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Resolution 0144
City Council
City Council
00001 - 00499 (1958-1970)
Resolution 0144
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MV City Council
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RESC'LUTIK 4 144 <br />Extract of Minutes of Meeting <br />of Village Council of Village of <br />Found: View, Ramsey County, Minnesota <br />Held January 13, 196 <br />A regular meeting of the Village Council of the 'Village of ibu:As <br />View, Minnesota, was duly held at the Village Hall is said Village an the 13th <br />day of January, 1964, at 8 :00 o'clock P..M1. <br />The following members were present: <br />Hodges, Blanchard, Sullivan, Rustad, La Vwlue <br />and the following were absent: None <br />The Clerk presented a proposed form of bond and coupon for the printing <br />•,f $35f000 later Improvement Bonds of 1964, which was examined by.all n e:ters present, <br />approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the Clerk. <br />Member Hodges introduced the following resolution <br />and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 793 ISSUANCE, SALE AND DEMENT <br />OF $35,000 WATER IMPROVIs2 2 T BONDS OF 196N„ PAYABLE 15 011 <br />THE IMPROVEMENT BOND REOE34PTIOA FUND, AND FR0VIDING FOR <br />AND APPROPRIATING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR ME SUPPORT <br />AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID AJND <br />EE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of I& ads View, <br />Minnesota, as follows: <br />1. This Council has investigated the facts necessary to,sacertain and <br />does hereby find, determine and declare that the Village of Hounds Vier has here- <br />tofore on February 11, 1963, and on June 10, 19 chfly ordered the construction <br />of water improvements on Groveland Road, Red Oak Drive and Iongriev Rrive, pur- <br />nuant to public hearings and notices thereof As required by law, and has awarded a <br />contract for such construction; that the total cost of said improvements to the <br />Village is estimated to be approximately equal to and not less thau.$35,O0C, in, <br />eluding all items of cost from the inception to the completion of time improvements <br />and all fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith; that the total benefits <br />resulting from said improvements to'$te assessable lots, pieces and parcels of ]and <br />affected thereby and to the Village at large will be substantially in excess of <br />the total cost of such improvements; that in order to pay the cost of' <br />said improvements it is necessary that the sum of $35,003 be borrwed by the <br />issuance of general obligation improvement bonds o f the Village in accordance vith <br />the provisions of Chapter 429, Minnesota Statutes 1961, as hereinafter provided; <br />'.hat said. bonds should be and are hereby made parable fron the Improvement Bond <br />Redemption Fund of the Village, in accordance with the previsions or Ordinance <br />:lo. 68 of the Village, adopted on May 1960, and shall be secured by all the <br />covenants and governed by all the terms and provisions set forth in said ordinance, <br />and that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and lays of <br />the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen, =end to be performed pre <br />iminary to the i^suanee and sale of said bonds =o prou5 -Ee moneys to pair for said <br />-1- <br />
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