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The regular meeting of the Mounds View Village Council and <br />executive staff was called to order by Mayor .Alan B. Crano at <br />8 :12 P. M., Monday, June 27, 1960, at tho Red Oak School at <br />Shorewood Road and Red Oak Drive. <br />Membora Present: <br />Mayor: <br />Clerk: <br />Trustees: <br />Engineer: <br />Treasurer: <br />Lttornoy: <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE' OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, Minnesota. <br />Allan B. Crane <br />Earl E. Smith <br />Melford C. Christenson <br />Donald Hodges <br />Ferry Malvin <br />C. V. Comstock <br />Irene Edberg <br />Richard Meyers <br />Mr. Comstock, Village Engineer, gave a report concerning <br />the meeting with the Arden Hips Village Engineer and Attorney <br />regarding thata contract between the Village of Mounds View and <br />Arden Hills in hooking up t( the .'.rsonal sewer lino. He stated <br />that the Arsenal lino was now open to allow Arden Hills to hook <br />up and that the Army had allowed Arden Hills to negotiate with <br />other villages to sublet from their contract with the Army. rr. <br />Comstock stated that the village of Arden Hills did not wish to <br />hook up to the Arsenal line at the present time but would contr -ct <br />with Mounds View to allow this village to hook up to the line. <br />It was stated that the cost for hooking up and disposal of sewage <br />would cost the village of Mounds Vicw $1,000.00 per month beginning <br />at the time of the xaaatxaat contract. It was stated that tho <br />vilage of Mounds View would probably have to sign a contract in <br />the near future or some other village might take over the contract <br />with Arden Hills. He said this was necessary so that the Village <br />of Arden Hills would not jeopardize t'io terms of the contract wi'.h <br />the Army and lose possession of an outlet on the Arsonl line. <br />Mr. Moyers statod that he was present at the same meeting with <br />Idr. Comstock and concurred with him that this was correct. The <br />Council decided to meet with Mr. Ehlers, the fiscal agent, to <br />see if bonds could be issued for a 5 year period contract which <br />is the period the government would agroc to contract for. <br />Attorney Moyers then presented tic liquor applications to the <br />council for approval or action. Six for Offsale licenses and four <br />applications for on s :le liquor. Mr. Moyers statod that all ap- <br />plications had boon cleared and that none of the applicants had <br />a record of violations during tho last five years in accordance <br />with provisions of the liquor law. Tho following applications <br />were reviewod and action taken tioroto as follows: <br />Application of Robort and Rita Waste. Motion by Crane, se- <br />conded by Hodgos to issue an off Salo liquor license to said <br />applicants. Crano, Hodgos, Malvin, aye; Christensen and Smith, <br />No; u.otion married. <br />