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101 <br />as amended. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Joe Kepp, of 2249 County Road H2 and Justice of Peace Verrer CarlsenAnpeared <br />before the council regarding the business of beer distributing and a sign paintine business by <br />Mr. John Koontz in a residential area. Mr. Kopp was requested by the council at its previous <br />meeting to sign a complaint with the Justice of Peace for disturbance of peace and was <br />informed by the Justice of Peace that a complaint ecele not be issued and that the Justice <br />of Peace would have to look into the matter. Attorney Mayers reported that he could not find <br />where the area In question on H2 was ever rezoned to Commercial. After somediscuseion motion <br />by Christensen by Smith that the attorney be instructed to check the zoning on the <br />Neel property in question and records to see if any motions were made by the village council or <br />town board with regard to rezoning of this property, if any hearings were held or any notiee <br />of hearings were mailed with regard to zoning the property and if the town board or village <br />council made any motion Ate regard to the zoning of the property with or without a hearing <br />and failed to file this zoning with the county cnurthouee if such zoning would be valid. <br />Notion carried unanimously. Mayor Gibson to notify Mr. Kopp when information is received <br />from the attorney. <br />A gentleman from Pinewood Drive arpeared before the council in regard to the paving <br />of County Road 1. The council stated the work was started on County Road 1 by the county. <br />Norman Crosby, 2034 County Hoed H2, first door west of Knollwood Motors, appeared before <br />the council regarding the narking of buses which block the view free his drivewey. Motion by <br />Smith that the council instruct the police to place "No Parking" signs for at least two days <br />and at that time if buses are still parked on the roadway the police be instructed at the time <br />the parking signs are put in that they should get a toe truck from a local garage and haul <br />the buses out of there and Knollwood Motors would have to pay a fine plus the towing charge. <br />Motion amended by Gibson that "No Parking" signs be placed from the entrance to Mr. Johnson's <br />driveway on the east on both sides of County Rbad 112 to Knollwood Drive on the west on both <br />sides of County Road H2. Motion and amended motion seconded by Malvin. Letion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. James Halupzak appeared before the council in reeerds to the subdivision of one lot <br />of nine lots. The plarning coemission reconmended that he subdivide Lot 9 the same as Lots <br />4 and 5 were subdivided on the same plat, and also that the council waive the setback <br />requirement on the house presently on the lot with the understanding that the house will be <br />moved within two years. E carried unanimously. Malvin abstained as he is not familiar <br />with the situation. <br />Mayor Gibson reported on the special meeting held Thursdoy, August 20, 1959, in regard <br />to appointment of a fiscal agent. Motion by Gibson to retain the firm of Ahlers, Mann <br />Associates as our fiscal agent as per the contract. Seconded by Christensen. Motion carried <br />unanimously. Smith abstained as he was not at the meeting and Mr. Malvin abstained as he is <br />a new councilman and had no knowledge of this. Motion by Gibson that the village attorney <br />be ihstructed to work with Ahlers, Mann Aseociates, fiscal agent, and the village engineer, <br />Mr. Comstock, in preparation and procesoing of fele sewer and water program. It was pointed <br />out by Christensen and Smith that such notion could hind a poosible new council. Motion <br />amended by Smith that the village attorney, as appointed by the council, be in the notioa. <br />Motion end amended notion seconded Nodees. Motion carried unaninouely. <br />Trustee Christensen recommended tlt. Mr. Yeager and Mr. Selinski ho instructed by <br />letter that the placing of blcktop on their boulevards is a personal responsibility and if <br />they want to contact the council nd the council take ;lotion to have it put in at their <br />expense the council would he rind to do so, otherwise the council contemplates no 7ction. <br />The Deputy Clerk war instructed to 7rite the above mentioned letters. <br />