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PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />September 25, 1967 <br />The Regular Meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was called <br />to order by Mayor Rustad at 8:00 P.M., on Monday, September 25, 1967 <br />at the Village Hall, 2401 Highway #10, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112. <br />Present: <br />Mayor Rusted <br />Clerk Walser <br />Trustee Johnson <br />Trustee Lang <br />Trustee Malvin <br />A petition was read requesting street lights. <br />Also Present: <br />Attorney Meyer <br />Engineer Boehm <br />M /S /P (Lang/Rustad) To approve the minutes of August 28, 1967. 5 Ayes <br />M /S /P (Lang Rustad) To approve the minutes of September 18, 1967.4 Ayes <br />(Malvin Abstaining) <br />Mr. Leo Cavanaugh discussed with the Council the possible rezoning of <br />shopping center property to Light Industrial. The plating company <br />would be considered a metal assembly plant. A 15,000 square foot <br />building, about 50 people initially, water use of about 2,000,000 <br />gallons per month. A discussion of proposed use seemed to indicate <br />it was generally favorable to the Council and it was recommended <br />they submit plans to tie Planning Commission. <br />M /S /P (Rustad/Malvin) To order NSP to install street Lights at <br />Sherwood and Jackson and the east end of LaPort Drive near Jackson.5 Ayes <br />Bob Shelquist of the Mounds View Jaycees thanked the Council, Civil <br />Defense, Wally Skiba, and Don Hodges Sons, Ron Fagerstrom and other <br />volumteer firemen, Mr. Edmond (Electrical Inspector), Gene Skiba of <br />the Bulletin and the approximate 3,000 people that helped to make <br />the first Indian Summer Days a success. <br />Mayor Rusted commended the Jaycees on the activity. <br />Mr. Braley, 2337 Knoll Drive questioned an extra garage for antique <br />cars. Referred to Building Inspector and Planning Commission. <br />Mr. Varns wondered if the storm damage at H2 and Silver Lake !toad <br />could be cleaned up. Mr. Zylla will contact the property owner. <br />A resident wondered about progress with the park area at Sherwood, <br />Hillview, and Greenfield. A discussion of time and money followed. <br />Mr. Skiba was asked for an estimate for the Wednesday budget meeting. <br />tar. Joe Lemm, 5434 Erickson Road, New Brighton, requested the use <br />of the Village Hall for the 4H Club on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. <br />