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PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY <br />MINNESOTA <br />C JO 3 <br />The regular meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was <br />palled to order at ffi :00 P1 M,, Monday August 22, 1960, at the <br />Red Oak School at Sherewood Road and fed Oak Drive. <br />Members present; <br />Mayor Allan B. Crane <br />Clerk Earl E. Smith <br />Trustee Melford Q. Christensen <br />Donau C. Hodges <br />Perry Malvin <br />Attorney Richard C. Meyers <br />Engineer C, V. Comstock <br />The meeting opened to again hear petitions for water on Long <br />Lake Road; Laporte Drive and the Hillview area in general, and <br />also for water in the Knollwood area located south of Highway 10., <br />which was an extension of the previous hearing for these looations. <br />The hearing 2r this meeting resulted in a negative expression <br />for water from the citizens assembled which was contrary to the <br />previous meeting when the trmal hearing was held for this purpose <br />Haldng heard both sides of the question for water- the <br />aforementioned areas, and upon agreement by the council and citizens <br />present, Mayor Crane declared a reoess of the meeting at 10 :07 P. M. <br />to enable the audience to discuss their problems freely with the <br />council and the Engineer and to study maps of the area in whioh,the <br />water construction is proposed. <br />Mayor Crane again called the meeting to order at 10:2g P. M. <br />and moved to approve plans and call for bids on construction <br />Projeot 1960 -3 and to direot the engineer to prepare detailed <br />speoifioations for said project. Motion received no second and <br />was declared lost. The remaining members of the auncil felt that <br />previous petitions were not properly aLroulated and that both <br />meetings representing the areas in question should be heard further <br />after publidty has been accorded the areas concerned. <br />Motion by Christensen seanded by Smith to table the question <br />of oalling for bids and detailed specifications for water project <br />1960 -3 until the 29th day of August, to further hear petitions on <br />the areas in question and to consider deletions in the projeot. <br />5 ayes, motion Carried. <br />