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• Subd. 3. Inspection: Every person owning improved real estate that discharges <br />into the City's sanitary sewer system shall allow for inspections of °'' °•N~'~<~°° <br />„~ +t,° r;+<, ,.~ r,r°„~,1~ ~/;°.,, °« +,,°:« a°~;,.,,°+°a « ° „+.,+;.>°~,- ~ o-~lrsyect the <br />building(s) located on said propertv to confirm that there is no sump pump or <br />other prohibited discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Said inspections may <br />be conducted by emplovees or designated representatives of the Citv of Mounds <br />View. or, if the propertv owner so chooses, by a licensed plumber hired by the <br />nronertv owner. Any person refusing to allow their property to be inspected <br />within fourteen (14) days of the date City employee(s) or their designated <br />representative(s) are denied admittance to the property, must either hire a licensed <br />plumber to inspect the nronertv and submit the licensed plumber's report within <br />thirty (301 days of the date the Citv employee(s) or their desimated <br />representative(sl were denied admittance to the property. or shall become subject <br />to the surcharge hereinafter provided for. The Citv may also obtain an <br />administrative search warrant in order to enter the ~ropertv to inspect any <br />discharge into the sanitary sewer system and to determine compliance with this <br />Code. Any owner of a property found to be discharging storm water into the City <br />sewer system, either directly or indirectly shall make the necessary changes and <br />furnish proof of the changes to the City within 60 days of <br />the finding of noncompliance, unless such other time is agreed to by the Citv in <br />order to comply with this Code +'~° n«,1;«,°,,,,° <br />• SECTION 4. The City Council of the City of Mounds View hereby amends Title 900, <br />Section 907.06, Subdivisions 5-7 of the Mounds View Municipal Code by deleting the semen <br />language and adding the underlined material as follows: <br />Subd. 5. ineenti~~~T-r~ler~--= .?-Tl~nxvci--vzrrcth(3is-t~-c'~riSpezp-°c~acir~ <br />u~zc, v<v l~uul luv <br />vrr izlcr<~' isppl y <br />° 1 Z:p -~lil ll~llltr <br />=11eg~ ce~eEtie~~vc'-~h ° ~1°+;,,~ °,.:~;°a „a „1~,~,;+ <br />T.,,...a«°a a°ll.,«~ ielnn nm ~ «+1,° „ ~1°+° ;,.1,\ TT,,°., . ,-;~;,.~+;,,,,~~+>~ <br />EO=i-ectl~=e-ccct~6ir uixu-cv^~c.Tthl. r"-~rr+" -`w" lrrlrieli~i~t0 tl-2e-~6p e1~6'dk~e~-6i~e- <br />+>^«°° >1„~,1«°a a„11°«n iQ~nn nm ,. „~+°il°+;,,~ TT,a,,«~«.°«+., ° <br />~~.y--vvv~l~rziluy, <br />pet~ti6i~th('--~I~t6~c'lt +l,° ;11°.<°1 °„+;.,.. ,,.7 ~ +l,° ,, ,,°~ <br />e~er~t~i~Ee~t fe~the-ee~eeti~~l;t-~~erzee-{-}year-per . T'';~ <br />Surcharge: A surcharge of seventy five dollars ($75.00) per quarter shall <br />be imposed and added to every sewer billing mailed on and after January <br />1, 2005 to property owners that are not in compliance with this Section. <br />The surcharge shall be added for the entire quarter until the property is in <br />• compliance. <br />2 <br />