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The Regular Meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Rustad at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, April 22, 1968, at the Village Hall, <br />2401 Highway ik 10, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112. <br />Present: <br />Mayor Rustad <br />Clerk Walser <br />Trustee Johnson <br />Trustee Malvin <br />Trustee Lang <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />April 22, 1968 <br />Also Present: <br />Attorney Meyers <br />Engineer Boehm <br />Minar Ford bid on pick -up truck verified as the lowest! <br />M /S /P (Johnson /Rustad) To award bid to Minar Ford at $1,875.00 with trade. 5 Ayes <br />M /S /P (Lang /Malvin) To approve the minutes of the April 8, 1968 meeting. 5 Ayes <br />Resident submitted petition for a street light at Eastwood Road and Woodale Drive. <br />M /S /P (Malvin /Johnson) To approve installation of street light at the corner of <br />Eastwood Road and Woodale Drive as shown on the NSP plan. 5 Ayes <br />Resident requested a fence around the Greenfield Park area. A light in the area would <br />help. <br />Mr. Hodges stated that the Recreation Committee is looking at chain fences for all <br />playgrounds but that they may not be able to proceed with installation as rapidly <br />as this year. <br />A ruggedized light might be considered and unmarked cars patrolling would help. <br />Motor bike riding, drinking and other carrying -on are the subject of the complaint. <br />Residents would also like to see the walkway on the corner of Greenfield Avenue <br />and Greenfield Place fenced. The Council will check on this. <br />Mr. Werner announced that the MAC hearing is in process. It has recessed until <br />next Tuesday, April 30, at the Anoka County Airport at 10:00 A.M. He asked what <br />the Council intends to do about actively opposing the two sites. <br />Mayor Rusted directed that the office contact other bordering villages to question <br />their actions. The Council will also discuss possible action. <br />Additional discussion on the petition and MAC followed. <br />The Erickson Road to Adams walkway was discussed by a resident who would like signs <br />on both ends. <br />Resident apartment 2500 County Road I has early morning dog problem. He was <br />advised to contact the dog catcher. <br />