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e". The following members were presen <br />CEEDINqS VIUAGE CCUNCIL <br />VILLA A MOUNDS VIEW <br />TOYSFY MINNTSTA <br />Mayor A1 .n B. Crane <br />Clerk Earl E. Smith <br />Trustee Melford C. Christensen <br />Donald Hodges <br />Perry Malvin <br />Attorney Richard Meyers <br />EnYineer E: V. Comstock <br />I)paty Clerk Betty Walbridge <br />Treasurer Irene <br />The minutes of the preNions meeting was read and corrected to read that <br />Trastee Melford C. ChrisTensea lvts absent at the meeting held January 2 <br />/960, at the v:i.lIage off'zc=. <br />Motion by Smith s&onded br Christensen that a letter be written by the <br />Clerk to ail thoee who ar--.2 normally in charge of submitting .hills for Pay= <br />:ent to the village, at bills he zā€˜jimittol at least three working 4AVS <br />before the next regular (7 meeting. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />Motion by Crane seconded by Hodges that Mr. Kenneth Simonson be appointed <br />to the Recreation Committee. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />Motion by Crane that MY. Kenneth Kinstler be appointed to the Lakeside <br />Park committee and requested the council set a date for a rezoning hearing. <br />Motion by Christensen seconded by Hodges that date of hearing be set for <br />February 23, 1960 at 800 p. m. at the Edgewood JUnion High School. 5 ayes, <br />motion carried. <br />%lotion by Crane seconded by Christensen that the following citizens be <br />appointed to the Planning Committee as recommended by Mr. Stole: Phyllis <br />Robertue, 3 year term expiring December 31, 1962; Henry Carnes, 3 year term <br />expiring December 31, 1962' %ndArthur McClure, 2 year term expiriig December <br />31, 1961, 5 ayes, motion carr:ed. <br />Motion by Crane seconded by Smith, that Ingo Hauge be rea7pointed to the <br />Planning Committee for a three year term, said term to expire December 31, <br />1962. 5 ayes motion carried, <br />Motion by Crane seconil Y.7.1vin that copies of the Planning Report be <br />given to the mr,wspari= 3tor, interested county offices, and Histor- <br />ical Society for infmatou. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />Piehowski, %AO:rag lisl)ector presented a letter from Ur. George W. <br />1- requesting pormissioL to add on Lc the side of a house to be purchased <br />by him, said addition to co-e within 4 Cset of the lot line. Letter also <br />contained permisson f'e- i 11(:7 Motion by Crane, <br />The render meeti of t VillaF of 711Incis View was called to order at <br />8:00 :n. Tuesday, Febru 1. 1960 at tho village hall 1450 West Highway 96 <br />New Brighton 12, Minnesota, <br />