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PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />May 17, 1971 <br />A hearing to consider a change in numbering and zip codes within the corporate <br />limits was called to order by Mayor Rustad at 7:07 P.M. on Monday, May 17, 1971 <br />at the Village Hall, 2401 Highway #10, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112. <br />Present: <br />Mayor Rustad <br />Councilman Blanchard <br />Councilman Hodges <br />Councilman Neisen <br />Councilman Johnson <br />Also Present: <br />Clerk- Administrator Zylla <br />In attendance were John Ausse and Stan Rydell of the St. Paul Postal Department, <br />Fire Chief Ron Fagerstrom and about three other persons who were residents of <br />the Village. <br />Councilman Neisen explained the background for the hearing. He stated that <br />Mounds View has two postal zones and some duplication between the two zones. <br />The concern turned to action when there was an emergency at 2209 Hillview <br />Road, of which there are two. Fire Chief Fagerstrom and some members of the <br />Mounds View Provisional League of Women Voters met with Mr. Neisen and others <br />to suggest alternatives to solving the problem. <br />Councilman Neisen stated that the committee wanted 1) east west streets renumbered, <br />2) one Mounds View zip code, 3) north south streets renumbered, and 4) all houses <br />out of order renumbered. <br />Mr. Rydell stated that Mounds View was not thinking big enough. That the postal <br />department is being forever faced with duplication of numbers and streets which <br />is leading to a metropolitan renumbering system. He stated Dakota and Washington <br />County derive their numbers by the distance they are from the State Capitol. <br />Mr. Ausse added that with problems increasing in handling mail and with computer- <br />ization, he doubted whether in two years a letter without a zip code would be <br />delivered. He mentioned the critical nature of handling costs. <br />Mr. Ausse suggested that the Council send a letter to the St. Paul Postmaster <br />asking for his advice in solving our numbering and postal zone problem. He <br />felt that action would be taken by him to assist in a solution. <br />Mr. Ausse praised the Council for their concern in trying to remedy a seemingly <br />insurmountable problem. <br />MSP (Neisen /Rustad) To hire Thomas Krueger, 2476 Ridge Lane, for temporary <br />hourly employment at a rate of $2.50 per hour as soon as a satisfactory physical <br />examine report is submitted. <br />MSP (Neisen /Hodges) To accept the bids and award the bid on the Mounds View <br />tractor (bids opened May 10th) to A M Industrial Tractors for $9,888.00 with <br />a net add of $120.00 for substituting a 73" bucket with a 79" 1 yard bucket. <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />