sale for not more than three (3) consecutive +-owned premises located at 5394 Edgewood 503A3, Subdivision 3 for events;on Ci
<br /> days and may authorize the sale of ;..,. Drive w 8290 Coral Sea Street As a result of °~~ Property located at 5394 Edgewot
<br /> intoxicating liquor on City owned premises `the Sale or dispensing of non-intoxicating Drive and. 8290 Coral. Se t th
<br /> located at 5394 Edgewood Drive and 8290 malt liquor or intoxicating liquor under a f01~ng ins~ranc®tlmits are"
<br /> Coral Sea Street in addition to premises tits :temporary license issued under Section 5100,000 Bodity Injary rsoi
<br /> liens®e owns or permanently occupies. The 502.03, Subdivisions 6 and 7 for everrts on ~•~ ~Ch Common
<br /> license may provide that the licensee may City owned ..premises located at'5394 $1~•~ ~oP~Y Da~9e ~ ~n
<br />
<br />-,contraot,foc intoxicating liquor catering
<br />Edgewood Drive and 8290 Coral Sea Stireet Cause;
<br />
<br />services with the holder of an on-sale
<br />,the following insurance limits are required: $100,000 Loss of Means of Su or
<br />Pp
<br /> intoxicating liquor license issued by the City $100,p00 Bodily injury Each Person, - $200,000 Ealch .Common Cagse; an
<br />
<br />" or arty=adjacent.municipality or the holder of $200,Ob0 Each Common Cause; $300,000 Anhual Aggregate.
<br />, a ca(er~s permit issded by ttieoommissioner $10Q,000 Property Damage' Each Common On any policy
<br />or pool providing coverag
<br /> of public safety: l.icertses under this Cause; .
<br />Hereunder, .the Ciry shalt be named as a
<br /> are rrot valid unless first $100,000 loss of Means of Support, additional Insured. The license holder untie
<br /> _approved by the commissioner of public, $200,000 Each ,Common Cause; and • this paragraph shall hold the City harmlee
<br /> safety or uMess the licensee contracts fort $300,000 Annual Aggregate. and agree to indemnify the City for acts of th
<br /> intoxicating liquor catering services with th®. On any- policy or insurance pool providing license holder.
<br /> ho)der of a State caterers permit issued by coverage hereunder, the City, shall be named Sec. 7. This ordinance is effective thin
<br /> the commissioner of public safety. This as an additional insured. The license holder days afteritftpubtloatkm.
<br /> license shall be required notwithstanding the
<br />i under this paragraph shall hold the City Read by the City Council of the City <
<br /> tequirement of any parmrt by the state.' harmless and agree to indemnify the City for Mounds View this 23i4 day of
<br /> Subd. 7. Temporary Intoxicating Liquor acts of the license holder. 1996.
<br />~ Banquet. In addition to any permit which may Sec. 4. Section 503.03 of the Mounds View Read and passed by the City Courxal of th
<br /> be required by the state, an intoxicating Municipal Code is amended by adding a new City of Mounds Viewthis;~day~af
<br /> liquor banquet license may be issued only to subdivision 3 to read: 1996.
<br /> the holder of an on-sale intoxicating liquor Subd. 3 Temporary Non-Intoxicating Liquor Jerry Link
<br /> license issued, under subdivision t of this Special Events Ucense. A temporary special ~ Mays
<br /> chapter or to the holder of an on-sale event non-intoxicating liquor license may be ATTEST: h/ Cheech Whittng
<br /> intoxicating liquor license issued. by an issued for the retail sale of non-intoxicatin
<br />9 Clark-Adminhltrator
<br /> adjacent city. Such license will permit the malt liquor for consumption on City owned Approved aeto form:
<br /> licensee to dispense intoxicating liquor at any 'premises located at 5394 Edgewood Drive /s/ Robert C. Long
<br /> convention, banquet, conference, meeting or and 8290 Coral Sea Street and during the City Attorney
<br /> social event conducted on the premises time of the specie( event. A special event (Bulletin: Nov. 6, 1896)
<br />_ __ _
<br /> located at 5394 Edgewood Drive and 8280 license may be issued to a club, or _ ___
<br />'
<br /> Coral Sea Street owned by the City of charitable, religious or other non-profit
<br /> Mounds View. The licensee must be organizations which has been in existence
<br /> . engaged to dispense intoxicating liquor at for at least three (3) years, or to an
<br />- any event held by a person oi• organization organization contributing all of the profits of _
<br />ORDINANCE Np. 98a9~ permitted to use the City owned premises the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor to a
<br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW located at 5394 Edgewood Drive and 8290
<br />` charity, or to any: business holding an on-sale
<br />
<br />000NTY OF RAMSEY Coral Sea Street and may dispense
<br />intoxicating liquor only. to persons attending license to seN non-intoxicating malt liquor
<br />issued 6y the City or by an adjacent city. The -
<br />STATE OF MINNESOTA the eve. The licensee may not dispense or license shall speafy the date,-time and place
<br />AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO sell intoxicating. liquor to any person and premisels of the special event. A special
<br />'LICENSING,AMENDINGTITLE500, attending or.participating irran amateur ,.event non-intoxicating Rcense is not
<br />CHAPTERS 502 AND 503, SECTIONS athletic evanY held on the City owned transferable. -
<br />592.09, SE12.06, !102.07, 508.03, 503.08 AND premises located at 5394 Edgewood Drive Sec. 5. Section 503.06, Subd. 3' of the
<br />~ ,
<br />503.07 BY ADDING NEW SUBDMStON3 .and 13290 Coral Sea Street. Mounds View Municipal Code is amended try
<br />TO THE MOUNDS VIEW MUNICIPAL Sec.. 2. Section 502.06, sutxl. 2 of Mounds adding a new subparagraph d. to read:
<br />CODE View. Municipal Code is amended by adding d. The fee for a Temporary Non-Intoxicating
<br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS:. anew paragraph to read: Special Events License shall be .established
<br />Section 1. Section 502.03 of the Astounds Subd. 2 Fees: by resolution of the City Council.
<br />View AAuniapal Code is amended by adding a The fees required for the temporary Sec. 6. Section 503.07 of the Mounds View
<br />new subdivisions to read: licenses described in Section 502.03, Municipal Code is amended by adding a new
<br />Subd. 6. Temporary intoxicating .Liquor Subdivisions 6 and 7 shall be established by Subdivision 1c. to read:
<br />Special Event. A temporary special event resolution of the City Council and shall be c. Temporary License for Event on City,
<br />iMoxi~ting liquor Ikense may be issued to a paid prior to the effective date of the license. owned premises located at 5394 Edgewood
<br />dub, rsr charitable, religious or other nonprofd Sec. 3. Section 502,07 of the Mounds View :Drive and 8290 Coral Sea Street. As a result
<br />organization which has been in existence for Municipa( Code is amended by adding a new of the sale or dispensing of non-inOxicatng
<br />at least three (3) years. The license may Subdivision 1e. to read: malt liquor or intoxicating liquor under a
<br />authorize the sale of intoxicating liquor on- , e: Temporary License for Event on City temporary license. issued under Section,
<br />•
<br />