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Council Minutes 1960
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Present were: <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Mayor: Allan B. Crane <br />Clerk: Earl E. Smith <br />Trustees: Melford C. Christensen <br />Donald Hodges <br />Perry Malvin <br />Attorney: Richard G. Meyers <br />Engineers: E.Y. Comstock <br />Lester Knutson <br />The regular meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was <br />called to order at 8:03 P.M., March 14, 1960, at the Red Oak <br />School, Sherwood Road and Red Oak Drive, Minneapolis 21, Minn. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting of February lot, 1960 were <br />read and corrected to read as follows: Fourth paragraph stating <br />motion by Crane that Mr. Kenneth Kinstler be appointed to the <br />Lakeside Park Committee. Upon question by citizens present and <br />the council regarding the fact that Mr. Kinetler may not be able to <br />attend many meetings, Mayor Crane withdrew his motion and the <br />appointment was tabled until next regular meeting. The remainder <br />of the fourth paragraph to become a new paragraph and to read that <br />Mr. Stole, Chairman of the Planning Commission requested the council <br />set a date for a rezoning hearing. Motion by Christensen, seconded <br />by Hodges that the date of said hearing be set for February 23, <br />1960, 8 :00 P.M. at Edgewood Jr. High school. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />The minutes of the special meetin/ eld February 25, 1960 were <br />read and the second paragraph stating the boundaries for the <br />installation of water laterals in the Twelve Oaks area corrected to <br />yeas as follows: The area lying north of County Road H; east of <br />Fairchild Avenue, South of County Road H2 and west of Edgewood Drive <br />and extension thereof to County Road H, said plans to be prepared <br />only for those platted properties within this area. <br />The Recreation Committee submitted an amended budget of <br />$4,930.00 to the council showing the needs required for the <br />recreational program for the remainder of the year. Motion by <br />Crane seconded by Malvin that said budget be approved. 5 ayes, <br />motion carried. <br />The subject of forming a Park Board Commission was reviewed <br />and the Attorney directed to investigate the formation of such a <br />commission. <br />Motion by Crane, seconded by Christensen for approval of the <br />following appointments to the Recreation and Park Committee: <br />Term to expire December 31, 1960 Glen :likre and Earl berry. <br />Term to expire December 31, 1961 Florence Peterson and <br />Bud Eiblings <br />
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