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XTRACT OF MINUTES OF MUTING <br />OF THE VILLADIS COUNCIL OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW, MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due uall and notice thereof, a regular neetiag of the <br />vi ll ege Connell of the Village of !Winds View. Einnesota was held at Sad Oak <br />School to said Villsee oa the 13 day of 1961 at <br />ir o'oloak p.m. with tno following *embers presents <br />and the following members absents <br />Member ae. introduced the following resolution and moved <br />RESOLUTION OF WATE RESOURCES STUDY COMI TEE <br />SUBCDMMIITTFR CONC1RNING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF <br />THE IIINEAPOLIS -ST. PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT. <br />SE IT RESOLVED, That it is the consensus of this subcommittee that is <br />t eaa be reached on <br />1) a plan for m,..roportienal representation an the managerial <br />boa.-d of the Sanitary Distrtat. <br />2) an an equitable plan of financing. <br />3) a reasonable and aooeptablo timetable. <br />4) boundaries, powers and duties of the Sanitary District. <br />them the Sanitary District should be expanded either by amendatory legislation <br />or by new legislation so as to provide swage disposal facilities for the Twin <br />Cities Metropolitan Area. <br />Remover, the Village of Mounds Visa will continue to cooperate with an. <br />grow or body that will provide facilities for the disposal of avnage the east <br />esesewieally and wijhin the shortest possible period of tins, be it the <br />Minneepolism$t. Paul Sanitary District or any other district. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was inky aaaanded <br />i <br />b M 2 ,4 and upon a vote being takes., the following enters <br />voted sea favor thereon `t> t 4-4 <br />adoptions <br />and this faLowing members voted Last the s -tom <br />upon said resolution was deolarcd passed and adopted. <br />IA ka sonar., <br />A llan Crane <br />kayar <br />