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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEhi, MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to duo *all and notice thereof. a regular mooting of Ve <br />Village Council of the Village of Mounds View. Minnesota was bold at the <br />14 c dc c _l in said Village on the Jday of <br />1960 at s' e'eloak p.m. with the following members presents <br />1.4onh Crqn: 'lerh l <br />Tvu� tvt.- <br />and the following members absents <br />Member •...e introduced the folllowLag reaolution an. <br />moved its adoptions <br />A RESOLUTION 0BJECTING TO THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY ICE SKATING ARENA AND A REQUEST TEAT IT <br />BE MORE CENTRALLY LOCATED. <br />WHEREAS, Th' Ramsey County Board has acted to oonatrust and <br />least* a county lee akatigg arena it rural Ramsey County. and <br />WESREAS. said arena will be situated in a portion of the soiity <br />not readily accessible to the residents of the Village of Mounds View. <br />NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED THAT ME VILLAGE COUNCIL. OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW formally objeets to the leeation of a easoty <br />tee skating rink in a portion of the sounty that is not readily asossiele <br />to the residents of the Village of Spends View, and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Ramsey County Hoard asks sous <br />effort to locate said toe skating arena mgrs centrally so tkat said <br />arena will be available to a larger per s.sntage of the population of the <br />residents of Ramsey County. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing reeolutieo woe dui; <br />eveamded by Member v 1 n and upon a vote being the following <br />members noted in favor s <br />s• •te I i_: _vri <br />and the following members voted againe+t the genes <br />