaration is vacated or
<br />modified to allow occupancy.
<br />603.04 Notice to other Authorities: Law enforcement agencies that identified
<br />conditions associated with a clandestine drug lab site or chemical dump site which
<br />place neighbors, visiting public, or present and future occupants of the site at risk
<br />for exposure to harmful chemicals or other contaminants must promptly notify the
<br />Mounds View Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will promptly notify the
<br />S Enforcement Officer, appropriate child protection agencies, and the appropriate
<br />health authorities. The notice must, at a minimum, identify the location of the site,
<br />the site owner, if known, and the conditions found on the site.
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