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ti <br />EXTRACT OF PLENUMS OF MEETING <br />OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW, MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due call and notion thereof, a regular meeting of <br />the Village Council of the Pillage of Mounds View, Minnesota was held at <br />4 ec k. j e. <br />in said Village on the i u day of <br />1960 at o'clock p.m. with the following members prevents <br />and the following members absent: <br />Member e �4tee introduced the following resolution and acved <br />its adoptions p '1.--- e 4 J e <br />A RESOLUTION ADVISING tHE MIN NESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT <br />OF DRAINAGE PROBLEMS ALONG HIGHWAY 10-62, RAMSEY COUNTY. <br />WHEREAS, The Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, has <br />undertaken oertain construction relative to Highway 10-62 lone ted in the <br />Village of Mounds View, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, <br />AND WHEREAS. Said eenstrustion of said highway in the area Waal- <br />it intersects with Spring Labs Park Road located in said Village has <br />interferrod with the natural drainage of a major portion of the northern <br />part of the Village of Mounds View, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE I:' RESOLVED, BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL or THE <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW that the Department of Highways. State of Ninneeota <br />be notified that the oo struetion of Highway 10-62 within the generate limits <br />of the Village of Mounds View, during the year 1960 has aed will <br />tend to interfere with the natural drainage in staid village and that the <br />Village Council cf the Village of Mounds View would like the Department o: <br />Highweys to take into consideration said drainage problem in its plans and <br />specifications. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />ascended by �L?c .and upon a vote being taken. the fellouin <br />members voted in favor thereof: <br />and the following nesters voted ag inst the same: <br />whereupon said resolution wee declared passed and adopted. <br />/a/ Allan Crane <br />/a/ 4r1 Smith <br />Village Clerk <br />Mayor <br />