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The regular meeting of the hounds View Villare Gounc:1 c-jled t order <br />rayor nusted at 8:00 on Eonday, January 23, 1967 at the illiare :Tall, 2401 <br />Eight:my #10, St. Paul, 1Line:Iota 55112. <br />Officials Present <br />Mayor I. d. itustad <br />Clerk Robert Walser <br />Trustee Perry Valvin <br />Trustee Gary tang <br />Trustee iiichard Johnson <br />Also Present <br />_----__ <br />Attorney icbard. ors <br />Engineer Sheldon SoehL <br />Deputy Clerk iiebhrg <br />The minutes of January 9, 1967 were recd. ns shn(rectee ny tee 'ionacil the <br />following corrections were made: <br />1. The male of the construction company ment2•ned io tbc amend,ent to the <br />Engineer's appointment motiAl changed from Lametti :s,-1(7. Sons to inter isnietti °on- <br />struction Company. <br />2. Cost cf aushing tank for maintenance department changed from ::.roune: 1:2,Uq.,J3 <br />to around aL. <br />3. Insorg Mayor kustadic answer to a question Cron the .decer concern2ag the <br />single job classification for all !aintenance ten. Mayor nustad pointed rut the <br />union had specifically requested that all maintenance men be classific:e 1,n snd <br />receive the name salary. <br />4. Correction of statement by the Engineer concerning the catch hasin at :±11— <br />view anC Quincy to read: The Engineer indicated tat nament for the coin-loth( catch <br />basin and drainage project at fillciew end Quincy has ,oen submitted for stay r.1 <br />reliabnxnenont of the apnroximate :,)3,300 cost. <br />5. The license fmr busie 3einice Enc. on tin) 1;censes for aroroval sbset wfa. <br />listed an the second iten lulder the "Generdl Contr ctqrs" heading instead of bei <br />listed separately under "busic ddress" heading. <br />liOTTTI!.7 made, (austad) seconded (Lang), to • 7110- She ss onrrected. <br />n :Arri.c:', 5 Ayes <br />lot split, 1: • 1. •• : .2 • :.• <br />to tile evatter. Mr. ..• • (. • . : <br />